Entorhinal cortex receptive fields are modulated by spatial attention, even without movement

  1. Niklas Wilming  Is a corresponding author
  2. Peter König
  3. Seth König
  4. Elizabeth A Buffalo
  1. University of Osnabrück, Germany
  2. University of Washington School of Medicine, Washington National Primate Research Center, United States
  3. University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
6 figures, 1 table and 1 additional file


Task design and recording location.

(A) Monkeys were trained to maintain central fixation while a dot moved across the screen and were rewarded for releasing a response bar when they detected a color change of the moving dot. Dot …

Simulation of units from grid-like firing fields.

Panel (A) shows how the dot’s trajectory and a 2D firing field generate the time varying firing rate for a simulated unit. Panel (B) shows how different amounts of noise influence the reconstructed …

Classification of grid cells.

Gray filled circles indicate gridness and firing field modulation index values for our recorded EC units. Solid curves show contours of the log likelihood ratio (in deciban) that indicates evidence …

Ellipse fitting on 2D autocorrelation maps.

(A) shows one example 2D autocorrelation function and fitted ellipse that passes through six peaks. (B) shows a set of candidate ellipses with hexagonal peaks and valleys. To identify best-fitting …

Evaluation of gridness score implementation and log likelihood ratio classification.

Panel (A) shows ROC curves for separating simulated grid-like units and simulated units with homogeneous firing fields. Panel (B) compares using only the gridness score with our approach of …

Rate maps (left) and autocorrelation functions (right) for all recorded EC cells.

Numbers on top give the firing field modulation index (F) and the gridness score (G).



Table 1
Number of recorded units (included/excluded) for each monkey and area.

Additional files

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