Wild wheat relatives and progenitor species |
Seeds of Discovery | Wheat and wild relative accessions held by ICARDA and CIMMYT | 80,000 accessions: 56,342 domesticated hexaploid (eight taxa); 18,946 domesticated tetraploid (eight taxa); 3,903 crop wild relatives included all known 27 wild species from Aegilops-Triticum species complex and 11 genomic constitutions. | DArT-seq | CIMMYT Dataverse http://hdl.handle.net/11529/10548030 Germinate data warehouse http://germinate.cimmyt.org/wheat. Records for all germplasm accessions can also be accessed at https://ssl.fao.org/glis/ | https://seedsofdiscovery.org/ |
Open Wild Wheat | Accessions of Aegilops tauschii (D genome progenitor) | 265 accessions | Whole genome shotgun sequenced (10-30x) | Sequencing: https://opendata.earlham.ac.uk/wheat/under_license/toronto/; Seed: https://www.seedstor.ac.uk/search-browseaccessions.php?idCollection=38 | www.openwildwheat.org; Arora et al., 2019 |
Wild wheat introgression lines | Introgression lines from Aegilops caudata, Aegilops speltoides, Amblyopyrum muticum, Thinopyrum bessarabicum, Thinopyrum elongatum, Thinopyrum intermedium, Thinopyrum ponticum, Triticum timopheevii, Triticum urartu, rye and wheat cultivars (Chinese Spring, Higbury, Paragon, Pavon 76) | 153 stable homozygous introgression lines available | 35K Axiom Wheat Relative Genotyping array + 710 KASP markers (Grewal et al., 2020) | Genotype: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/wrc/germplasm-resources/genotyping.aspx; Seed: https://www.seedstor.ac.uk/ (accessions WR0001-WR0155) | www.nottingham.ac.uk/WISP; Grewal et al., 2018a; Grewal et al., 2018b, King et al., 2018, King et al., 2017 |
Synthetic hexaploid wheat |
Synthetic hexaploid wheat | Sythetic hexaploid wheats generated using Aegilops tauschii (DD) + European tetraploid (AABB) wheat | 50 synthetic hexaploid wheats + pre-breeding accessions; backcross populations with Robigus and Paragon also available | 35K Axiom breeders array | Genotype: https://www.cerealsdb.uk.net/cerealgenomics/CerealsDB/axiom_download.php Seed: https://www.seedstor.ac.uk/ (store codes WS0001-WS0232) | https://www.niab.com/research/research-projects/designing-future-wheat |
Wheat diversity panels |
Watkins historic collection of landrace wheats | World collection of wheat landraces grown as farmer saved seed before the 1930s. Genetically stable collection developed by two generations of single seed descent | 829 accessions (core set of 119 represent majority of assayed genotypic variation). F4:5 mapping populations against Paragon, mainly for the core set. | 35K Axiom breeders array (Allen et al., 2017); subset exome sequenced (Gardiner et al., 2018) | Genotype: https://www.cerealsdb.uk.net/cerealgenomics/CerealsDB/axiom_download.php Seed: https://www.seedstor.ac.uk/ (store codes WATDE0001-WATDE1063) | http://wisplandracepillar.jic .ac.uk/results_resources.htm ; Wingen et al., 2014; Wingen et al., 2017 |
GEDIFLUX (Genetic Diversity Flux) collection | Western European winter wheat varieties that individually occupied over 5% of national acreage from 1945 to 2000. Bi-parental populations with Paragon (ongoing) | 479 accessions | 35K Axiom breeders array | Genotype: https://www.cerealsdb.uk.net/cerealgenomics/CerealsDB/axiom_download.php; Seed: https://www.seedstor.ac.uk/ (store codes WGED0001- WGED0729) | http://wisplandracepillar.jic.ac.uk/results_resources.htm; Wingen et al., 2014 |
NIAB wheat association mapping panel | Bread wheat varieties released between 1916–2007. Predominantly UK varieties (68%), also other North Western European countries e.g. France (10%) and Germany (8%) | 480 accessions | 90K SNP array | Seed, Genotype and Pedigree: https://www.niab.com/research/research-projects/resources | Fradgley et al., 2019 |
OzWheat diversity panel | Genetic diversity in Australian wheat breeding (colonial landraces 1860s, first Australian-bred cultivars 1890s, CIMMYT-derived semi dwarfs 1960s, post 2000 wheat) | 285 accessions | 90K SNP array + additional 26K SNPs from transcriptome data | Seed and Genotype: contact Shannon Dillon from CSIRO (Shannon.Dillon@csiro.au) | |
Vavilov wheat collection | Hexaploid wheat accessions including landraces, historic breeding lines and cultivars. Pure lines generated by single seed descent | 295 accessions | DArtT-seq (34,311 polymorphic markers) | Genotype: Lee Hickey at The University of Queensland (l.hickey@uq.edu.au) Seed: Australian Grains Genebank (sally.norton@ecodev.vic.gov.au) | Riaz et al., 2017 |
WHEALBI wheat panel | Worldwide wheat accessions including diploid and tetraploid wild relatives, old hexaploid landraces and modern elite cultivars | 487 accessions | Exome capture (~600,000 genetic variants in ~40,000 genes; 12,000 genes identified as putative presence/absence variation compared to RefSeqv1.0) | Genotype:https://urgi.versailles.inra.fr/download/iwgsc/IWGSC_RefSeq_Annotations/v1.0/iwgsc_refseqv1.0_Whealbi_GWAS.zip; Seed: https://www.gbif.org/dataset/a52ca10a-136a-4072-a6de-3ec6e7852365 | Pont et al., 2019 |
Global Durum Wheat (GDP) panel | Diversity used in durum wheat breeding programs globally, including landraces and modern varieties | 1,056 accessions | 90K SNP array | Genotype: ms in preparation; Seed: ICARDA genebank http://indms.icarda.org Filippo Bassi, F.Bassi@cgiar.org | |
Tetraploid wheat Global Collection (TGC) | Wild emmer wheat, domesticated emmer, durum wheat landraces and other tetraploid wheat sub-species (Triticum aethiopicum, Triticum carthlicum, Triticum polonicum, Triticum turanicum, Triticum turgidum, Triticum karamyschevii and Triticum petropavlovsky) | 1,856 accessions | 90K SNP array | Genotype: GrainGenes; Seed: on request for non-commercial use from University of Bologna (marco.maccaferri@unibo.it and roberto.tuberosa@unibo.it) | Maccaferri et al., 2019 |
MAGIC populations |
CSIRO, Aus | 4-way (parents Baxter, Chara, Westonia, Yitpi); 8-way (parents Baxter, Westonia, Yitpi, AC Barrie (Canada), Xiaoya54 (China), Volcani (Israel), Pastor (Mexico), Alsen (USA)) | 1,500 (4-way) and 3,000 (8-way) RILs | 90K SNP array, microsatellite and DArT markers > 20,000 SNPs mapped in each population | Seed and Genotype: on request from CSIRO (Bill.Bovill@csiro.au) | Huang et al., 2012; Shah et al., 2019 |
NIAB, UK | 8-way (parents Alchemy, Brompton, Claire, Hereward, Rialto, Robigus, Xi19, Soissions); 16-way (Banco, Bersee, Brigadier, Copain, Cordiale, Flamingo, Gladiator, Holdfast, Kloka, Maris Fundin, Robigus, Slejpner, Soissons, Spark, Steadfast, Stetson) | NIAB 8-way MAGIC:>1,000 RILs; NIAB 16-way MAGIC: ~600 RILs | 35K Axiom breeders array. Genome sequence (Claire, Robigus, others underway). Exome capture sequence of 16-way parents. Skim-seq of all RILs underway. | Claire and Robigus genomes: https://opendata.earlham.ac.uk/opendata/data/Triticum_aestivum/EI/v1.1/ Genotyping and Seed: https://www.niab.com/research/research-projects/resources | Mackay et al., 2014; Gardner et al., 2016 |
Germany | 8-way (Event, Format, BAYP4535, Potenzial, Ambition, Bussard, Firl3565, Julius) | 394 F6:8 RILs | 5,435 SNPs from SNP array | Genotype and pedigree: http://doi.org/10.14459/2018mp1435172 (click the ‘open attachment browser’ link); Seed: Bavarian State Research Centre for Agriculture (Freising, Germany) | Stadlmeier et al., 2018 |
Germany | WM-800, 8-way (Patras, Meister, Linus, JB Asano, Tobak, Bernstein, Safari, Julius) | 910 F4:6 RILs | 15K Infinium iSelect SNP array | Genotype and pedigree: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6069784; Seed: on request from Martin Luther University, Germany (klaus.pillen@landw.uni-halle.de) | Sannemann et al., 2018 |
Durum | 4-way (Claudio (Italy), Colosseo (Italy), Neodur (France), Rascon/2*Tarro (advanced CIMMYT line)) | 334 F7:8 RILs | 90K SNP array | Genotype and pedigree: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/pbi.12424; Seed: on request for non-commercial use from University of Bologna (marco.maccaferri@unibo.it and roberto.tuberosa@unibo.it) | Milner et al., 2016 |