The visual speech head start improves perception and reduces superior temporal cortex responses to auditory speech

5 figures and 1 additional file


Relationship between auditory and visual speech.

(A) Visual speech provides independent information about speech content. Any given visual speech feature, such as the open mouth visible when pronouncing ‘d’, is incompatible with many auditory …
Perceptual performance on speech-in-noise recognition tasks.

(A) Results of the first perceptual experiment on two mouth-leading words and two voice-leading words. For the mouth-leading words (left plot), the addition of visual speech increased comprehension …
Figure 3 with 1 supplement
Average broadband high-frequency activity by experimental condition.

(A) The location of 17 left-hemisphere (left panel) and 11 right-hemisphere (right panel) electrodes that met both an anatomical criterion (located over the posterior superior temporal gyrus) and a …
Figure 3—figure supplement 1
Anatomic distribution of multisensory gain by electrode.

(A) The reduction in neural response to audiovisual compared to auditory-only speech for mouth-leading words was measured for each electrode (difference in average BHA to audiovisual stimuli and …
Figure 4 with 1 supplement
Influence of Visual Speech on Multisensory Integration.

(A) Responses to the three formats of mouth-leading words (visual-only, gray; auditory-only, orange; audiovisual, blue). Responses were aligned to auditory onset at t = 0 (or to the time when …
Figure 4—figure supplement 1
Influence of Visual Speech for Voice-Leading Words.

(A) Responses to the three formats of voice-leading words (visual-only, gray; auditory-only, orange; audiovisual, blue). Responses were aligned to auditory onset at t = 0 (or to the time when …
Model of Audiovisual Interactions in pSTG.

(A) In the pSTG, small populations of neurons are selective for specific speech sounds (phonemes). Each population is shown as an ellipse labeled by its preferred phoneme. The ellipses are shown …

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