Science Forum: A Global lmmunological Observatory to meet a time of pandemics

The goals of a Global Immunological Observatory, and the challenges involved in establishing such a body.
(A) The epidemiological process (at its simplest) can be captured as a set of flows from susceptibles (S) to infected individuals (I), which occurs at a rate defined by the numbers of infected individuals and the rate at which they encounter susceptible individuals (a function of human behavior) and then successfully transmit to them – these last two processes are here captured by the parameter . Infected individuals may then recover (entering the R class), and may or may not then become susceptible again. Typical surveillance only captures the I class: innovations around a Global Immunological Observatory (GIO) would provide a window onto the 'dark matter' of epidemiology (that is, the S and R classes). (B) Establishing a GIO will involve addressing challenges related to funding and sustainability, global equity and ethics, data dissemination, and intellectual property.