Research Advances

A Research Advance is a short article that allows either the authors of an eLife paper or other researchers to publish new results that build on the original research paper in an important way.

Latest articles

    1. Cell Biology

    Oversized cells activate global proteasome-mediated protein degradation to maintain cell size homeostasis

    Shixuan Liu, Ceryl Tan ... Ran Kafri
    Oversized mammalian cells reduce their growth efficiency by activating global protein degradation, which functions in parallel with the cell size checkpoints, to promote cell size homeostasis.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Molecular determinants of Neu5Ac binding to a tripartite ATP independent periplasmic (TRAP) transporter

    Parveen Goyal, KanagaVijayan Dhanabalan ... Subramanian Ramaswamy
    The first structure of a Neu5Ac bound Tripartite ATP-independent Periplasmic transporter (TRAP) reveals the presence of three ion binding sites.
    1. Neuroscience

    Operation of spinal sensorimotor circuits controlling phase durations during tied-belt and split-belt locomotion after a lateral thoracic hemisection

    Ilya A Rybak, Natalia A Shevtsova ... Alain Frigon
    Computational modeling based on experimental data reveals how spinal sensorimotor circuits control cycle and phase durations during treadmill locomotion after an incomplete spinal cord injury.
    1. Neuroscience

    Automated cell annotation in multi-cell images using an improved CRF_ID algorithm

    Hyun Jee Lee, Jingting Liang ... Hang Lu
    Highly accurate automated cell annotation in multi-cell imaging enables cell identification and reduces subjectivity in Caenorhabditis elegans neural image processing.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Impact of the clinically approved BTK inhibitors on the conformation of full-length BTK and analysis of the development of BTK resistance mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

    Raji E Joseph, Thomas E Wales ... Amy H Andreotti
    The clinically approved BTK kinase active site inhibitors alter the conformational equilibrium of full-length BTK in distinct and unexpected ways.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    N-acetylation of α-synuclein enhances synaptic vesicle clustering mediated by α-synuclein and lysophosphatidylcholine

    Chuchu Wang, Chunyu Zhao ... Cong Liu
    NMR and clustering results show that N-terminal acetylation of α-syn enhances its binding to the neutral phospholipid lysophosphatidylcholine, thereby promoting its function of clustering synaptic vesicles.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    CTFFIND5 provides improved insight into quality, tilt, and thickness of TEM samples

    Johannes Elferich, Lingli Kong ... Nikolaus Grigorieff
    CTFFIND5 estimates the thickness and tilt of cryogenic electron microscopy samples directly from the power spectrum of a single exposure.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Conformational dynamics of a nicotinic receptor neurotransmitter site

    Mrityunjay Singh, Dinesh C Indurthi ... Shailendra Asthana
    MD-simulations reveal low- to high-affinity conformational shift of orthosteric site in the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, offering insight into agonist roles in activation dynamics, and highlighting the utility of agonist efficiency.
    1. Cell Biology

    UGGT1-mediated reglucosylation of N-glycan competes with ER-associated degradation of unstable and misfolded glycoproteins

    Satoshi Ninagawa, Masaki Matsuo ... Kazutoshi Mori
    The fate of glycoproteins in the endoplasmic reticulum whether they are directed toward folding or targeted to degradation depends on a tug of war between UGGT1 and EDEM family proteins.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Developmental Biology

    Unified bursting strategies in ectopic and endogenous even-skipped expression patterns

    Augusto Berrocal, Nicholas C Lammers ... Michael B Eisen
    Drosophila melanogastereven-skipped enhancers control transcriptional bursting by modulating frequency and amplitude, regardless of varying transcription factor inputs, even when mutated to express in embryonic regions not under selective pressure.