The ATP-dependent assembly of periodic nucleosome arrays was carried out with purified ACF, dNLP, core histones, ATP, relaxed plasmid DNA, and topoisomerase I (Fyodorov and Kadonaga, 2003; Khuong et al., 2017) in the absence or presence of purified Rv Dsup. (A) DNA supercoiling analysis indicates that Rv Dsup does not affect the efficiency of nucleosome assembly. Chromatin assembly reactions were performed with the indicated amounts of purified Rv Dsup. The reaction products were deproteinized and subjected to 0.8% agarose gel electrophoresis, and the DNA species were visualized by staining with ethidium bromide. Samples of supercoiled DNA and relaxed DNA were included as references. The positions of nicked DNA (N), relaxed DNA (R), and supercoiled DNA (S) are indicated. The asterisk denotes a minor amount of linear DNA that is generated by a nuclease contaminant in the chromatin assembly factors. (B) Partial MNase digestion analysis reveals an increase in the nucleosome repeat length upon incorporation of Rv Dsup into chromatin. Chromatin assembly reactions were performed as in A, and the resulting samples were partially digested with two different concentrations of MNase, deproteinized, and subjected to 1.3% agarose gel electrophoresis. Reactions with purified Drosophila histone H1 were included as a reference. The yellow squares denote the DNA fragments derived from dinucleosomes, and the green dots correspond to the DNA fragments derived from trinucleosomes. The DNA size markers (M) are the 123 bp ladder (Invitrogen). (C) Native gel electrophoresis of mono- and dinucleosome particles obtained from extensive MNase digestion of chromatin that is assembled in the absence or presence of Rv Dsup. Reactions were performed as in A and B except that the products were subjected to extensive MNase digestion followed by nondenaturing 4.5% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Reactions with histone H1 were included as a reference. The chromatin particles were detected by staining with ethidium bromide. The positions of mononucleosomes (Mono), dinucleosomes (Di), monucleosomes with Rv Dsup (Mono + Dsup), mononucleosomes with H1 (Mono + H1), and dinucleosomes with H1 (Di + H1) are indicated. (D) Dsup-mononucleosome particles generated by ACF assembly followed by MNase digestion migrate on native gels at approximately the same rate as Dsup-mononucleosome particles formed by the addition of Dsup to mononucleosomes. Native gel electrophoresis of chromatin particles was performed with salt dialysis-reconstituted mononucleosomes containing Rv Dsup (as in Figure 2A) as well as with mononucleosomes generated by MNase digestion of Rv Dsup-containing chromatin assembled with ACF (as in C). The positions of the mononucleosomes (Mono) and mononucleosome-Rv Dsup complexes (Mono +Dsup) are denoted.