(a) (left) Position of stimulation and recording sites with respect to the neuronal morphology. The red circle represents the stimulation electrode; the white circles mark recording electrodes along an axon. Biphasic voltage pulses, used to stimulate the neuron, are depicted within the circular inset. The neuron was stimulated 100 times with 100 pulses at 100 Hz. Signals recorded by 10 electrodes (labeled as 1–10) are presented at the right. (right) Average APs recorded by the labeled electrodes were aligned with respect to the arrival time of the signal detected on electrode 1. Average APs, triggered by the 1st, 25th, 50th and 100th stimulation pulse, are color coded. (b) Propagation times of APs triggered by the 1st, 25th, 50th and 100th stimulation: average propagation times are presented as black dashed lines; standard errors (SEM) are color-coded and represented by pale bands. The data were obtained from the neuron shown in (a). (c) AP propagation jitters, observed during neuronal response to the 1st, 25th, 50th and 100th stimulation, are represented through color-coded curves. The data were obtained from the neuron shown in (a). (d) Individual AP trials, triggered by the 1st and 100th stimulation are colored in green and yellow; the APs were recorded near 5 axonal sites (labeled as 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9) that correspond to the sites marked in (a, c); the recorded signals were aligned with respect to the arrival time of APs detected on electrode 1; aligned signals, triggered by the 1st and 100th stimulation pulse, were superimposed and centered with respect to occurrence time for the sake of comparison; the peaks of individual APs` were magnified and projected onto raster plots. Note the differences in the jitter of AP trials triggered by the 1st and 100th stimulation pulse. (e) Deceleration of AP propagation during high-frequency stimulation: the average AP propagation times, observed during neuronal response to the 1st, 25th, 50th and 100th stimulation pulse, are presented through color-coded circles; the data obtained from four neurons (12 axonal branches in total) are jointly displayed; fitted lines were obtained by using linear regression. Inset: the color-coded histogram shows AP propagation velocities during neuronal response to the 1st, 25th, 50th and 100th stimulation pulse; the values were calculated from the slope of the linear regression. (f) Increase in AP propagation jitter during high-frequency stimulation: the AP propagation jitter, observed during neuronal response to the 1st, 25th, 50th and 100th stimulation, are presented through color-coded circles; the data obtained from four neurons (12 axonal branches in total) are jointly displayed; the fitted lines were obtained using linear regression of the variance of the arrival times against axial distance. Inset: the color-coded histogram shows the propagation jitter observed during neuronal response to the 1st, 25th, 50th and 100th stimulation; the values were calculated from the square root of the slope of the linear regression. Axial distances in (b), (c), (e) and (f) were measured along the specific observed axonal branch with all its turns; they are also depending on the electrode pitch (17.8 µm center-to-center pitch).