(A) Nuclear extract (NE), and cytosolic extract (CE) were purified from human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells and the protein fractions were analyzed by western blots (WBs) to detect HTT, ATXN3, PNKP, …
Nuclear extracts (NEs) from human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells was isolated and the endogenous HTT was immunoprecipitated (IP’d) with anti-HTT antibody. The HTT immunocomplex (HTT-IC) was analyzed by …
Nuclear extracts (NEs) from human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells was isolated and the endogenous ataxin-3 was immunoprecipitated (IP’d) with anti-ataxin-3 antibody. The atxin-3 immunocomplex (ATXN3-IC) …
Endogenous PNKP was IP’d from NEs of SH-SY5Y cells and PNKP IC was analyzed by WBs to examine the presence of PNKP-associated TCR components. The original WBs show the protein bands and molecular …
POLR2A was IP’d from NEs of SH-SY5Y cells and IC was analyzed by WBs to detect the POLR2A-associated TCR proteins. Presence of HAP-1, ATXN3, PNKP, POLR2A, LIG 3, CBP, and TAFII 130 (TAF4) are shown …
Nuclear extract (NEs) was isolated from PC12 cells exogenously expressing Myc-tagged full-length wild-type normal HTT encoding 23Qs (FL-HTT-Q23), and the Myc-HTT-Q23 protein was immunoprecipitated …
Nuclear extract (NEs) was isolated from PC12 cells ectopically expressing a Myc-tagged full-length mutant HTT encoding 148Qs (FL-mHTT-Q148) for assessing the possible interaction of mutant HTT with …
(A) Proximity Ligation Analysis (PLA) was performed on normal (left) and HD (expressing mHTT-Q58, adult onset HD patient, disease grade 4/4 and manifested severe phenotypes) patient brain sections …
(A) Normal and HD postmortem brain (mHTT-Q94) sections were analyzed by double immunolabeling with antibodies against HTT (green) and PNKP (red) to assess their in vivo colocalization and possible …
(A) Schematic illustrating various functional domains of PNKP expressed as FLAG-tagged peptides: (1) full-length PNKP containing N-terminal fork-head-associated (FHA) domain, central phosphatase …
(A) Schematic showing GFP-tagged N-terminal fragment of wild-type normal HTT encoding 23Qs or mutant HTT encoding 97Qs (NT-wtHTT-Q23 and NT-mHTT-Q97 plasmid vectors respectively; upper panel). …
(A) The 3'-phosphatase activities of PNKP in the NE (250 ng each) of control (lanes 1 and 2, differentiation replicates of Q33 iPSCs), and HD neurons (lanes 3 and 4, differentiation replicates of …
Huntinton's disease models.
(A) The 3'-phosphatase activities of PNKP in the NE (250 ng each) of control (lanes 2, 3 and 4; differentiated iPSCs expressing Q18, Q28 and Q33), and HD neurons (lanes 5, 6 and 7; differentiated …
(A) The 3'-phosphatase activities of PNKP in the NE (250 ng each) of WT (Cntl: lane 2), wtHTT-Q23-expressing (lane 3), and mHTT-Q148-expressing (lane 4) PC12 cells were determined by measuring …
(A) NEs were isolated from WT PC12 cells (Cntl; lane 2) or cells expressing NT-wtHTT-Q23 (lane 3) or NT-mHTT-Q148 (lane 4), and PNKP activity was assessed. (B) Relative amounts of phosphate release …
(A) Total protein from the induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived primary control neurons (Q18 and Q28) and HD primary neurons (Q50 and Q53) was isolated and analyzed by WBs to detect …
(A) NEs isolated from the mutant SH-SY5Y cells (NT-mHTT-Q97) (lane 2) and mutant cells with PNKP overexpression (lane 3), and PNKP activity was measured. No protein was added in lane 1 (NP) and …
(A) Tissue from CTX and STR of 5 WT mouse brain (7 weeks old) was pooled and total RNA was isolated and expression levels of various genes were measured using qRT-PCR analysis. Left panel shows …
Mutant Huntingtin- mediated CBP degradation.
(A) Genomic DNA was isolated from the STR of asymptomatic zQ175 transgenic (STR from three transgenic mice were pooled) and age-matched WT control (STR from three control mice were pooled) mice. …
(A) A representative confocal image showing immunostaining of HD patients’ brain section expressing mHTT-Q58 (lower panel) and age-matched normal control brain section (upper panel) with …
(A) Control and HD primary neurons expressing Q18 and Q50 respectively were immunostained with anti-γH2AX antibody to detect DNA strand breaks (arrows). (B) Control and HD primary neurons expressing …
LA-qPCR analysis. Genomic DNA was isolated from the CTX of symptomatic (16 wks old) N171-82Q transgenic (n = 3, pooled) and age-matched control mice (n = 3, pooled), various genomic loci were PCR …
(A) Nuclear extracts (NEs) isolated from control primary neurons (Q18 and Q28) and HD neurons (Q53 and Q109) were analyzed by WBs to measure PNKP, ATXN3, POLR2A, CBP, and CREB levels; HDAC2 was the …
DNA damage precedes neurodegeneration.
Schematic diagram of our hypothesized mechanism by which polyQ expansions in mHTT compromise the functional integrity of the TCR complex. Normal HTT forms a multiprotein TCR complex with POLR2A, …