A Research Communication is an article that has been through an editorial process in which the authors decide how to respond to the issues raised during peer review.
Tucked within a well-known story of diverging gene function is a single enhancer encoding two inseparable specificities that regulates two adjacent genes, each with different spatiotemporal expression patterns.
The readiness potential—a long-established neural precursor of voluntary action claimed to precede the onset of the conscious decision to move—is absent, or at least significantly reduced, for deliberate decisions.
Kishore R Mosaliganti, Ian A Swinburne ... Sean G Megason
Size regulation of the otic vesicle, the progenitor of the inner ear, is mediated by mechanical feedback involving fluid influx, hydraulic pressure, and tissue mechanics.
Orthologous proteins that continuously maintain the same molecular function do not usually diverge beyond a certain level of sequence and structural similarity.
Threonine promotes sleep via down-regulation of metabotropic GABA transmission in the ellipsoid body R2 neurons that generate homeostatic sleep drive in Drosophila.
Carinna Hockham, Supachai Ekwattanakit ... Frédéric B Piel
The incorporation of as yet underused local epidemiological data on α-thalassaemia in Southeast Asia within a geostatistical model suggests that the burden of severe α-thalassaemia forms may have been underestimated.
Mathan K Raja, Julia Preobraschenski ... John F Wesseling
Synaptophysins and gyrins dampen synaptic strength selectively at low frequencies, hinting that synaptic transmission may play a frequency filtering role in biological computation that is more general than currently envisioned.