An afferent white matter pathway from the pulvinar to the amygdala facilitates fear recognition

Global and local probabilistic tractography reconstructions of the subcortical route to the amygdala.
Fibres reconstructed between the superior colliculus and the pulvinar are shown in (A) and between the pulvinar and amygdala in (B). Both (A) and the top row of (B) show 3D-renders of the major ROIs (amygdala in pink, pulvinar in orange, superior colliculus in green), as well as the left anterior thalamic radiation (orange) and the right corticospinal tract (pink). The reconstructed fibres for all participants are rendered by semi-transparent white streamlines. Streamlines of a single example participant are shown below in boxes. The bottom half of (B) shows a different, top-down perspective of the pulvinar to amygdala pathway, illustrating the right inferior frontal occipital fasciculus (light blue) and the left inferior longitudinal fasciculus (dark blue). (C) shows the global fibre counts (left graph) and average fibre density (right graph) for global and local tractography, respectively (SC-PUL in yellow, PUL-AMG in purple). Group average is indicated by solid white line, with dotted lines indicating the 95% confidence interval. (D) shows the average number of fibres terminating in each subregion of the pulvinar and amygdala, for both global and local tractography. 3D renders of the subregions (colour-coded to match the graphs) are shown on the left. Graphs of the number of fibres terminating in pulvinar subregions are shown for tracts connecting the superior colliculus and pulvinar (first and second graphs) and the pulvinar and amygdala (third and fourth graphs), while fibres terminating in amygdala subregions are shown for tracts connecting the pulvinar and amygdala (fifth and sixth graphs). Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.

Relationship between behavioural performance and tractography.
(A) Histograms of scores (out of eight) for correctly recognising the emotional expression of angry, fearful, and sad faces from the Penn Recognition Test. Normal distribution function is plotted. (B) The relationships between recognition of angry (purple), fearful (red), and sad (blue) faces (x-axes) and the predicted local fibre densities for the left (top row) and right (bottom row) PUL-AMG connection (y-axes), as produced by a multivariate ANOVA. Fearful face recognition accuracy was significantly related to local fibre density for the left and right PUL-AMG connections (β and p values shown for parameter estimates from multivariate ANOVA, *p < .05).

Whole-brain fMRI activation for faces and shapes.
Face activation is shown by hot colours and shape activation is shown by cool colours. MNI coordinates are shown at the bottom. Labels indicate significant (p < 0.05, whole brain FWE) activation in the superior colliculus (SC), pulvinar (PUL), amygdala (AMG), inferior occipital gyrus (IOG), and fusiform gyrus (FG). Results are overlayed on an averaged MNI152 T1 template.

Dynamic causal modelling model space and estimated probabilities.
(A) Diagram of the model space constructed for the fMRI activation to viewing faces. The top row shows various types of model designs in the Cortical family, and the bottom row shows model designs in the Dual family (which includes a subcortical route). Each model variation included different combinations of forwards and backwards connections, indicated by dashed arrows. The model numbers are shown above each model variation. Every model contained input to the inferior occipital gyrus but some models also contained input to the superior colliculus (green) only, pulvinar (orange) only, or both (black). (B) The expected (top row) probabilities and exceedance probabilities (bottom row) for each of the 102 models. The colour of the bars indicates the different type of input for that family (i.e., SC, PUL, or both), according to A). Individual model probabilities are shown on the left (including a diagram of the winning model) and the probabilities for the families are shown on the right.

The strength of individual connections from the winning dynamic causal model.
Parameter estimates of the modulatory connection strength of the winning model. Dot plots of up to 234 participants are shown with horizontal lines for the mean and vertical lines for one standard deviation. Density distribution is represented by each violin plot. The long horizontal dotted line across the graph represents the prior (set to 1), where * indicates the connection was significantly greater than 1 (p<0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). A diagram of the winning model (left and right hemispheres are shown) is at the top right. Greyed-out connections indicate those that were not significant.

The relationship between structural and effective connectivity for the subcortical route.
(A and B) show 3D renders of the ROIs used in the dynamic causal modelling stage. A = anterior, p = posterior, R = right, L = left. (A) 3D-rendered tracks generated by global tractography overlaid for all 622 participants (pink/orange for PUL-AMG, green/yellow for SC-PUL). (B) Direction of information flow according to the winning dynamic causal model (exceedance probability = 98.01%) illustrated using an axial view of the network. Dotted lines indicate subcortical input/connections. (C) Positive correlation between global track count for the left and right PUL-AMG connections and the modulatory strength of the same connection in the winning effective connectivity model (with 95% CI shown).

Participants with above or below threshold fMRI signal in all VOIs for inclusion into DCM stage.
Threshold was set at p<0.05 uncorrected, using the [Faces – Shapes] contrast. Each column is a participant (N = 622) and each row is a different region (SC = superior colliculus, PUL = pulvinar, AMG = amygdala, FG = fusiform gyrus, IOG = inferior occipital gyrus) with two sessions each (i.e. each fMRI run) per hemisphere (L = left, R = right). Red indicates below-threshold signal and green indicates above-threshold signal. The bottom row (‘ALL’) indicates whether the participants were included or excluded from further DCM analysis, based on whether they had any below-threshold VOIs.

Global tractography fibre counts.
2 (pathway: SC-PUL, PUL-AMG)×2 (hemisphere: left, right) design. Four outliers removed out of 622.
Outliers removed | ANOVA main effects | t-tests for Simple Effects | ||||||
Effect | Df | F | P | ηp2 | Df | T | P | |
* Pathway | (3,4) | 433.286 | 2.842 × 10−73* | 0.413 | ||||
* Hemisphere | (3,4) | 7.583 | 0.006 * | 0.012 | ||||
* Pathway × Hemisphere | (1,616) | 16.025 | 7.000 × 10−5* | 0.025 | ||||
Left vs.Right SC-PUL | 617 | 1.013 | .311 | |||||
* Left vs. Right PUL-AMG | 617 | −9.785 | 4.070 × 10−21* | |||||
Pathway × Head Motion | (1,616) | 0.313 | .576 | 5.090 × 10-4 * | ||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,616) | 0.055 | .813 | 9.100 × 10-5 * | ||||
Pathway × Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,616) | 0.332 | .710 | 2.250 × 10-4 * | ||||
No Outliers Removed | * Pathway | (1,620) | 32.416 | 2.194 × 10−8* | .049 | |||
* Hemisphere | (1,620) | 9.175 | .003 * | .015 | ||||
* Pathway × Hemisphere | (1,620) | 5.807 | .016 * | .009 | ||||
Left vs. Right SC-PUL | 621 | 0.654 | .514 | |||||
* Left vs. Right PUL-AMG | 621 | −8.904 | 5.906 × 10−18* | |||||
Pathway × Head Motion | (1,620) | 0.030 | .863 | 4.800 × 10−5 | ||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,620) | 1.155 | .283 | .002 | ||||
Pathway × Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,620) | 0.332 | .565 | .001 |
*p <.05
Local tractography fibre counts.
2 (pathway: SC-PUL, PUL-AMG)×2 (hemisphere: left, right) design. Thirteen outliers removed out of 622.
Outliers removed | ANOVA main effects | t-tests for Simple Effects | ||||||
Effect | Df | F | P | ηp2 | Df | T | P | |
* Pathway | (1,607) | 69.586 | 4.930 × 10−16* | 0.103 | ||||
Hemisphere | (1,607) | 1.387 | 0.239 | 0.002 | ||||
* Pathway × Hemisphere | (1,607) | 162.48 | 3.828 × 10−33* | 0.211 | ||||
* Left vs. Right SC-PUL | 608 | 10.749 | 8.596 × 10−25* | |||||
* Left vs. Right PUL-AMG | 608 | −18.205 | 1.960 × 10−59* | |||||
Pathway × Head Motion | (1,607) | 1.815 | .178 | .003 | ||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,607) | 1.39 | .239 | .002 | ||||
Pathway × Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,607) | 1.425 | .233 | .002 | ||||
No Outliers Removed | * Pathway | (1,620) | 59.749 | 4.365 × 10−14* | .088 | |||
Hemisphere | (1,620) | 0.757 | .385 | .001 | ||||
* Pathway ×Hemisphere | (1,620) | 116.962 | 4.316 × 10−25* | .159 | ||||
* Left vs. Right SC-PUL | 621 | 9.378 | 1.243 × 10−19* | |||||
* Left vs. Right PUL-AMG | 621 | −17.515 | 4.068 × 10−56* | |||||
Pathway × Head Motion | (1,620) | 1.222 | .269 | .002 | ||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,620) | 1.511 | .219 | .002 | ||||
Pathway × Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,620) | 0.617 | .433 | .001 |
*p <.05
Global tractography fibre counts (terminations in pulvinar subregions) for SC-PUL.
5 (cluster: inferior, medial, anterior, superior, lateral)×2 (hemisphere: left, right) design. Ten outliers removed out of 622.
Outliers removed | ANOVA main effects | t-tests for Simple Effects | ||||||
Effect | Df | F | P | ηp2 | Df | T | P | |
Hemisphere | (1,610) | 3.817 | .051 | .090 | ||||
* Cluster | (3,2060) | 214.015 | 1.584 × 10−133* | .260 | ||||
*Hemisphere × Cluster | (3,2014) | 23.624 | 2.870 × 10−16* | .037 | ||||
* Left: Inferior vs. Anterior | 611 | 4.820 | 1.815 × 10−6* | |||||
* Left: Anterior vs. Medial | 611 | 2.754 | 0.006 * | |||||
* Left: Medial vs. Lateral | 611 | 11.635 | 2.114 × 10−28* | |||||
* Left: Lateral vs. Superior | 611 | 15.938 | 4.456 × 10−48* | |||||
* Right:Anterior vs. Inferior | 611 | 4.228 | 2.715 × 10−5* | |||||
* Right: Inferior vs. Lateral | 611 | 13.982 | 9.574 × 10−39* | |||||
Right: Lateral vs. Medial | 611 | 2.045 | 0.041 | |||||
* Right: Medial vs. Superior | 611 | 21.108 | 1.076 × 10−74* | |||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,610) | 0.620 | 0.431 | .001 | ||||
Cluster × Head Motion | (3,2060) | 0.478 | 0.720 | .001 | ||||
Hemisphere × Cluster × Head Motion | (3,2014) | 0.306 | 0.840 | .001 | ||||
No Outliers Removed | * Hemisphere | (1,620) | 5.749 | .017 * | .009 | |||
* Cluster | (1,913) | 52.174 | 2.998 × 10−17* | .078 | ||||
*Hemisphere × Cluster | (3,1743) | 16.591 | 4.129 × 10−10* | .026 | ||||
* Left: Inferior vs. Anterior | 621 | 4.191 | 3.200 × 10-5 * | |||||
Left: Anterior vs. Medial | 621 | 2.314 | .021 | |||||
* Left: Medial vs. Lateral | 621 | 6.385 | 3.361 × 10-10 * | |||||
* Left: Lateral vs. Superior | 621 | 14.235 | 5.357 × 10-40 * | |||||
* Right: Anterior vs. Inferior | 621 | 3.695 | 2.390 × 10-5 * | |||||
* Right: Inferior vs. Lateral | 621 | 7.619 | 9.590 × 10-14 * | |||||
Right:Lateral vs. Medial | 621 | −0.187 | .852 | |||||
* Right: Medial vs. Superior | 621 | 12.957 | 3.715 × 10-34 * | |||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,620) | 1.555 | .213 | .003 | ||||
Cluster × Head Motion | (1,913) | 0.159 | .786 | 2.570 × 10−4 | ||||
Hemisphere × Cluster × Head Motion | (3,1743) | 0.706 | .539 | .001 |
*p <.05 (for t-tests, only * if <0.05 Bonferroni corrected)
Global tractography fibre counts (terminations in pulvinar subregions) for PUL-AMG.
5 (cluster: inferior, medial, anterior, superior, lateral)×2 (hemisphere: left, right) design. Sixty-eight outliers removed out of 622.
Outliers removed | ANOVA main effects | t-tests for Simple Effects | ||||||
Effect | Df | F | P | ηp2 | Df | T | P | |
* Hemisphere | (1,552) | 22.147 | 3.197 × 10−6* | .039 | ||||
* Cluster | (2,1139) | 354.261 | 2.662 × 10−123* | .391 | ||||
*Hemisphere × Cluster | (2,1135) | 15.334 | 1.946 × 10−7* | .027 | ||||
* Left: Inferior vs. Medial | 533 | 24.849 | 4.248 × 10−92* | |||||
* Left: Medial vs. Lateral | 533 | 4.209 | 2.998 × 10−5* | |||||
Left: Lateral vs. Anterior | 533 | 2.458 | .014 | |||||
* Left: Anterior vs. Superior | 533 | 4.665 | 3.868 × 10−6* | |||||
* Right:Inferior vs. Lateral | 533 | 25.742 | 1.184 × 10−96* | |||||
* Right: Lateral vs. Superior | 533 | 7.609 | 1.197 × 10−13* | |||||
Right: Superior vs. Medial | 533 | 2.044 | .041 | |||||
Right: Medial vs. Anterior | 533 | 4.133 | 4.141 × 10−5* | |||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,552) | 1.067 | .302 | .002 | ||||
Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1139) | 1.885 | .151 | .003 | ||||
Hemisphere ×Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1135) | 0.601 | .553 | .001 | ||||
No Outliers Removed | * Hemisphere | (1,620) | 33.464 | 1.152 × 10-8 * | .051 | |||
* Cluster | (2,1153) | 320.406 | 3.145 × 10-105 * | .341 | ||||
*Hemisphere × Cluster | (2,1390) | 14.935 | 9.810 × 10-8 * | .024 | ||||
* Left:Inferior vs. Anterior | 621 | 23.865 | 8.002 × 10-90 * | |||||
Left: Anterior vs. Medial | 621 | 3.099 | .002 | |||||
* Left: Medial vs. Lateral | 621 | 3.021 | .003 | |||||
* Left:Lateral vs. Superior | 621 | 3.835 | 1.380 × 10-4 * | |||||
* Right: Anterior vs. Inferior | 621 | 25.424 | 2.827 × 10-98 * | |||||
* Right: Inferior vs. Lateral | 621 | 7.909 | 1.190 × 10-14 * | |||||
Right: Lateral vs. Medial | 621 | 0.657 | .511 | |||||
* Right: Medial vs. Superior | 621 | 3.925 | 9.600 × 10-5 * | |||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,620) | 0.278 | .598 | 4.490 × 10−4 | ||||
Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1153) | 1.134 | .319 | .002 | ||||
Hemisphere × Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1390) | 0.512 | .620 | .001 |
*p <.05 (for t-tests, only * if <0.05 Bonferroni corrected).
Global tractography fibre counts (terminations in amygdala subregions) for PUL-AMG.
3 (cluster: centromedial, basolateral, superficial)×2 (hemisphere: left, right) design. Sixteen outliers removed.
Outliers removed | ANOVA main effects | t-tests for Simple Effects | ||||||
Effect | Df | F | P | ηp2 | Df | T | P | |
Hemisphere | (1,604) | 1.419 | .234 | .002 | ||||
* Cluster | (2,1161) | 80.779 | 1.909 × 10-32 * | .118 | ||||
* Hemisphere × Cluster | (2,1171) | 28.278 | 2.060 × 10-12 * | .045 | ||||
* Left: Basolateral vs. Centromedial | 605 | 8.741 | 2.279 × 10-17 * | |||||
* Left: Centromedial vs. Superficial | 605 | 5.354 | 1.222 × 10-7 * | |||||
* Right: Basolateral vs. Superficial | 605 | 11.515 | 7.018 × 10-28 * | |||||
* Right: Superficial vs. Centromedial | 605 | 10.700 | 1.376 × 10-24 * | |||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,604) | 0.586 | .444 | .695 × 10−4 | ||||
Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1161) | 0.892 | .407 | .001 | ||||
Hemisphere × Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1171) | 0.261 | .764 | 4.315 × 10−4 | ||||
No Outliers Removed | Hemisphere | (1,620) | 2.295 | .130 | .004 | |||
* Cluster | (2,1212) | 79.253 | 2.017 × 10-32 * | .113 | ||||
* Hemisphere × Cluster | (2,1201) | 27.754 | 3.363 × 10-12 * | .043 | ||||
* Left: Basolateral vs. Centromedial | 621 | 8.806 | 1.284 × 10-17 * | |||||
* Left: Centromedial vs. Superficial | 621 | 5.119 | 4.098 × 10-7 * | |||||
* Right: Basolateral vs. Superficial | 621 | 11.753 | 6.132 × 10-29 * | |||||
* Right: Superficial vs. Centromedial | 621 | 10.027 | 4.961 × 10-22 * | |||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,620) | 0.014 | .907 | 2.200 × 10−4 | ||||
Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1212) | 0.515 | .593 | .001 | ||||
Hemisphere × Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1201) | 0.164 | .842 | 2.650 × 10−4 |
*p <.05 (for t-tests, only * if <0.05 Bonferroni corrected)
Local tractography fibre counts (terminations in pulvinar subregions) for SC-PUL.
5 (cluster: inferior, medial, anterior, superior, lateral)×2 (hemisphere: left, right) design. Sixty-seven outliers removed out of 622.
Outliers removed | ANOVA main effects | t-tests for Simple Effects | ||||||
Effect | Df | F | P | ηp2 | Df | T | P | |
* Hemisphere | (1,553) | 23.577 | 1.564 × 10-6 * | .041 | ||||
* Cluster | (2,1010) | 873.922 | 6.337 × 10-209 * | .612 | ||||
*Hemisphere × Cluster | (2,1176) | 64.370 | 1.002 × 10-28 * | .104 | ||||
* Left: Anterior vs. Inferior | 554 | 22.373 | 1.709 × 10-79 * | |||||
* Left: Inferior vs. Medial | 554 | 9.742 | 8.353 × 10-21 * | |||||
* Left:Medial vs. Lateral | 554 | 30.710 | 1.089 × 10-121 * | |||||
*Left:Lateral vs. Superior | 554 | 16.514 | 4.103 × 10-50 * | |||||
* Right:Anterior vs. Inferior | 554 | 39.241 | 4.436 × 10-162 * | |||||
* Right: Inferior vs. Medial | 554 | 9.157 | 1.022 × 10-18 * | |||||
* Right: Medial vs. Lateral | 554 | 25.287 | 2.203 × 10-94 * | |||||
* Right:Lateral vs. Superior | 554 | 15.213 | 6.282 × 10-44 * | |||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,553) | 0.358 | 0.550 | .001 | ||||
Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1010) | 0.495 | 0.593 | .001 | ||||
Hemisphere × Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1176) | 0.604 | 0.557 | .001 | ||||
No Outliers Removed | * Hemisphere | (1,620) | 23.600 | 2.000 × 10-6 * | .037 | |||
* Cluster | (2,1244) | 831.764 | 1.817 × 10-230 * | .573 | ||||
*Hemisphere × Cluster | (2,1354) | 69.262 | 1.107 × 10-31 * | .100 | ||||
* Left: Anterior vs. Inferior | 621 | 22.745 | 9.069 × 10-84 * | |||||
* Left:Inferior vs. Medial | 621 | 8.436 | 2.312 × 10-16 * | |||||
* Left:Medial vs. Lateral | 621 | 29.562 | 1.448 × 10-120 * | |||||
*Left:Lateral vs. Superior | 621 | 13.832 | 3.972 × 10-39 * | |||||
* Right: Anterior vs. Inferior | 621 | 39.100 | 1.326 × 10-169 * | |||||
* Right:Inferior vs. Medial | 621 | 7.436 | 3.463 × 10-13 * | |||||
* Right:Medial vs. Lateral | 621 | 23.544 | 4.380 × 10-88 * | |||||
* Right:Lateral vs. Superior | 621 | 12.964 | 3.461 × 10-34 * | |||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,620) | 0.161 | .688 | 2.60 × 10−4 | ||||
Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1244) | 0.830 | .437 | .001 | ||||
Hemisphere × Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1354) | 1.023 | .365 | .002 |
*p <.05 (for t-tests, only * if <0.05 Bonferroni corrected)
Local tractography fibre counts (terminations in pulvinar subregions) for AMG-PUL.
5 (cluster: inferior, medial, anterior, superior, lateral)×2 (hemisphere: left, right) design. Seventy-eight outliers removed out of 622.
Outliers removed | ANOVA main effects | t-tests for Simple Effects | ||||||
Effect | Df | F | P | ηp2 | Df | T | P | |
* Hemisphere | (1,542) | 108.301 | 3.019 × 10-23 * | .167 | ||||
* Cluster | (1,544) | 2159.827 | 9.415 × 10-192 * | .799 | ||||
*Hemisphere × Cluster | (1,544) | 105.772 | 7.093 × 10-23 * | .163 | ||||
* Left: Inferior vs. Lateral | 543 | 57.694 | 8.996 × 10-234 * | |||||
* Left: Lateral vs. Medial | 543 | 10.633 | 4.080 × 10-24 * | |||||
* Left: Medial vs. Anterior | 543 | 12.744 | 9.913 × 10-33 * | |||||
* Left: Anterior vs. Superior | 543 | 5.897 | 6.503 × 10-9 * | |||||
* Right: Inferior vs. Lateral | 543 | 59.079 | 1.332 × 10-238 * | |||||
* Right: Lateral vs. Superior | 543 | 27.277 | 7.886 × 10-104 * | |||||
* Right: Superior vs. Anterior | 543 | 14.006 | 2.839 × 10-38 * | |||||
Right: Anterior vs. Medial | 543 | 0.815 | .416 | |||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,542) | 4.749 | .030 * | 0.009 | ||||
Cluster × Head Motion | (1,544) | 19.569 | 1.146 × 10-5 * | 0.035 | ||||
Hemisphere × Cluster × Head Motion | (1,544) | 4.689 | .031 * | 0.009 | ||||
No Outliers Removed | * Hemisphere | (1,620) | 110.587 | 6.523 × 10-24 * | .151 | |||
* Cluster | (1,622) | 2139.649 | 4.887 × 10-204 * | .775 | ||||
*Hemisphere × Cluster | (1,624) | 107.010 | 2.219 × 10-23 * | .147 | ||||
* Left: Inferior vs. Lateral | 621 | 57.120 | 2.174 × 10-249 * | |||||
* Left: Lateral vs. Medial | 621 | 10.169 | 1.427 × 10-22 * | |||||
* Left:Medial vs. Anterior | 621 | 10.609 | 2.812 × 10-24 * | |||||
*Left: Anterior vs. Superior | 621 | 5.153 | 3.446 × 10-7 * | |||||
* Right: Inferior vs. Lateral | 621 | 61.529 | 1.963 × 10-266 * | |||||
* Right:Lateral vs. Superior | 621 | 24.241 | 7.327 × 10-92 * | |||||
Right: Superior vs. Anterior | 621 | 10.891 | 2.122 × 10-25 * | |||||
Right: Anterior vs. Medial | 621 | 0.227 | .821 | |||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,620) | 4.775 | .029 * | .147 | ||||
Cluster × Head Motion | (1,622) | 19.739 | 1.000 × 10-5 * | .031 | ||||
Hemisphere × Cluster × Head Motion | (1,624) | 4.568 | .033 | .007 |
*p <.05 (for t-tests, only * if <0.05 Bonferroni corrected)
Local tractography fibre counts (terminations in amygdala subregions) for PUL-AMG.
3 (cluster: centromedial, basolateral, superficial)×2 (hemisphere: left, right) design. Thirty-seven outliers removed out of 622.
Outliers removed | ANOVA main effects | t-tests for Simple Effects | ||||||
Effect | Df | F | P | ηp2 | Df | T | P | |
Hemisphere | (1,620) | 511.278 | 5.154 × 10-83 * | .452 | ||||
* Cluster | (2,989) | 308.079 | 7.593 × 10-88 * | .332 | ||||
*Hemisphere × Cluster | (2,1201) | 27.754 | 3.363 × 10-12 * | .043 | ||||
* Left: Basolateral vs. Centremedial | 621 | 10.374 | 2.323 × 10-23 * | |||||
* Left: Centromedial vs. Superficial | 621 | 19.573 | 8.248 × 10-67 * | |||||
* Right: Centromedial vs. Basolateral | 621 | 25.136 | 1.037 × 10-96 * | |||||
* Right: Basolateral vs. Superficial | 621 | 27.037 | 5.308 × 10-107 * | |||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,620) | 296.624 | .015 * | .009 | ||||
Cluster × Head Motion | (2,989) | 0.050 | 4.774 × 10−84 | .324 | ||||
Hemisphere × Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1201) | 0.917 | .380 | .001 | ||||
No Outliers Removed | Hemisphere | (1,620) | 511.278 | 5.154 × 10-83 * | .452 | |||
* Cluster | (2,989) | 308.079 | 7.593 × 10-88 * | .332 | ||||
*Hemisphere × Cluster | (2,1201) | 27.754 | 3.363 × 10-12 * | .043 | ||||
* Left: Basolateral vs. Centremedial | 621 | 10.374 | 2.323 × 10-23 * | |||||
* Left: Centromedial vs. Superficial | 621 | 19.573 | 8.248 × 10-67 * | |||||
* Right: Centromedial vs. Basolateral | 621 | 25.136 | 1.037 × 10-96 * | |||||
* Right: Basolateral vs. Superficial | 621 | 27.037 | 5.308 × 10-107 * | |||||
Hemisphere × Head Motion | (1,620) | 296.624 | .015 * | .009 | ||||
Cluster × Head Motion | (2,989) | 0.050 | 4.774 × 10−84 | .324 | ||||
Hemisphere × Cluster × Head Motion | (2,1201) | 0.917 | .380 | .001 |
*p <.05 (for t-tests, only * if <0.05 Bonferroni corrected)
Paired t-tests between local streamline count and null distribution. | N | M | SEM | 95% | T | Df | P |
Left SC- PUL | 618 | 1384.876 | 16.704 | [1352.073, 1417.68] | 82.907 | 617 | <1 × 10-243 * |
Right SC- PUL | 618 | −499.555 | 16.430 | [−531.821, –467.289] | −30.404 | 617 | 8.832 × 10-125 * |
Left PUL- AMG | 618 | 351.669 | 8.535 | [334.908, 368.431] | 41.202 | 617 | 2.722 × 10-179 * |
Right PUL-AMG | 620 | 577.535 | 10.385 | [557.142, 597.929] | 55.614 | 619 | 6.091 × 10-243 * |
*p <.05
Global tractography multivariate GLM.
Fibre counts for left and right SC-PUL and PUL-AMG entered as dependent variables. Recognition scores (out of eight) for fearful, sad, and angry expressions entered as covariates of interest. Head motion entered as covariate of no interest. Bootstrapping at 1000 iterations. Four outliers removed with residuals more than three standard deviations from the mean.
Outliers removed | Multivariate tests | ||||||
Effect | Wilk’s Λ | Df | F | P | ηp2 | ||
Fearful | .995 | (4, 609) | 0.715 | .582 | .005 | ||
Sad | .994 | (4, 609) | 0.915 | .455 | .006 | ||
Angry | .998 | (4, 609) | 0.294 | .882 | .002 | ||
Head Motion | .999 | (4, 609) | 0.223 | .926 | .001 | ||
Parameter estimates | |||||||
Dependent variable | Parameter | B | T | P | ηp2 | 95% | |
Left SC-PUL | Fearful | −0.350 | −1.583 | .114 | .004 | [−0.784, 0.084] | |
Sad | −0.312 | −1.520 | .129 | .004 | [−0.715, 0.091] | ||
Angry | −0.157 | −0.687 | .493 | .001 | [−0.607, 0.292] | ||
Head Motion | −0.359 | −0.677 | .498 | .001 | [−1.401, 0.682] | ||
Right SC-PUL | Fearful | −0.208 | −0.933 | .351 | .001 | [−0.645, 0.23] | |
Sad | −0.042 | −0.202 | .840 | 6.700 × 10−5 | [−0.448, 0.364] | ||
Angry | −0.046 | −0.197 | .844 | 6.400 × 10−5 | [−0.499, 0.408] | ||
Head Motion | −0.268 | −0.501 | .616 | 4.110 × 10−4 | [−1.317, 0.781] | ||
Left PUL-AMG | Fearful | −0.006 | −0.051 | .959 | 4.000 × 10−6 | [−0.225, 0.213] | |
Sad | −0.010 | −0.099 | .921 | 1.600 × 10−5 | [−0.213, 0.193] | ||
Angry | −0.024 | −0.205 | .837 | 6.900 × 10−5 | [−0.251, 0.203] | ||
Head Motion | 0.103 | 0.386 | .700 | 2.430 × 10−4 | [−0.422, 0.628] | ||
Left PUL-AMG | Fearful | −0.071 | −0.611 | .541 | .001 | [−0.297, 0.156] | |
Sad | 0.101 | 0.941 | .347 | .001 | [−0.11, 0.311] | ||
Angry | −0.101 | −0.846 | .398 | .001 | [−0.336, 0.134] | ||
Head Motion | −0.103 | −0.373 | .709 | 2.280 × 10−4 | [−0.647, 0.44] | ||
No Outliers Removed | Multivariate Tests | ||||||
Effect | Wilk’s Λ | df | F | p | ηp2 | ||
Fearful | .998 | (4,613) | 0.349 | .845 | .002 | ||
Sad | .994 | (4,613) | 0.957 | .430 | .006 | ||
Angry | .996 | (4,613) | 0.569 | .685 | .004 | ||
Head Motion | .998 | (4,613) | 0.287 | .886 | .002 | ||
Parameter Estimates | |||||||
Dependent Variable | Parameter | B | t | p | ηp2 | 95% CI | |
Left SC-PUL | Fearful | −0.794 | −0.809 | .419 | .001 | [−2.723, 1.134] | |
Sad | 0.053 | 0.058 | .954 | 5.000 × 10−7 | [−1.736, 1.842] | ||
Angry | 0.057 | 0.056 | .955 | 5.000 × 10−7 | [−1.938, 2.052] | ||
Head Motion | −0.147 | −0.062 | .950 | 6.000 × 10−7 | [−4.763, 4.47] | ||
Right SC-PUL | Fearful | −0.612 | −0.605 | .546 | .001 | [−2.597, 1.374] | |
Sad | 0.482 | 0.514 | .607 | 4.290 × 10−4 | [−1.36, 2.325] | ||
Angry | 0.314 | 0.3 | .764 | 1.460 × 10−4 | [−1.74, 2.369] | ||
Head Motion | −0.703 | −0.29 | .772 | 1.370 × 10−4 | [−5.458, 4.052] | ||
Left PUL-AMG | Fearful | −0.072 | −0.433 | .665 | 3.050 × 10−4 | [−0.4, 0.255] | |
Sad | 0.018 | 0.117 | .907 | 2.200 × 10−5 | [−0.286, 0.322] | ||
Angry | −0.109 | −0.631 | .529 | .001 | [−0.448, 0.23] | ||
Head Motion | 0.191 | 0.479 | .632 | 3.720 × 10−4 | [−0.593, 0.976] | ||
Left PUL-AMG | Fearful | −0.126 | −0.871 | .384 | .001 | [−0.41, 0.158] | |
Sad | 0.12 | 0.894 | .372 | .001 | [−0.144, 0.384] | ||
Angry | −0.135 | −0.905 | .366 | .001 | [−0.429, 0.158] | ||
Head Motion | −0.012 | −0.033 | .973 | 2.000 × 10−6 | [−0.692, 0.669] |
Local tractography multivariate GLM.
Average apparent fibre density for left and right SC-PUL and PUL-AMG entered as dependent variables. Recognition scores (out of eight) for fearful, sad, and angry expressions entered as covariates of interest. Head motion entered as covariate of no interest. Bootstrapping at 1000 iterations. Fifteen outliers removed with residuals more than three standard deviations from the mean.
Outliers removed | Multivariate tests | ||||||
Effect | Wilk’s Λ | Df | F | P | ηp2 | ||
* Fearful | .984 | (4,598) | 2.501 | .042 * | .016 | ||
Sad | .991 | (4,598) | 1.363 | .245 | .009 | ||
Angry | .993 | (4,598) | 1.111 | .350 | .007 | ||
* Head Motion | .977 | (4,598) | 3.451 | .008 * | .023 | ||
Parameter estimates | |||||||
Dependent variable | Parameter | B | T | P | ηp2 | 95% | |
Left SC-PUL | Fearful | 0 | −0.003 | 0.998 | 1.093 × 10−8 | [−0.163, 0.162] | |
Sad | 0.084 | 1.099 | 0.272 | 0.002 | [−0.066, 0.235] | ||
Angry | −0.078 | −0.901 | 0.368 | 0.001 | [−0.249, 0.093] | ||
Head Motion | −0.135 | −0.681 | 0.496 | 0.001 | [−0.526, 0.255] | ||
Right SC-PUL | Fearful | −0.046 | −0.645 | 0.519 | 0.001 | [−0.185, 0.094] | |
Sad | −0.008 | −0.123 | 0.902 | 2.500 × 10−5 | [−0.137, 0.121] | ||
Angry | 0.043 | 0.574 | 0.566 | 0.001 | [−0.104, 0.189] | ||
Head Motion | −0.146 | −0.859 | 0.39 | 0.001 | [−0.48, 0.188] | ||
Left PUL-AMG | *fearful | 0.14 | 2.887 | 0.004 * | 0.014 | [0.045, 0.235] | |
Sad | −0.084 | −1.855 | 0.064 | 0.006 | [−0.172, 0.005] | ||
Angry | −0.052 | −1.018 | 0.309 | 0.002 | [−0.152, 0.048] | ||
Head Motion | −0.21 | −1.802 | 0.072 | 0.005 | [−0.438, 0.019] | ||
Right PUL AMG | *fearful | 0.143 | 2.523 | 0.012 * | 0.010 | [0.032, 0.255] | |
Sad | −0.042 | −0.787 | 0.431 | 0.001 | [−0.145, 0.062] | ||
Angry | 0.041 | 0.686 | 0.493 | 0.001 | [−0.076, 0.158] | ||
* Head Motion | −0.484 | −3.55 | 4.150 × 10−4 * | 0.021 | [−0.752,–0.216] | ||
No Outliers Removed | Multivariate Tests | ||||||
Effect | Wilk’s Λ | df | F | p | ηp2 | ||
* Fearful | .983 | (4,613) | 2.669 | .031 * | .017 | ||
Sad | .993 | (4,613) | 1.080 | .366 | .007 | ||
Angry | .997 | (4,613) | 0.499 | .736 | .003 | ||
* Head Motion | .982 | (4,613) | 2.792 | .026 * | .018 | ||
Parameter Estimates | |||||||
Dependent Variable | Parameter | B | t | p | ηp2 | 95% CI | |
Left SC-PUL | Fearful | −0.006 | −0.051 | .960 | 4.000 × 10−6 | [−0.231, 0.22] | |
Sad | 0.121 | 1.138 | .255 | .002 | [−0.088, 0.33] | ||
Angry | −0.080 | −0.674 | .500 | .001 | [−0.313, 0.153] | ||
Head Motion | −0.063 | −0.229 | .819 | 8.500 × 10−5 | [−0.602, 0.477] | ||
Right SC-PUL | Fearful | −0.097 | −1.037 | .300 | .002 | [−0.28, 0.086] | |
Sad | 0.017 | 0.197 | .844 | 6.300 × 10−5 | [−0.153, 0.187] | ||
Angry | 0.023 | 0.233 | .816 | 8.800 × 10−5 | [−0.167, 0.212] | ||
Head Motion | −0.165 | −0.738 | .461 | .001 | [−0.604, 0.274] | ||
Left PUL-AMG | * Fearful | 0.137 | 2.650 | .008 * | .011 | [0.036, 0.239] | |
Sad | −0.075 | −1.563 | .119 | .004 | [−0.17, 0.019] | ||
Angry | −0.049 | −0.904 | .366 | .001 | [−0.154, 0.057] | ||
Head Motion | −0.193 | −1.554 | .121 | .004 | [−0.437, 0.051] | ||
Left PUL-AMG | * Fearful | 0.137 | 2.334 | .020 * | .009 | [0.022, 0.253] | |
Sad | −0.053 | −0.976 | .330 | .002 | [−0.16, 0.054] | ||
Angry | 0.001 | 0.019 | .985 | 6.126 × 10−7 | [−0.118, 0.121] | ||
* Head Motion | −0.465 | −3.303 | .001 * | .017 | [−0.741,–0.189] |
Partial correlations between fibre density of each pathway and the corresponding DCM parameter estimate.
Scatterplots show the fibre density (x-axis) residuals (after regressing against head motion) and the DCM parameter estimate (y-axis) residuals (after regressing against head motion). *p<0.05, Bonferroni-corrected
Global Tractography |
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Local Tractography |
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Global Tractography |
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Local Tractography |
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Local Tractography
Significance of DCM parameter estimates. removed | Parameter | M | SD | Df | T | P | 95% |
* Left SC- PUL | 1.063 | 0.115 | 229 | 8.285 | <0.001 | [1.048, 1.078] | |
* Right SC-PUL | 1.059 | 0.124 | 233 | 7.295 | <0.001 | [1.043, 1.075] | |
* Left PUL-AMG | 1.834 | 1.000 | 233 | 12.753 | <0.001 | [1.705, 1.962] | |
* Right PUL-AMG | 1.731 | 0.765 | 230 | 14.514 | <0.001 | [1.632, 1.83] | |
* Left IOG-FG | 1.685 | 0.715 | 228 | 14.485 | <0.001 | [1.592, 1.778] | |
* Right IOG-FG | 2.415 | 2.140 | 233 | 10.111 | <0.001 | [2.139, 2.69] | |
* Left FG-AMG | 1.213 | 0.258 | 233 | 12.614 | <0.001 | [1.18, 1.246] | |
* Right FG-AMG | 1.190 | 0.217 | 230 | 13.308 | <0.001 | [1.162, 1.218] | |
Left FG- IOG | 0.988 | 0.211 | 230 | −0.842 | 0.401 | [0.961, 1.016] | |
Right FG- IOG | 1.037 | 0.270 | 231 | 2.095 | 0.037 | [1.002, 1.072] | |
* Left AMG-FG | 1.813 | 1.330 | 231 | 9.306 | <0.001 | [1.641, 1.985] | |
* Right AMG-FG | 1.878 | 1.101 | 228 | 12.078 | <0.001 | [1.735, 2.022] | |
No Outliers Removed | Parameter | M | SD | df | t | p | 95% CI |
* Left SC- PUL | 1.066 | 0.157 | 236 | 6.481 | <0.001 | [1.046, 1.086] | |
* Right SC-PUL | 1.068 | 0.190 | 236 | 5.510 | <0.001 | [1.044, 1.093] | |
* Left PUL-AMG | 1.916 | 1.235 | 236 | 11.415 | <0.001 | [1.758, 2.074] | |
* Right PUL-AMG | 1.821 | 0.944 | 236 | 13.382 | <0.001 | [1.7, 1.942] | |
* Left IOG-FG | 1.864 | 1.214 | 236 | 10.957 | <0.001 | [1.709, 2.02] | |
* Right IOG-FG | 2.772 | 4.249 | 236 | 6.422 | <0.001 | [2.229, 3.316] | |
* Left FG- AMG | 1.251 | 0.446 | 236 | 8.661 | <0.001 | [1.194, 1.308] | |
* Right FG-AMG | 1.218 | 0.278 | 236 | 12.081 | <0.001 | [1.182, 1.253] | |
Left FG- IOG | 1.028 | 0.329 | 236 | 1.311 | 0.191 | [0.986, 1.07] | |
Right FG- IOG | 1.069 | 0.348 | 236 | 3.071 | 0.002 | [1.025, 1.114] | |
* Left AMG-FG | 2.057 | 2.166 | 236 | 7.517 | <0.001 | [1.78, 2.335] | |
* Right AMG-FG | 2.092 | 1.596 | 236 | 10.536 | <0.001 | [1.888, 2.296] |
*p <.001
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