The novel ciliogenesis regulator DYRK2 governs Hedgehog signaling during mouse embryogenesis

  1. Saishu Yoshida
  2. Katsuhiko Aoki
  3. Ken Fujiwara
  4. Takashi Nakakura
  5. Akira Kawamura
  6. Kohji Yamada
  7. Masaya Ono
  8. Satomi Yogosawa
  9. Kiyotsugu Yoshida  Is a corresponding author
  1. Department of Biochemistry, The Jikei University School of Medicine, Japan
  2. Division of Histology and Cell Biology, Department of Anatomy, Jichi Medical University School of Medicine, Japan
  3. Department of Anatomy, Graduate School of Medicine, Teikyo University, Japan
  4. Department of Clinical Proteomics, National Cancer Center Research Institute, Japan
10 figures, 3 tables and 1 additional file


Figure 1 with 1 supplement
Deletion of DYRK2 shows skeletal defects in mouse development.

(A) Whole embryo gross images of wild-type and homozygous Dyrk2-/- embryos at birth. (B, C) Palatal and tongue abnormalities in Dyrk2-/- embryos. Gross images of the palate with mandible removed from wild-type and Dyrk2-/- embryos at E18.5 (B), and HE staining from the coronal plane at E13.5 (C). Dotted lines in (B) and an asterisk in (C) indicate cleft of the secondary palate. (D–H) Arizarin red and alcian blue staining of the craniofacial skeleton (D), forelimbs (E), sternum (F), and vertebra (G) from wild-type and Dyrk2-/- embryos at E18.5, and whole skeleton staining at E16.5 (H). Arrowheads in (H) indicate regions that decreasing bone mineralization. bo, basioccipital bone; bs, basisphenoid; h, humerus; r, radius; p, palatal shelves; ps, presphenoid; s, scapula; st, sternebrae; t, tongue; u, ulna. Scale bars, 5 mm.

Figure 1—figure supplement 1
Generation of Dyrk2-/- mice schematic representation of the Dyrk2-/- allele (Dyrk2tm1b).

(A) Cre-mediated recombination was used to generate the Dyrk2-/- allele (Dyrk2tm1b) from the floxed allele (Dyrk2tm1a). The black boxes, red arrowheads, and blue arrowheads indicate exons, loxP sites, and FRT sites, respectively. (B) PCR-confirmed mutagenesis. (C) Immunoblotting of DYRK2 in extracts from each wild-type and Dyrk2-/- embryo at E13.5. L and S indicate long and short transcriptional isoforms of DYRK2, respectively.

Figure 2 with 1 supplement
Deletion of DYRK2 affects activation of Hh signaling in mouse development.

(A) In situ hybridization of Gli1 in the craniofacial region in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- embryos from the sagittal plane at E14.5. (B) Immunoblotting of GLI1 in extracts from the limbs of wild-type and Dyrk2-/- embryos at E13.5. GAPDH serves as a loading control. (C) qPCR of Gli1, Ptch1, and Shh in the limbs from wild-type and Dyrk2-/- embryos at E13.5. (D, E) Repression of Foxf2-expression in the craniofacial region of Dyrk2-/- mice. (D) In situ hybridization of Foxf2 in the craniofacial region in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- embryos from the sagittal plane at E14.5. (E) qPCR of Foxf2 in the mandibular arch from wild-type and Dyrk2-/- embryos at E10.5. Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (Hprt) in (C and E) was used as an internal standard, and fold change was calculated by comparing expression levels relative to those of wild-type. Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 3 biological replicates). The statistical significance between wild-type and Dyrk2-/- was determined by the Student’s t-test. (*) p<0.05, (**) p<0.01. t, tongue; ul, upper lip. Scale bars, 500 µm.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1
Dorsal-ventral patterning of the neural tube in Dyrk2-/- mice.

(A) Transverse sections of wild-type and Dyrk2-/- embryos at E10.5 (at the branchial level) were stained for markers of ventral (FOXA2, NKX2.2, OLIG2, and NKX6.1) and dorsal (PAX6) regions. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). (B) qPCR of Gli1, Ptch1, Shh, and Foxf2 in the whole embryos from wild-type and Dyrk2-/- embryos at E9.5. Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 3 biological replicates). The statistical significance between wild-type and Dyrk2-/- was determined by the Student’s t-test. (*) p<0.05, (**) p<0.01. (C) In situ hybridization of Ptch1 in the neural tube (left panels) and mandibular arch (right panels) in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- embryos at E10.5 from the transverse and sagittal plane, respectively. Scale bars, 50 µm.

Figure 3 with 2 supplements
Deletion of Dyrk2 suppresses activation of Hh signaling in vitro.

(A) Expression of the Hh target genes Gli1 and Ptch1 in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs in the absence or presence of 100 nM SAG was measured by qPCR. Data are shown as relative expression to Hprt. (B) Protein levels of GLI1 and DYRK2 in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs in the absence or presence of 100 nM SAG were measured by immuno-blotting. L and S indicate long and short transcriptional isoforms of DYRK2, respectively. (C) Wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs in the absence or presence of 100 nM SAG were immune-cytostained for GLI1 (red). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bars, 5 µm. (D) Expression of Gli1 and Ptch1 in Dyrk2-/- MEFs overexpressing human DYRK2 or DYRK2-K251R (kinase dead) constructs via adenovirus infection was measured by qPCR. Data indicates fold induction of 100 nM SAG against vehicle after normalization to Hprt. (E, F) Immunoblotting for GLI2 in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs in the absence or presence of 100 nM SAG. Protein level as fold changes of GLI2 (E) was calculated by comparing protein levels relative to those of wild-type MEFs in the absence of SAG after normalization to the GAPDH loading control in (F). Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 5, 3, and 4 biological replicates per condition in A, D, and F, respectively). The statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. (*) p<0.05, (**) p<0.01.

Figure 3—figure supplement 1
A transient knockdown of Dyrk2 suppresses activation of Hh signaling.

(A) Expression of Gli1 and Ptch1 in wild-type MEFs treated with two independent siDyrk2 for 48 hr was measured by qPCR. Hprt was used as an internal standard, and fold change of Dyrk2 was calculated by comparing expression levels relative to those of siControl. Data for Gli1 and Ptch1 indicate fold induction of 100 nM SAG against vehicle after normalization to Hprt. Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 5 biological replicates per condition). The statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. (*) p<0.05, (**) p<0.01. (B) Protein levels of GLI1 and DYRK2 in wild-type MEFs treated with siDyrk2 for 48 hr in the absence or presence of 100 nM SAG were measured by immune-blotting. L and S indicate long and short transcriptional isoforms of DYRK2, respectively. (C) Schematic representation of a kinase dead human DYRK2 protein. (D) Immunoblotting for over-expressed short form of hDYRK2 or DYRK2-K251R (kinase dead) via adenovirus infection in Dyrk2-/- MEFs. GAPDH serves as a loading control.

Figure 3—figure supplement 2
Deletion of Dyrk2 affects the stabilities of GLI3 Immuno-blotting for GLI3 in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs in the absence or presence of 100 nM SAG.

Protein levels as fold changes of GLI3FL, and GLI3REP (A) were calculated by comparing protein levels relative to those of wild-type MEFs in the absence of SAG after normalization to the GAPDH loading control in (B and C), respectively. The ratio of GLI3REP/GLI3FL was calculated directly according to each band intensity value (D). Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 3 biological replicates per condition). The statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. (*) p<0.05, (**) p<0.01.

Figure 4 with 3 supplements
DYRK2 constrains the length of primary cilia.

(A–C) Elongation of primary cilia in Dyrk2-/- MEFs. Primary cilia of wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs were immunostained with acetylated-tubulin and gamma-tubulin antibodies. (B, C) Measurements of cilia length in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs using acetylated-tubulin as a cilia axoneme marker. Cilia lengths are presented as pooled from five MEFs derived from independent embryos of each genotype (B) and the average of each MEF (C). Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 5 biological replicates per condition). The statistical significance between wild-type and Dyrk2-/- was determined by the Student’s t-test. (**) p<0.01. (D) Scanning electron microscopy showing wild-type and Dyrk2-/- embryos in the frontonasal prominence at E10.5. (E) Immunohistochemistry of primary cilia in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- embryos. ARL13B was immuno-stained in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- mesenchymal cells at the craniofacial region at E13.5. Nuclei were stained with DAPI. Scale bars, 5 µm (A and E) and 1 µm (D).

Figure 4—figure supplement 1
Elongation of primary cilia in wild-type MEFs treated with siDyrk2.

(A) Primary cilia of wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs treated with siControl or two independent siDyrk2 were immunostained with acetylated-tubulin and gamma-tubulin antibodies. Scale bars, 5 µm. (B, C) Measurements of cilia length in wild-type MEFs treated with siControl or siDyrk2 using acetylated-tubulin as a cilia axoneme marker. Cilia lengths are presented as pooled from three MEFs derived from independent wild-type embryos (B) and represent the average of each MEF (C). Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 3 biological replicates per condition). The statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. (*) p<0.05, (**) p<0.01.

Figure 4—figure supplement 2
Elongation of primary cilia in hTERT-RPE1 cells treated with siDYRK2.

(A) Knockdown efficiency of DYRK2-expression in hTERT-RPE1 cells treated with two independent siDYRK2 for 48 hr was measured by qPCR. HPRT1 was used as an internal standard, and fold change was calculated by comparing expression levels relative to those of siControl. (B) Primary cilia of hTERT-RPE1 cells treated with siControl or siDYRK2 were immunostained with acetylated-tubulin and gamma-tubulin antibodies. (C, D) Measurements of cilia length in hTERT-RPE1 cells treated with siControl or two independent siDYRK2 using acetylated-tubulin as a cilia axoneme marker. Scale bars, 5 µm. Cilia lengths are presented as pooled from three independent experiments (C) and represent the average of each condition (D). Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 3 replicates per condition). The statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. (**) p<0.01.

Figure 4—figure supplement 3
Quantification of the proportion of ciliated cells in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs.

(A, B) Proportion of ciliated cells in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs. Primary cilia of wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs were immunostained with ARL13B (A). Measurements of proportion of ciliated cells in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs using ARL13B as a cilia axoneme marker (B). Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 3 biological replicates per condition;>150 cells were scored for each experiment). The statistical significance between wild-type and Dyrk2-/- was determined by the Student’s t-test. (C) Proportion of ciliated cells in cell-cycling wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs. Wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs cultured under 10% FBS containing medium at low density were immunostained with KI67 and ARL13B. Nuclei were stained with DAPI. Arrowheads and arrows indicate non-ciliated/KI67-positive cycling cells and ciliated/KI67-negative ones, respectively. Scale bars, 50 µm.

DYRK2 localizes at basal bodies and transition zone (TZ) in primary cilia.

Cultured hTERT-RPE1 cells were transfected with a mouse DYRK2-HaloTag overexpression construct and immunostained using anti-HaloTag (A) or anti-DYRK2 (B) with acetylated-tubulin (white) and gamma-tubulin antibodies. (C) Cultured hTERT-RPE1 cells transfected with an empty vector (pFN22K-Halo Tag-CMVd1-Flexi-vector) and immunostained using anti-HaloTag with acetylated-tubulin (white) and gamma-tubulin antibodies. (D) Co-localization of DYRK2 and a TZ marker, NPHP1. Cultured hTERT-RPE1 cells overexpressed with a mouse DYRK2-HaloTag were immunostained using anti-HaloTag, NPHP1 (white), and gamma-tubulin antibodies. Nuclei were stained with DAPI. Scale bars, 5 µm.

Figure 6 with 4 supplements
Depletion of Dyrk2 induces abnormal ciliary trafficking of endogenous Hh components.

Ciliary localization of endogenous SMO, GLI2, and GLI3 in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs in the absence or presence of 100 nM SAG. Primary cilia were immuno-stained for SMO (A), GLI2 (C), or GLI3 (E) with ARL13B and gamma-tubulin (white) antibodies. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). The percentage of cells with SMO (B) at the cilia or foci of GLI2 (D) or GLI3 (F) at the cilia tips was determined. Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 3 biological replicates for each condition;>110 cells were scored for each experiment). The statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. (*) p<0.05, (**) p<0.01. Scale bars, 5 µm.

Figure 6—figure supplement 1
Depletion of Dyrk2 induces abnormal ciliary trafficking of endogenous GLI2 and GLI3 in vivo.

Immunohistochemistry for GLI2 and GLI3 in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- mesenchymal cells in the craniofacial region at E10.5 tissues. Primary cilia were immuno-stained for GLI2 (A) or GLI3 (B) with ARL13B and gamma-tubulin (white) antibodies. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bars, 5 µm.

Figure 6—figure supplement 2
Immunocytochemistry of endogenous SuFu and IFTs.

(A) Ciliary localization of endogenous SuFu in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs in the absence or presence of 100 nM SAG. Primary cilia were immunostained for SuFu with ARL13B and gamma-tubulin (white) antibodies. (B–D) Ciliary localization of endogenous IFTs in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs. Primary cilia were immuno-stained for IFT140 (B), IFT81 (C), or IFT88 (D) with acetylated-tubulin and gamma-tubulin (white) antibodies. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bars, 5 µm.

Figure 6—figure supplement 3
Effects of rapamycin treatment on cilia.

(A) Phosphorylated protein levels of S6K and 4EBP in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs were measured by immunoblotting. GAPDH serves as a loading control. (B) Primary cilia in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs treated with vehicle (DMSO) or 0.5 µM rapamycin for 24 hr were immunostained with acetylated-tubulin (red) and gamma-tubulin (green) antibodies. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bars, 5 µm. (C, D) Measurements of cilia length in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs treated with vehicle (DMSO) or 0.5 µM rapamycin using acetylated-tubulin as a cilia axoneme marker. Cilia lengths are presented as pooled from three MEFs derived from independent embryos of each genotype (C) and the average of each MEF (D). Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 3 biological replicates per condition). The statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test.

Figure 6—figure supplement 4
Protein levels of CP110 and KATANIN p60 in Dyrk2-/- MEFs.

Protein levels of CP110 and KATANIN p60 in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- were measured by immune-blotting. GAPDH serves as a loading control.

Figure 7 with 1 supplement
Changes in mRNA expression of genes in Dyrk2-/- MEFs.

(A) STRING GO analyses of the 53 differentially downregulated genes in Dyrk2-/- MEFs reveals protein-protein interaction networks. Robust networks for cell division (green, GO: 0051301), microtubule cytoskeleton organization (red, GO:0000226), spindle organization (yellow, GO:0007051), mitotic cell cycle checkpoint function (purple, GO:0007093), and microtubule-based movement (blue, GO:0007018) were extracted. (B) Confirmation of downregulation of genes related to ciliary resorption mechanisms in Dyrk2-/- MEFs by qPCR. Hprt was used as an internal standard, and fold change was calculated by comparing expression levels relative to those of wild-type. Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 3 biological replicates per condition). The statistical significance between wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs was determined using the Student’s t-test. (*) p<0.05.

Figure 7—figure supplement 1
Transcriptome analysis in Dyrk2-/- MEFs.

(A) Venn diagrams revealing the similarities and differences among genes that were differentially expressed more than 1.5-fold from RNA-seq experiments in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs in the absence or presence of 100 nM SAG. (B) Significantly enriched gene ontology terms belonging to ‘biological process’ (false discovery rate: FDR < 0.005) among 53 differentially downregulated genes in Dyrk2-/- MEFs.

Elongation of primary cilia in wild-type MEFs treated with siAurka.

(A) Immunoblotting of AURKA in wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFs. GAPDH serves as a loading control. (B) Knockdown efficiency of Aurka-expression in wild-type MEFs treated with two independent siAurka for 48 hr was measured by qPCR. Hprt was used as an internal standard, and fold change was calculated by comparing expression levels relative to those of siNegative (siNeg.). Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 3 biological replicates per condition). (C) Primary cilia in wild-type cells treated with siNegative (siNeg.) or two independent siAurka were immuno-stained with ARL13B and gamma-tubulin antibodies. Scale bars, 5 µm. (D, E) Measurements of cilia length in wild-type MEFs treated with siNeg. or two independent siAurka using ARL13B and acetylated-tubulin as a cilia axoneme marker. Cilia lengths are presented as pooled from four MEFs derived from independent wild-type embryos (D) and represent an average of each MEF (E). Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 4 biological replicates per condition). The statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. (**) p<0.01.

Reduction of the length of primary cilia in Dyrk2-/- MEFs by over-expression of AURKA.

(A–C) Immunoblotting by anti-AURKA (A), anti-GFP (B), and anti-GAPDH (C) in cells transfected with pEGFP-C1 or mouse Aurka/pEGFP-C1. GAPDH serves as a loading control. (D, E) Primary cilia in Dyrk2-/- MEFs over-expressed with EGFP (D) or AURKA-EGFP (E) were immunostained with GFP, ARL13B, and gamma-tubulin (white) antibodies. Arrowheads in (E) indicate signals for AURKA-EGFP in gamma-tubulin-positive basal body. Scale bars, 5 µm. (F, G) Measurements of cilia length in EGFP- or AURKA-EGFP-over-expressed Dyrk2-/- MEFs using ARL13B as a cilia axoneme marker. Cilia lengths in EGFP- or AURKA-EGFP-positive cells are presented as pooled from three MEFs derived from independent Dyrk2-/- embryos (F) and represent an average of each MEF (G). Data are presented as the means ± SEM (n = 3 biological replicates per condition). The statistical significance between EGFP- and AURKA-EGFP-positive cells was determined by the Student’s t-test. (**) p<0.01.

Schematic representation of DYRK2 in ciliogenesis and Hh signaling.

(Left panel) A schematic model of normal ciliogenesis and response to stimulation with Hh ligand. (Right panel) A schematic model ciliogenesis and response to stimulation with Hh ligand in Dyrk2-deletion. The morphology of primary cilia in Dyrk2-/- MEFs was elongated and often bulged at the tips. In Dyrk2-/- cells, downregulation of Aurka and other ciliary disassembly genes caused suppression of disassembly and elongation of primary cilia. Furthermore, abnormal ciliary trafficking caused accumulation of GLI2, GLI3, and SuFu in Dyrk2-/- cells. Consequently, the induction of Hh signaling is drastically suppressed by deletion of Dyrk2.


Table 1
A list of downregulated or upregulated genes in Dyrk2-/- MEFs
Down-regulated genes in Dyrk2-/-
IDGeneSymbolDescriptionRatio of Dyrk2-/-per wild-type in the presence of SAGRatio of Dyrk2-/-per wild-type in the absence of SAG
ENSMUSG00000028630Dyrk2Dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 20.020.03
ENSMUSG00000035683MelkMaternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase0.230.22
ENSMUSG00000074476Spc24NDC80 kinetochore complex component%2C homolog (S. cerevisiae)0.250.21
ENSMUSG00000020808PimregPICALM interacting mitotic regulator0.280.28
ENSMUSG00000033952AspmAbnormal spindle microtubule assembly0.310.25
ENSMUSG00000026683Nuf2NDC80 kinetochore complex component0.310.30
ENSMUSG00000037466Tedc1Tubulin epsilon and delta complex 10.310.26
ENSMUSG00000030867Plk1Polo-like kinase 10.310.17
ENSMUSG00000022033PbkPDZ binding kinase0.330.29
ENSMUSG00000027326Knl1Kinetochore scaffold 10.330.20
ENSMUSG00000041431Ccnb1Cyclin B10.330.26
ENSMUSG00000036777AnlnAnillin actin binding protein0.330.26
ENSMUSG00000001403Ube2cUbiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2C0.330.25
ENSMUSG00000027496AurkaAurora kinase A0.340.26
ENSMUSG00000001349Cnn1Calponin 10.340.31
ENSMUSG00000032218Ccnb2Cyclin B20.340.28
ENSMUSG00000026039Sgo2aShugoshin 2A0.340.25
ENSMUSG00000015880NcapgNon-SMC condensin I complex subunit G0.340.34
ENSMUSG00000027379Bub1BUB1 mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase0.360.23
ENSMUSG00000040084Bub1bBUB1B mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase0.360.29
ENSMUSG00000045328CenpeCentromere protein E0.360.22
ENSMUSG00000032254Kif23Kinesin family member 230.370.25
ENSMUSG00000028873Cdca8Cell division cycle associated 80.370.30
ENSMUSG00000032135McamMelanoma cell adhesion molecule0.370.29
ENSMUSG00000028678Kif2cKinesin family member 2C0.370.24
ENSMUSG00000027715Ccna2Cyclin A20.380.23
ENSMUSG00000048327Ckap2lCytoskeleton associated protein 2-like0.390.23
ENSMUSG00000040204PclafPCNA clamp associated factor0.400.19
ENSMUSG00000029414Kntc1Kinetochore associated 10.420.24
ENSMUSG00000034311Kif4Kinesin family member 40.420.24
ENSMUSG00000031004Mki67Antigen identified by monoclonal antibody Ki 670.420.21
ENSMUSG00000020914Top2aTopoisomerase (DNA) II alpha0.420.21
ENSMUSG00000033031Cip2aCell proliferation regulating inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A0.420.32
ENSMUSG00000035783Acta2Actin alpha two smooth muscle aorta0.430.48
ENSMUSG00000024795Kif20bKinesin family member 20B0.430.30
ENSMUSG00000038943Prc1Protein regulator of cytokinesis 10.430.26
ENSMUSG00000026494Kif26bKinesin family member 26B0.430.25
ENSMUSG00000023015Racgap1Rac GTPase-activating protein 10.430.26
ENSMUSG00000026605CenpfCentromere protein F0.440.25
ENSMUSG00000027306Nusap1Nucleolar and spindle associated protein 10.450.28
ENSMUSG00000028068Iqgap3IQ motif containing GTPase activating protein 30.460.21
ENSMUSG00000003779Kif20aKinesin family member 20A0.470.25
ENSMUSG00000005410Mcm5Minichromosome maintenance complex component 50.470.26
ENSMUSG00000034906NcaphNon-SMC condensin I complex subunit H0.470.27
ENSMUSG00000006398Cdc20Cell division cycle 200.480.29
ENSMUSG00000037313Tacc3Transforming acidic coiled-coil containing protein 30.480.36
ENSMUSG00000027699Ect2ect2 oncogene0.480.26
ENSMUSG00000020330HmmrHyaluronan-mediated motility receptor (RHAMM)0.500.28
ENSMUSG00000020649Rrm2Ribonucleotide reductase M20.500.26
ENSMUSG00000019942Cdk1Cyclin-dependent kinase 10.500.34
ENSMUSG00000024590Lmnb1Lamin B10.510.33
ENSMUSG00000037725Ckap2Cytoskeleton associated protein 20.550.42
Upregulated genes in Dyrk2-/-
IDGeneSymbolDescriptionRatio of Dyrk2-/-per wild-type in the presence of SAGRatio of Dyrk2-/-per wild-type in the absence of SAG
ENSMUSG00000056673Kdm5dLysine (K)-specific demethylase 5DInfInf
ENSMUSG00000068457UtyUbiquitously transcribed tetratricopeptide repeat gene Y chromosomeInfInf
ENSMUSG00000069049Ddx3yDEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 3 Y-linkedInf8278
ENSMUSG00000069045Eif2s3yEukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit three structural gene Y-linkedInfInf
ENSMUSG00000112616Gm47434Predicted gene 47434719Inf
ENSMUSG00000025582Nptx1Neuronal pentraxin 14.7411.91
ENSMUSG00000024164C3Complement component 34.4711.59
ENSMUSG00000025784Clec3bC-type lectin domain family three member b3.998.60
ENSMUSG00000002944Cd36CD36 molecule3.203.45
ENSMUSG00000035385Ccl2Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 22.862.84
ENSMUSG00000095478Gm9824Predicted pseudogene 98242.604.14
ENSMUSG00000038642CtssCathepsin S2.583.19
ENSMUSG00000043719Col6a6Collagen type VI alpha 62.444.64
ENSMUSG00000033327TnxbTenascin XB2.373.61
ENSMUSG00000069516Lyz2Lysozyme 22.303.08
ENSMUSG00000016494Cd34CD34 antigen2.292.26
ENSMUSG00000042129Rassf4Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 42.293.43
ENSMUSG00000004730Adgre1Adhesion G-protein-coupled receptor E12.272.49
ENSMUSG00000030144Clec4dC-type lectin domain family member d2.263.74
ENSMUSG00000029816GpnmbGlycoprotein (transmembrane) nmb2.222.66
ENSMUSG00000042286Stab1Stabilin 12.182.70
ENSMUSG00000040254Sema3dSema domain immunoglobulin domain (Ig) short basic domain secreted (semaphorin) 3D2.172.89
ENSMUSG00000005268PrlrProlactin receptor2.174.44
ENSMUSG00000024621Csf1rColony-stimulating factor one receptor2.102.74
ENSMUSG00000074896Ifit3Interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 32.043.96
ENSMUSG00000002985ApoeApolipoprotein E2.032.51
ENSMUSG00000057137Tmem140Transmembrane protein 1402.023.18
ENSMUSG00000002289Angptl4Angiopoietin-like 42.025.94
ENSMUSG00000050335Lgals3Lectin galactose binding soluble 31.992.66
ENSMUSG00000090877Hspa1bHeat-shock protein 1B1.982.13
ENSMUSG00000054404Slfn5Schlafen 51.963.77
ENSMUSG00000027996Sfrp2Secreted frizzled-related protein 21.915.68
ENSMUSG00000050953Gja1Gap junction protein alpha 11.902.45
ENSMUSG00000005413Hmox1Heme oxygenase 11.901.97
ENSMUSG00000046805Mpeg1Macrophage expressed gene 11.852.57
ENSMUSG00000026389Steap3STEAP family member 31.812.24
ENSMUSG00000041577PrelpProline arginine-rich end leucine-rich repeat1.812.01
ENSMUSG00000027339Rassf2Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 21.802.72
Key resources table
Reagent type
(species) or resource
DesignationSource or referenceIdentifiersAdditional information
Genetic reagent (M. musculus)Dyrk2-/- mouseThis paperN/AMaintained in K. Yoshida lab.
Cell line (M. musculus)Wild-type and Dyrk2-/- MEFsThis paperN/AMaintained in K. Yoshida lab.
Cell line (H. sapiens)hTERT-RPE1ATCCCat# CRL-4000 RRID:CVCL_4388
Transfected construct (M. musculus)mouse Aurka/pEGFP-C1This paperN/ASee Materials and methods subsection ‘Plasmid constructs’
Transfected construct (M. musculus)mouse Dyrk2/FN22K-Halo Tag-CMVd1-Flexi-vectorThis paperN/ASee Materials and methods subsection ‘Plasmid constructs’
Transfected construct (M. musculus)Dyrk2 targeting vectorKnockout Mouse Project RepositoryPG00105_X_1_G09, PG00105_X_1_E04See Materials and methods subsection ‘Plasmid constructs’
Recombinant DNA regentPlasmid pEGFP-C1
(empty vector)
TaKaRa BioCat# 6084–1

Recombinant DNA regentPlasmid pFN22K-Halo Tag-CMVd1-Flexi-vector (empty vector)PromegaCat# G2851
Transfected construct (M. musculus)Dyrk2 targeting vectorKnockout Mouse Project RepositoryPG00105_X_1_G09, PG00105_X_1_E04
Biological sample (Adenovirus)Adenovirus-CreYokoyama-Mashima et al., 2019 doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2019.02.046.N/A
Biological sample (Adenovirus)Adenovirus-human DYRK2Yokoyama-Mashima et al., 2019 doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2019.02.046.N/A
Biological sample (Adenovirus)Adenovirus-human DYRK2-K251RYokoyama-Mashima et al., 2019 doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2019.02.046.N/A
Biological sample (Adenovirus)Adenovirus-GFPYokoyama-Mashima et al., 2019 doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2019.02.046.N/A
AntibodyAnti-Acetylated-tubulin (Mouse monoclonal)Sigma-AldrichCat# T7451, RRID:AB_609894ICC (1:2000)
AntibodyAnti-ARL13B (Mouse monoclonal)AbcamCat# ab136648,N/AICC (1:300)
AntibodyAnti-ARL13B (Rabbit polyclonal)ProteintechCat# 17711–1-AP, RRID:AB_2060867ICC (1:400)
IHC (1:400)
AntibodyAnti-AURKA (Mouse monoclonal)BD TransductionCat# 610938, RRID:AB_398251WB (1:1000)
AntibodyAnti-DYRK2 (Rabbit polyclonal)Sigma-AldrichCat# HPA027230, RRID:AB_1847925WB (1:1000)
ICC (1:400)
AntibodyAnti-FOXA2 (Mouse monoclonal)Developmental Studies Hybridoma BankCat# 4C7, RRID:AB_528207IHC (1:8)
AntibodyAnti-CP110 (Rabbit polyclonal)ProteintechCat# 12780–1-AP, RRID:AB_10638480WB (1:1000)
AntibodyAnti-GAPDH (Mouse monoclonal)Santa Cruz BiotechnologyCat# sc-32233, RRID:AB_627679WB (1:3000)
AntibodyAnti-GFP (Chicken polyclonal IgY)Aves LabsCat# GFP-1020, RRID:AB_10000240ICC (1:500)
AntibodyAnti-GFP (Rabbit monoclonal)AbcamCat# ab183734, RRID:AB_2732027WB (1:30000)
AntibodyAnti-GLI1 (Rabbit polyclonal)Cell Signaling TechnologyCat# 2534, RRID:AB_2294745WB (1:500)
ICC (1:100)
AntibodyAnti-GLI2 (Goat polyclonal)R and D systemsCat# AF3635, RRID:AB_2111902WB (1:500)
ICC (1:50)
IHC (1:50)
AntibodyAnti-GLI3 (Goat polyclonal)R and D systemsCat# AF3690, RRID:AB_2232499WB (1:200)
ICC (1:100)
IHC (1:150)
AntibodyAnti-gamma-tubulin (Goat polyclonal)Santa Cruz BiotechnologyCat# sc-7396, RRID:AB_2211262ICC (1:3500)
AntibodyAnti-gamma-tubulin (Mouse monoclonal)Santa Cruz BiotechnologyCat# sc-17787, RRID:AB_628417ICC (1:400)
IHC (1:400)
AntibodyAnti-HaloTag (Rabbit polyclonal)PromegaCat# G9281, RRID:AB_713650ICC (1:700)
AntibodyAnti-IFT140 (Rabbit polyclonal)ProteintechCat# 17460–1-AP, RRID:AB_2295648ICC (1:100)
AntibodyAnti-IFT81 (Rabbit polyclonal)ProteintechCat# 11744–1-AP, RRID:AB_2121966ICC (1:50)
AntibodyAnti-IFT88 (Rabbit polyclonal)ProteintechCat# 13967–1-AP, RRID:AB_2121979ICC (1:100)
AntibodyAnti-KATANIN p60 (Mouse monoclonal)Santa Cruz BiotechnologyCat# sc-373814, RRID:AB_11014191WB (1:1000)
AntibodyAnti-KI67 (Rabbit monoclonal)AbcamCat# ab16667, RRID:AB_302459ICC (1:500)
AntibodyAnti-NPHP1 (Mouse monoclonal)SIGMA-AldrichCat# MABS2185,N/AICC (1:100)
AntibodyAnti-mTORC1 (Rabbit monoclonal)Cell Signaling TechnologyCat# 2972, RRID:AB_330978WB (1:1000)
AntibodyAnti-NKX2.2 (Mouse monoclonal)Developmental Studies Hybridoma BankCat# 74.5A5, RRID:AB_531794IHC (1:10)
AntibodyAnti-NKX6.1 (Mouse monoclonal)Developmental Studies Hybridoma BankCat# F55A10, RRID:AB_532378IHC (1:100)
AntibodyAnti-OLIG2 (Rabbit monoclonal)abcamCat# ab109186, RRID:AB_10861310IHC (1:500)
AntibodyAnti-PAX6 (Mouse monoclonal)Santa Cruz BiotechnologyCat# sc-81649, RRID:AB_1127044IHC (1:400)
AntibodyAnti-Phosho-S6 (Ser 235/236) (Rabbit monoclonal)Cell Signaling TechnologyCat# 2211, RRID:AB_331679WB (1:2000)
AntibodyAnti-P-4EBP1(Thr 37/46) (Rabbit monoclonal)Cell Signaling TechnologyCat# 2855, RRID:AB_560835WB (1:1500)
AntibodyAnti-SMO (Mouse monoclonal)Santa Cruz BiotechnologyCat# sc-166685, RRID:AB_2239686ICC (1:100)
AntibodyAnti-SuFu (Mouse monoclonal)Santa Cruz BiotechnologyCat# sc-137014, RRID:AB_2197315ICC (1:100)
AntibodyAnti-S6 (Rabbit monoclonal)Cell Signaling TechnologyCat# 2217, RRID:AB_331355WB (1:2000)
AntibodyAnti-4EBP1 (Rabbit monoclonal)Cell Signaling TechnologyCat# 9644, RRID:AB_2097841WB (1:3000)
Sequence-based reagentHuman DYRK2 siRNA#1BEX608481
Sequence-based reagentHuman DYRK2 siRNA#2ThermoFisher ScientificHSS112284
Sequence-based reagentMouse Dyrk2 siRNA#1ThermoFisher Scientific4390771 (s87545)
Sequence-based reagentMouse Dyrk2 siRNA#2ThermoFisher Scientific4390771 (s87546)
Sequence-based reagentMouse Aurka siRNA#1Integrated DNA Technologiesmm.Ri.Aurka.13.1
Sequence-based reagentMouse Aurka siRNA#2Integrated DNA Technologiesmm.Ri.Aurka.13.4
Sequence-based reagentMouse Cdc20 siRNAIntegrated DNA Technologiesmm.Ri.Cdc20.13.2
Sequence-based reagentMouse Kif2c siRNAIntegrated DNA Technologiesmm.Ri.Kif2c.13.3
Sequence-based reagentMouse Plk1 siRNAIntegrated DNA Technologiesmm.Ri.Plk1.13.1
Sequence-based reagentMouse Tpx2 siRNAIntegrated DNA Technologiesmm.Ri.Tpx2.13.1
Sequence-based reagentMouse Ube2c siRNAIntegrated DNA Technologiesmm.Ri.Ube2c.13.1
Sequence-based reagentNegative Control DsiRNA (siNegative)Integrated DNA Technologies51-01-14
Sequence-based reagentSilencer Select Negative Control (siControl)ThermoFisher Scientific4390843
Chemical compound, drugInSolution SAGMerck566660
Chemical compound, drugRapamycinLC LaboratoriesR-5000
Software, algorithmBZ-X800 AnalyzerKeyenceBZ-X800 Analyzer
Software, algorithmExcelMicrosoftMac2019
Software, algorithmFusionM and S InstrumentsFusion
Software, algorithmGraphPad Prism 7GraphPad Software IncMac OS X
Software, algorithmPikoReal Software 2.1ThermoFisher ScientificPikoReal Software 2.1
Table 2
List of primer sets.
For genotyping
GeneSequence (5'→3')Accession number
For amplification of the probes for in situ hybridization or Southern blotting
GeneSequence (5'→3')Accession number
Southern for Dyrk2ForwardCTTCGAATCCTTTTATCCTTCAGGCNC_000076.6
For cloning
GeneSequence (5'→3')Accession number
For real-time PCR
GeneSequence (5'→3')Accession number
Mouse Dyrk2ForwardCTACCACTACAGCCCACACGNM_001014390.2
Mouse Kif2cForwardGAGAGCAAGCTGACCCAGGNM_134471.4
Mouse Tpx2ForwardGCGAGGTTGTCAGGTGTGTANM_001141977.1

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  1. Saishu Yoshida
  2. Katsuhiko Aoki
  3. Ken Fujiwara
  4. Takashi Nakakura
  5. Akira Kawamura
  6. Kohji Yamada
  7. Masaya Ono
  8. Satomi Yogosawa
  9. Kiyotsugu Yoshida
The novel ciliogenesis regulator DYRK2 governs Hedgehog signaling during mouse embryogenesis
eLife 9:e57381.