Nutrient levels and trade-offs control diversity in a serial dilution ecosystem

  1. Amir Erez
  2. Jaime G Lopez
  3. Benjamin G Weiner
  4. Yigal Meir
  5. Ned S Wingreen  Is a corresponding author
  1. Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University, United States
  2. Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics, Princeton University, United States
  3. Department of Physics, Princeton University, United States
  4. Department of Physics, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
18 figures, 1 table and 1 additional file


Illustration of serial dilution resource-competition model.

(A) Serial dilution protocol. Each cycle of batch growth begins with a cellular biomass density ρ0 and total nutrient concentration c0. The system evolves according to Equations 2-3 until nutrients are completely consumed. A sample of the total biomass is then used to inoculate the next batch again at density ρ0. (B) Representation of particular enzyme-allocation strategies {ασ} (colored circles) and nutrient supply composition ci/c0 (black diamond) on a 2-nutrient simplex, where the right endpoint corresponds to c1/c0=1. (C) Representation of particular strategies (circles) and nutrient supply (black diamond) on a 3-nutrient simplex. Dashed blue - the convex hull of the enzyme-allocation strategies. Here, the nutrient supply (black diamond) is inside the convex hull, implying coexistence of all species in the chemostat limit (see text).

The nutrient bolus size c0 affects the relative abundance of species and even their coexistence at steady state.

(A) Schematic of the mutual invasibility condition for two species and two nutrients. Top: The red species can be invaded by any species with a strategy to its left if the supply lies in the region marked by the hatched rectangle. Middle: Similarly, showing the supplies for which blue can be invaded by any species with a strategy to its right. Bottom: The intersection defines a mutual invasibility region of supplies for which the two species red and blue will coexist. Triangles mark the boundaries of this coexistence region. (B–D) Example of the effect of c0 on coexistence for more than two species: the approach to steady state, showing ρσ versus batch number (left column) with the corresponding c0-dependent remapping of coexistence boundaries (right column). (B) For the chemostat limit c0K, where K is the Monod constant for nutrient uptake, the triangles marking coexistence boundaries coincide with the species’ strategies, ασ. (C) For c0K the triangles are remapped towards the center of the simplex compared to the strategies {ασ}. In this example the nutrient supply (black diamond) ends up outside the coexistence boundaries, so only one species survives. (D) For c0K the triangles again coincide with the strategies {ασ}, leading again to coexistence.

Remapping of strategies at finite nutrient supply generally reduces species diversity.

(A) As shown for the case of two nutrients, the remapping of strategies (i.e., the shift of coexistence boundaries) is non-monotonic with nutrient bolus size c0 (colors indicate 21 equally spaced strategies). (B) Heat map of the extent of remapping for strategy (0.2,0.8) as a function of nutrient bolus size c0/K and inoculum size ρ0/K. (C) Steady-state effective number of species me as a function of bolus size c0/K with equal initial inocula adding up to ρ0/K=10-3; the same initial conditions apply for panels C-D. Colors correspond to different nutrient supply compositions c1/(c1+c2). Dashed black line: maximum diversity (equal species abundances) is attained when nutrient composition is (0.5,0.5). (D) Steady-state species abundances {ρσ} for nutrient composition (0.5,0.5) (top) and (0.05,0.95) (bottom).

Differences in enzymes affinities, Ki, and nutrient yields, Yi, lead to different relationships between diversity and bolus size.

(A) Steady-state effective number of species me as a function of bolus size c0/K2, as in Figure 3C, but with K1=10-3 and K2=ρ0=1. Colors correspond to different nutrient supply compositions, solid curves for c1/c0[0,0.5] and dashed curves for c1/c0[0.5,1]. Dashed black line: maximum diversity (equal species abundances) is no longer attained when nutrient composition is (0.5,0.5). (B) Steady-state species abundances {ρσ} for nutrient composition (0.5,0.5) (top) and (0.05,0.95) (bottom), as in Figure 3D. (C) Steady-state effective number of species me as a function of bolus size c0/K, as in Figure 3C, but with Y1=10 and Y2=ρ0=1. Note that the nutrient compositions are normalized to yield such that (0.5*,0.5*) is actually (0.5/Y1,0.5/Y2). Colors the same as in A. (D) Steady-state species abundances {ρσ} for nutrient composition (0.5*,0.5*) (top) and (0.2*,0.8*) (bottom).

Cross-feeding alters the relationship between diversity and bolus size.

(A) Steady-state effective number of species me as a function of bolus size, as in Figure 3C but with two trophic layers, with Nutrient 1 a byproduct of metabolizing Nutrient 2. The byproduct fraction Γ is chosen so that Nutrient 1 is produced at fractions according to the colorbar in A. (B) Steady-state species abundances {ρσ} for nutrient composition (0.5,0.5) (top) and (0.05,0.95) (bottom), as in Figure 3D.

Diversity of small communities with migration.

Each batch was inoculated with 1008 cells: 958 cells sampled without replacement from the previous batch, 50 cells sampled from 21 equally abundant, equally spaced strategies. (A) Effective number of species me for different compositions of two nutrients (colors) as a function of nutrient bolus size c0/K. (B) Average steady-state species abundances {ρσ} for nutrient composition (0.5,0.5) (top) and (0.05,0.95) (bottom). (C) As A, but with random species-specific total enzyme budget specified by ε=0.1. (D) As B but with species-specific enzyme budgets from C. Asterisk (*) indicates the species with the largest enzyme budget.

Appendix 4—figure 1
Numerical solution and analytical perturbation theory results for remapping of the coexistence boundaries at low c0.

The analytic solution is derived from i:Ii=const using the second-order expansion in Equation 40.

Appendix 4—figure 2
Numerical solution and analytical perturbation theory results for the steady-state solution manifold at low c0.

The analytic solution is derived from Equation 47 and the chemostat solution is from Equation 43. Outer curves: 3 species with strategies {(0.1,0.9),(0.45,0.55),(1,0)}. Inner curves: 3 species with strategies {(0,1),(0.5,0.5),(1,0)}. In both cases, ρ0/K=1 and the nutrient supply is (0.55,0.45).

Appendix 6—figure 1
Fitting of fixed-enzyme-budget model to experimental data.

(A–B) Fit of the chemostat version of the model to data from chemostat experiments from Lendenmann et al., 1996. The experimental data are steady-state concentrations of sugars in E. coli chemostats supplied with different mixtures of glucose, fructose, and ribose. The strategy αi for each sugar is inferred, whereas all other parameters are derived from the experimental conditions and measurements. The solid curves show the model prediction, with the shaded region marking the 95% prediction bound (see Appendix 1 for details). (A) Comparison of model to data from chemostats supplied with glucose and fructose with a constant total feed concentration of 100 mg/L. (B) Comparison of model to data from chemostats supplied with glucose and ribose with a constant total feed concentration of 100 mg/L. (C) Comparison of serial dilution model fit to batch growth data from Egli et al., 1993. Solid curves are model predictions and the shaded area is the 95% prediction bound. ‘Effective biomass’ refers to the total biomass within the system: M(t)=ρ(t)+Y(cgluc(t)+cgal(t)). Since the data for the three timeseries were measured at slightly different times, the effective biomass for the experimental data was obtained by linear interpolation of the data points. The inferred parameters were the strategy (α1, α2) for the two sugars, glucose and galactose, and the yield Y.

Appendix 6—figure 2
Comparison of serial dilution model fit to batch growth data from Lendenmann et al., 2000.

This data is similar to that in Appendix 6—figure 1C, except that the inoculum was taken from galactose-limited conditions instead of glucose limited conditions. Solid curves are model predictions and the shaded area is the 95% prediction bound (see Appendix 1 for details). ‘Effective biomass’ refers to the total biomass within the system: M(t)=ρ(t)+Y(c1(t)+c2(t)). Since the data for the three timeseries were measured at slightly different times, the effective for the experimental data was obtained by linear interpolation of the data points. The inferred parameters were the strategy (α2, α2) for the two sugars, glucose and galactose, and the yield Y. The estimated αi, measured in units of (mg sugar)(mg biomass)–1h–1, were 0.43 ± 0.06 and 0.57 ± 0.04 for glucose and galactose, respectively. The estimated yield of 0.37 ± 0.03 was similar to that inferred in Appendix 6—figure 1C.

Appendix 7—figure 1
Serial dilution model with cycling bolus compositions.

In this work we largely consider the case of nutrient boli that contain a defined mixture of nutrient. However, in nature the nutrient boli may not themselves contain a mixture of nutrients, but instead approach a mixed distribution of nutrients over time. To explore we compare the case of mixed boli with that of cycled single-nutrient boli that are varied in time to approach a mixed distribution. (A) Mean steady-state population abundances in communities supplied with boli containing an equal mixture of two nutrients (dashed line) or alternating boli each containing a single nutrient (solid curves). Population abundances are averaged over a single cycle. The community is composed of 21 equally-spaced species. For the cycling bolus case, the species that are more specialized for either nutrient become more abundant due to a ‘single-nutrient’ early-bird effect as c0/K is increased. (B) Effective number of species as a function of c0/K for communities supplied with cycling single nutrient boli. Communities consist of 21 equally spaced strategies are supplied a cycle of boli approaching an average nutrient 1 fraction of 1/2 or 1/3. The effective number of species decreases as a function of c0/K due to the ‘single-nutrient’ early-bird effect.

Appendix 7—figure 2
Serial dilution model with incomplete nutrient depletion.

We have thus far assumed that batches run until the nutrient is entirely depleted. However, batches might be terminated before nutrients are completely depleted. Here we characterize the steady state of a community of 21 equally spaced species when the batch is terminated early such that ci/c0=Δ, where Δ is the fraction of nutrient remaining at the end of the batch. In these simulations, ρ0=c0=K=1, with nutrient composition (1/3,2/3). Batches are repeated until either a relative error tolerance is met (less than 10-8 change between batches) or 40,000 batches have elapsed (the large batch limit is there to account for possible critical slowing down). As can be seen, coexistence is fairly robust with respect to incomplete nutrient consumption until Δ0.45 after which point diversity rapidly collapses. The reduction in diversity in the system can be explained by the early-bird effect. In a batch where complete nutrient depletion occurs, the early bird gains an early advantage by rapidly depleting the more abundant nutrient, and then is able to consume a larger share of the non-abundant nutrient. Therefore, if the batch is terminated early, the amount of non-abundant nutrient consumed within the batch becomes smaller. While this makes the early bird less able to consume the non-abundant nutrient, it more severely impacts non-early-bird species, as their growth is more reliant on the non-abundant nutrient. As the batch terminates earlier and earlier, the system effectively becomes competition for a single nutrient (the more abundant one). Thus, the most fit early bird (the specialist for the more abundant nutrient) completely takes over the population.

Appendix 7—figure 3
Cumulative growth function integrals at different values of c0/K for a species with ασ=(0.8,0.2) growing with nutrient supplied with proportion (0.8,0.2) and initial population ρ0=1.

(A) Cumulative growth integrals with c0/K=0.001. (B) Cumulative growth integrals with c0/K=0.1. (C) Cumulative growth integrals with c0/K=10. (D) Cumulative growth integrals with c0/K=100. When c0K and c0ρ0, the consumption rate of each nutrient is proportional to its own abundance, ci/(K+ci)ci/K, and there is little relative change in biomass, ρ(t)ρ0. The more abundant nutrient is consumed faster (since the strategy is matched to nutrient proportions) and the majority of it is consumed quickly. The less abundant nutrient is consumed more slowly and a significant portion of it remains after the more abundant nutrient is almost completely depleted. In this way, the growth timecourse integrals are balanced to be equal. Once c0 increases relative to ρ0, but c0 is not large compared to K this balance is broken. The more abundant nutrient will still be depleted quickly. However, now that c0 is larger this initial consumption results in an increased abundance of the consumer. This means that the less abundant nutrient is depleted more quickly, leading a smaller growth timecourse integral for this nutrient relative to the more abundant nutrient. Thus, in this regime, the difference between the growth timecourse integrals increases with c0. Restoring them to equality requires more equal starting distributions of nutrients. Once c0 increases such that c0K and c0ρ0, the increase in c0 now drives the growth timecourse integrals towards equality. The growth function is now almost always saturated and this neutralizes the effect of one nutrient starting at a much larger concentration. There will now be a significant buildup of biomass before the nutrients are exhausted, meaning that the growth timecourses will subsequently drop very quickly. As the growth function becomes more and more saturated, the nutrients will be consumed in proportion to their strategy. Thus, the growth timecourse integrals will once again be equal since the strategies match the nutrient proportions and the 'crash' times will therefore be similar for both nutrients.

Appendix 7—figure 4
Dependence of coexistence boundary remapping on c0/K.

As a further exposition to Figure 3A in the main text, shown here is the difference between the remapped coexistence boundaries and the corresponding metabolic strategies as a function of c0/K and metabolic strategy with ρ0/K=10-3.

Appendix 7—figure 5
Serial dilution model with three nutrients.

(A) Example of remapping on the three-nutrient simplex, similar to Figure 2 from the main text. Here we show how the remapping analysis presented in the main text for two nutrients can be extended to three nutrients. Remapping of three strategies for c0/K=1 and ρ0=10-2. Outer circles: strategies {ασ}; inner triangles: remapped nodes; lines connecting outer circles: supplies within this convex hull of strategies lead to coexistence of all species in the chemostat regime c0/K1; dashes connecting inner circles: approximate remapped convex hull boundary defining region of supplies leading to coexistence for c0/K=1. Note that, as in the two-nutrient case, the strategies map inwards on the simplex for c0/K1. (B) Steady-state effective number of species me versus c0/K for equal initial inocula of 64 species equally spaced throughout the triangular simplex competing for three nutrients. Effective number of species shows the same trend of loss in diversity when c0/K1 as in the two-nutrient case in Figure 2C.

Appendix 7—figure 6
Large differences between Ki values can lead to multi-peaked relationships between diversity and bolus size.

Here, we present a magnified version of the community growing with nutrient compositon (0.3,0.7) in Figure 4A, with K1=10-3 and K2=ρ0=1. The change in the identity of the early bird can explain how multiple diversity peaks occur in the curve shown. If the system is near maximum diversity in the chemostat limit and the early-bird effect favors the species that is disadvantaged in the chemostat, the system will initially be driven towards maximum diversity with increasing c0. However, as the early-bird effect continues to strengthen, the formerly disadvantaged species will begin to dominate the community, lowering community diversity. Then, as c0 continues to increase and the early-bird effect weakens, the early bird’s dominance will wane, again driving the system towards maximum diversity. Finally, the non-early-bird species will overtake the early bird in the high c0 chemostat limit, driving diversity back downwards.

Appendix 7—figure 7
Remapping in the serial dilution model with unequal Ki and Yi.

Here we show that varying the values of Ki and Yi can influence the direction and magnitude of the remapping, using ασ1=0.2 with ρ0=1 as an example. (A) Remapping with different combinations of Ki. The strategy we are examining devotes most of its enzyme budget to consuming nutrient 2. When there is a large different in Ki that favors nutrient 2, inward remapping is enhanced. When there is a large difference that favors nutrient 1, outward remapping is enhanced. Eventually, the remapping returns to the chemostat limit. (B): Remapping with different combinations of Yi. Note that when yields are variable the condition for the remapped point is Ii=0YiciKi+ci𝑑t=const. The remapped points shown are normalized to yield (if the remapped point is (x,1-x) the normalized form is (x*,1-x*) where x*=Y1xY1x+(1-x)Y2). Similar to the unequal Ki case, inward remapping is enhanced when there are large differences in Yi favoring nutrient 2. When the Yi favor nutrient 1, outward remapping is enhanced. Unlike in the unequal Yi case, the remapping does not return to the chemostat limit.

Appendix 7—figure 8
Batch timecourses of a bitrophic model with only two species.

To further investigate the difference between the unitrophic and bitrophic scenarios, we consider a toy system with only two species, Species 1 with strategy (0.05,0.95) and Species 2 with strategy (0.95,0.05). We set the byproduct matrix for perfect conversion, Γ1,2=1 and the nutrient bolus composition so that only Nutrient 2 is provided. By the end of each batch, the same amounts of Nutrient 1 and Nutrient 2 have been consumed. (A) Simulations with constant c0/ρ0 and variable c0/K. The 'early-bird’ effect becomes stronger with decreasing c0/K, since this allows the dominant species to grow more before the byproduct can be readily consumed. (B) Simulations with variable c0/ρ0 and constant c0/K. The 'early-bird’ effect is stronger at higher c0/ρ0 because the larger amount of supplied nutrient allows the dominant species to build a large population which can then outcompete other species. Conversely, if instead of cross-feeding we were to supply in the nutrient bolus equal quantities of Nutrients 1 and 2, the result would be equal abundance of both species.


Appendix 1—table 1
Annotation glossary.
tTime measured from the beginning of a batch
pNumber of nutrients
mNumber of species introduced at time t=0
meEffective number of species at steady state
i(1p) Latin index enumerating nutrients
ci(t)Time dependent concentration of nutrient i
c0i=1pci(0); total nutrient concentration at time t=0
KiMonod half-velocity constant for nutrient i
Ii0ciKi+ci𝑑t; nutrient Monod function time integral
YiBiomass yield on nutrient i
ΔThe fraction of nutrient remaining at the end of the batch
siAverage rate that nutrient i is continuously supplied at the chemostat limit
δ~Average rate all nutrients are continuously supplied at the chemostat limit
δContinuous chemostat dilution rate at the chemostat limit
σ,σ,(1m) Greek indices enumerating species
ρσ(t)Species σ biomass density at time t since a start of the batch
ασ(ασ,1,,ασ,p); enzyme allocation strategy for species σ
εStandard deviation in enzyme budget
EE=iασ,i=1 for ε=0; enzyme budget
Γi,iσByproduct matrix converting nutrient i to nutrient i
jσ,iNutrient i consumption rate by species σ

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  1. Amir Erez
  2. Jaime G Lopez
  3. Benjamin G Weiner
  4. Yigal Meir
  5. Ned S Wingreen
Nutrient levels and trade-offs control diversity in a serial dilution ecosystem
eLife 9:e57790.