(A) Left panels show superimposed single mEPSCs (gray) and the corresponding average (bold) recorded at −70 mV obtained from a representative immature SCs (P17, blue trace) and adult SCs (P44, green … see more
Developmental maturation of the AMPAR-mediated mEPSC in SC.
(A) Maximal intensity projection of one-photon confocal images of an immature SC labeled with Alexa 488. Examples of intensity profiles (yellow line) of three dendritic locations from proximal to … see more
Numerical simulations of SC dendrites indicate significant cable filtering and large local depolarizations in immature SC.
(A) Diagram of a parasagittal cerebellar slice showing parallel fibers (PFs) projecting perpendicular (blue dots) to the dendritic plane of SCs (in red), allowing precise positioning of the stimulus … see more
qEPSC properties and PSD areas for synapses contacting the soma and dendrites of immature SC.
(A) The left panel shows a diagram of a parasagittal cerebellar slice showing parallel fibers (PFs) projecting perpendicular (blue dots) to the dendritic plane of a stellate cell (SC) (in red), … see more
Developmental changes in somatic qEPSC properties and somatic PSD size.
(A) Maximum intensity projection of merged images showing a P14 (top) and P42 (bottom) SC labeled with Alexa 594 (magenta) and Venus-tagged PSD95 puncta (green). (B) Example of single optical … see more
(A) Cumulative plot showing Venus-tagged PSD95 puncta distributions for nine immature (blue) and eight adult (green) SCs. The bold trace is the population average (shaded region indicates SEM), … see more
PSD95 puncta distribution and morphological analysis of immature and adult SC.
(A) Numerical simulations of somatic and dendritic quantal excitatory postsynaptic currents (qEPSCs) for synapses placed on the soma (red dot) and at 10 μm intervals (blue dots) along seven of the … see more
The developmental change in synaptic distribution recapitulates the developmental change in mEPSC properties.
(A) Single-trial excitatory postsynaptic current responses (eEPSCs, gray) and their corresponding average (bold) evoked by a pair of electrical stimuli (at 50 Hz).The stimulation electrode was … see more
Location dependence of short-term plasticity and sublinear behavior in immature SC.