(A) A Cre-ON (FLEX) AAV virus expressing tdTomato and a Cre-OFF (DFO) virus expressing YFP, were injected together into the thalamus of GPR26-Cre mice, which express Cre in the higher-order … see more
Data values and statistics underlying Figure 1.
(A) An example experiment (BS144) in which ChR2 was expressed in VPM and whole-cell recordings were obtained sequentially from 12 excitatory neurons across different cortical layers in wS1. Neurons … see more
Data values underlying Figure 2.
(A) ChR2 was expressed in POm in the example experiment (BS087) and 10 excitatory neurons across different cortical layers in wS1 were recorded sequentially. Neurons were filled with biocytin and pos… see more
Data values underlying Figure 3.
(A) An example experiment (BS265) in which ChR2 was expressed in VPM of a PV-Cre mouse crossed with a LSL-tdTomato report mouse, and whole-cell recordings were obtained sequentially neurons across … see more
Data values underlying Figure 4.
(A) An example experiment (BS271) in which ChR2 was expressed in POm and whole-cell recordings were obtained sequentially neurons across different cortical layers in wS1 of PV-Cre mice crossed with … see more
Data values underlying Figure 5.
(A) An example experiment (BS246) from a SST-Cre mouse crossed with a LSL-tdTomato reporter mouse, in which ChR2 was expressed in VPM and whole-cell recordings were obtained sequentially from … see more
Data values underlying Figure 6.
(A) An example experiment (BS267) in which ChR2 was expressed in VPM of a VIP-Cre mouse crossed with a LSL-tdTomato reporter mouse, and whole-cell recordings were obtained sequentially from neurons … see more
Data values underlying Figure 7.
(A) The mean ± SEM of EPSP amplitudes across layers (normalized to L4 EXC) for excitatory neurons (black), PV neurons (red), SST neurons (brown) and VIP neurons (blue) (above). The equivalent plot … see more