Fast-backward replay of sequentially memorized items in humans

  1. Qiaoli Huang  Is a corresponding author
  2. Jianrong Jia
  3. Qiming Han
  4. Huan Luo  Is a corresponding author
  1. Peking University, China
11 figures and 1 additional file


Paradigm for Experiment 1(1-item memory task) and illustration of the TRF approach.

(A) A central arrow cue was first presented to indicate which of the bars the participants should examine. A sample array containing two bars then appeared and participants were asked to memorize …
Figure 2 with 4 supplements
Results for Experiment 1 (1-item memory task).

(A) Grand average (N = 18) time-frequency power profile for memory-related (WM, left) and non-memory-related (NWM, right) TRFs as a function of latency (0 – 0.6 s) and frequency (0 – 30 Hz) for all …
Figure 2—figure supplement 1
Validation of TRF response.

(A) TRF temporal waveforms of two representative subjects (upper panel) and grand average results (N = 18; lower panel, shaded areas represent SEM across subjects), calculated by the linear …
Figure 2—figure supplement 2
TRF waveforms in channel-of-interest (Pz, P1, P2) in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 and the TRF power spectrum.

(A) TRF waveforms for Experiment 1. Grand average (N = 18) WM-TRF (red line, mean ±SEM), and NWM-TRF waveforms (black line, mean ±SEM). (B) TRF waveforms for Experiment 2. Grand average (N = 19) 1st-…
Figure 2—figure supplement 3
Alpha-mediated memory effect did not show spatial lateralization, and analysis within other frequencies.

(A) Grand average distribution map for the normalized WM-NWM alpha-band (8–11 Hz) power difference when the probe was presented in the left visual field (left panel) or right visual field (middle …
Figure 2—figure supplement 4
Control analysis and eye movement distribution.

(A) The alpha-band activities were filtered out before TRF calculation, resulting in a lack of alpha-band activities in TRF responses (compared to Figure 2A). The results are consistent with …
Figure 3 with 2 supplements
Paradigm and results for Experiment 2 (two-item sequence memory task)(A) Participants were first presented with a sample array containing three bars with different orientations and different colors.
Figure 3—figure supplement 1
Control analysis.

(A) Grand average (N = 19, Experiment 2) alpha-band power time courses (mean ±SEM) for the difference between 1st-WM-TRF and 2nd-WM-TRF responses. (B) Correlation coefficient for the 1st-WM-TRF – 2nd
Figure 3—figure supplement 2
Paradigm and results for three-item sequence memory task (N = 15).

(A) Four T-like items with different colors and different orientations were first presented. Three of the four items were randomly selected and serially cued, and participants were asked to memorize …
Figure 4 with 1 supplement
Relationship between memory behavior and alpha-band TRF profiles.

(A) Participants in Experiment 1 were grouped based on the memory behavioral accuracy into ‘high-performance’ and ‘low-performance’. Grand average (mean ±SEM) memory accuracy (MA) for all …
Figure 4—figure supplement 1
Permutation test of the backward sequential reactivation for the high-recency and low-recency groups in Experiment 2.

(A) Experiment 2 results. Cross-correlation coefficients between the normalized alpha-band profile of the 1st-WM-TRF and the 2nd-WM-TRF responses for the high-recency group (blue line, n = 9) and …
Response bias control and pooled results.

(A) Grand average (mean ±SEM) target probability estimation in the control study (N = 11) for the 1st (red) and 2nd (blue) memorized orientation. The 2nd WM showed larger target probability than the …
Author response image 3
TRF responses for the single color probe experiment (as suggested by reviewer 4, two subjects).
Author response image 4
TRF response for a new dataset in another experiment (N = 13).
Author response image 5
Alpha power time courses for left and right probe.
Author response image 6
Color Control experiment (N = 6).

Six subjects were presented with single color probes (blue or red), while performing a central fixation task. The TRF response was calculated for red and blue color probes respectively (Red-TRF and …

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