A new Heterodontosaurus specimen elucidates the unique ventilatory macroevolution of ornithischian dinosaurs

Overview of study specimen with emphasis on preserved gastralia.
(A) Specimen AM 4766 Heterodontosaurus tucki on left, with virtual anatomy reconstructed on the right. (B) Close-up of gastralia. (C) Stereopairs of anterior half of gastralial series. g: gastralia; f: femur (left); t: tibia (left); p: pubis; sr: sternal ribs. Arrows on figure labels point anteriorly.

Sternal plates of H. tucki.
(A) Location of sternal plates in AM 4766, (B) segmented left sternal plate of AM 4766, and (C) sternal plates in SAM-PK-K1332. (D) Line drawing of sternal plates in SAM-PK-K1336. (E) Composite line drawing of H. tucki sternal plate anatomy informed by both specimens. ampr: anteromedial process; cpr: costal process; fen: fenestra; sp: sternal plate. Arrows on figure labels point anteriorly.

Stereopairs of segmented sternal ribs preserved in AM 4766.
(A) Right lateral view and (B) left lateral view. st: sternal plate (left); L/R 1/2/3: left/right first, second, and third sternal ribs (anterior to posterior). Arrows on figure labels point anteriorly.

Comparative details of sternal ribs in other ornithodirans.
(A) Stereopairs of AM 4766 in (left) dorsal and (right) anteroventrolateral views. (B, C) Idealized version of sternal ribs present in AM 4766. (D, E) Photo and line drawing of sternal complex in Thescelosaurus neglectus (NCSM 15728). (F) Schematic sternal complex of Rhamphorhynchus, modified from Claessens et al., 2009. (G) Schematic sternal complex of Jeholornis, modified from Zheng et al., 2020. Arrows and asterisks point to sternal and dorsal rib articulation points, respectively. dr: dorsal ribs; g: gastralia; L/R 1/2/3: left/right first, second, and third sternal ribs (anterior to posterior) of AM 4766; sr: sternal ribs; st: sternal plates. Arrows on figure labels point anteriorly.

Accessory ossifications of pectoral girdle in H. tucki.
(A, B) Clavicles and suprascapula of AM 4766 (B is segmentation of μCT data); (C) suprascapula in SAM-PK-K1332. cl (L/R): left/right clavicle; h: humerus; sc: scapula; ss: suprascapula. Arrows on figure labels point anteriorly.

Changing diapophyseal and parapophyseal relationships in AM 4766.
(A) Virtual reconstruction of cervicothoracic, thoracic, and sacral vertebrae of AM 4766; (B) Line drawing of (A) with diapophyses and parapophyses colour-coded in cyan and magenta respectively. Dashed lines indicate shifting position of parapophyses relative to the accompanying diapophyses. Arrows on figure labels point anteriorly.

Phylogenetically corrected results of ornithischian pelvic element analysis.
Phylogenetically corrected generalized least squares residuals results of (A) evolution of the anterior pubic process, (B) pubic rod, and (C) ischial length. Closed circle, Genasauria; open triangle, Ornithopoda; closed triangle, Marginocephalia. Silhouettes represent (from left to right): Heterodontosaurus, Stegosauria, Parksosauridae, Neoceratopsia, and Hadrosauridae.

Hypothesized stepwise evolution of the ornithischian pelvic bellows and accompanying skeletal modifications and myological innovations.
(A) Silesaurus (outgroup), (B) Heterodontosaurus, (C) Thescelosaurus, to (D) Corythosaurus. Lung size is an approximation; red and blue portions of the lung represent hypothetical reconstructions of non-compliant and compliant lung regions, respectively. APP: anterior pubic process; PPM: puboperitoneal muscle. Not to scale.

Stratigraphic context and locality maps of the fossil specimens.
(A) Simplified geological map of the upper Karoo Supergroup in the central main Karoo Basin. Star marks the exact study locality in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Map derived from Council for Geoscience (2008). (B) Simplified geological map of the study area west of the Siberia farmhouse. Fossil localities are <90 m apart in the streambed. Map derived from combining data of the Council for Geoscience (2008), Google Earth 2010, and own mapping. (C) Outcrop near the locality of AM 4765 (view from S), which is ~25 m below the contact of the upper Elliot and Clarens Formations. Inset shows the uneven basal contact of the Clarens Formation in the region (view from the NE; uEF: upper Elliot Formation). (D) Outcrop of upper Elliot Formation near the locality of AM 4766 (view from East), which is <90 m downstream from AM 4765.

Sedimentological context of the fossil specimens in the upper Elliot Formation.
See legend for facies codes. (A) Outcrop view of the floodplain facies association. From base to top: clast-rich, massive, pedogenically altered (Cn, Rt) silty, very fine-grained sandstone bed (Sc); massive silty, very fine-grained sandstone bed (Sm) with erosive lower and gradational upper contacts; massive siltstone bed (Fm). (B) Close-up view of the erosive contact between facies Sc and Sm. (C) Horizontally laminated sandstone (Sh) overlain by clast-rich, massive silty, very fine-grained sandstone with rip-up clasts of laminated sandstone (Cs) and in situ pedogenic carbonate nodules (Cn). (D) Low-angle cross-bedded sandstone (Sl) under- and overlain by clast-rich, massive silty, very fine-grained sandstone. The upper Sc facies contains large, very angular rip-up clasts (see inset too) of ripple cross-laminated sandstone (Cs). (E) Outcrop view of the polygonal network of desiccation cracks (Dc) in facies Sc. Inset shows the close-up view of the calcretized desiccation cracks (Dc) and in situ pedogenic carbonate nodules (Cn). (F) Vertical root trace with mineral halo, clay lining, and pedogenic alteration in facies Sc. Preserved length of root (~15 cm) is marked by yellow arrows. (G) Network of invertebrate trace fossil (If), poorly sorted rip-up clasts (Cm), and in situ pedogenic carbonate nodules (Cn) in facies Sc. (H) Back-filled burrow cast of an invertebrate trace fossil (If) adjacent to a clay-lined root trace (Rt) in facies Sc. Note the poorly sorted rip-up clasts (Cm) and in situ pedogenic carbonate nodules (Cn). Inset shows the line drawing of the trace fossils.

Possible gastralia in the Tianyulong holotype.
Inset shows close-up of tiny rod-like bones that bear some resemblance to the posteriorly diminished gastralia of AM 4766. g?: possible gastralia (fragments). Modified from Zheng et al., 2009.

Matrix of correlations between measured variables for quantitative analysis of pelvic architecture.
Corr: correlation coefficient for relationship; logaleng: log APP length; logpubl: log pubic rod length; logischl: log ischial length; logfeml: log femoral length.

Scatter plots and Q-Q plots of pubic measurements versus femoral length.
(A–C) Scatter plots of log femoral length versus log APP, log pubic rod, and log ischium length, respectively. (D–F) Q–Q plots of residuals for log APP, log pubic rod, and log ischium, respectively. Grey shading illustrates 95% confidence intervals.
Akaike Information Criterion weights and likelihood ratio test (p) statistics for the evolutionary models analysed here (see Materials and methods).
Bold values indicate preferred explanatory model for each measured pelvic variable. Likelihood ratio tests are between the preferred model and the next most preferred model. BroMo: Brownian Motion; OU: Ornstein–Uhlenbeck.
BroMo (%) | OU (%) | Early-burst (%) | Drift (%) | Stasis (%) | p = | |
APP length | 0.00 | 0.00 | 99.99 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.33−07 |
Pubis length | 11.06 | 3.56 | 2.97 | 82.34 | 0.00 | 0.01 |
Ischium length | 5.21 | 25.24 | 8.73 | 1.45 | 59.37 | 1.00 |
List of taxa used in the study.
Asterisk (*) indicates measurements derived from mostly complete specimens scaled relative to each other in a shematic skeletal diagram
Taxon | Specimen no. | Source and notes |
Heterodontosaurus tucki | AM 4766; SAM-PK-K1332 | First-hand, Synchrotron X-ray µCT data |
Eocursor parvus | SAM-PK-K8025 | Butler et al., 2007 |
Scelidosaurus harrisonii | NHMUK R1111 | Norman, 2020 |
Kentrosaurus aethiopicus | MFN mount | Mallison, 2010 |
Stegosaurus stenops | NHMUK PV R36730 | Maidment et al., 2015 |
Agilisaurus louderbacki | ZDM 6011 | Photographs |
Hexinlusaurus multidens | ZDM T6001 | Xl and Cai, 1984 |
Jeholosaurus shangyuanensis | IVPP 15719 | Photographs, first-hand, **pubic rod length estimated relative to ischial length and phylogenetic position |
Haya griva | IGM 100/2015 | Photographs, Makovicky et al., 2011 |
Dryosaurus altus | YPM 1876 | Marsh, 1878 |
Nanosaurus consors | BYU ESM-163R | Photographs |
Thescelosaurus neglectus | NCSM 15728 | Photographs, first-hand |
Psittacosaurus neimongoliensis | IVPP 12-0888-2 | Russell and Zhao, 1996 |
Centrosaurus apertus | AMNH 5351 | Brown, 1917 |
Styracosaurus albertensis | AMNH 5372 | Brown and Schlaikjer, 1937 |
Utahceratops gettyi* | UMNH VP specimens | Sampson et al., 2010, |
Homalocephale calathocercos | GI-SPS 100/51 | Maryanska and Pachycephalosauria, 1974 |
Tenontosaurus tilletti | AMNH 3040 | Forster, 1990 |
Iguanodon bernissartensis | IRSNB 1534 | Paul, 2008 |
Parasaurolophus cyrcocristatus | FMNH P27393 | Ostrom, 1963 |
Lambeosaurus magnicristatus | TMP 66.04.01 | Evans and Reisz, 2007 |
Corythosaurus casuarius | AMNH 5240 | Brown, 1916 |
Brachylophosaurus canadensis | MOR 794 | Prieto-Marquez, 2001 |
Edmontosaurus regalis | CMN 2289 | Campione, 2015 |
Institutional abbreviations: AM: Albany Museum, Makanda, Eastern Cape, South Africa; AMNH: American Museum of Natural History, New York, United States; BYU: Brigham Young University Earth Science Museum; CMN: Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Ontario; FMNH: Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois; GI-SPS: Geological Institute Section of Paleontology and Stratigraphy, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulaanbataar, Mongolia; IGM: Institute of Paleontology and Geology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; IRSNB: Institut Royal de Science Naturelle de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium; IVPP: Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing, China; MFN: Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany; MOR: Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, Montana; NHMUK: Natural History Museum, London, England; NCSM: North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, North Carolina; SAM: Iziko South African Museum, Cape Town, South Africa; TMP: Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology, Drumheller, Canada; UMNH: Utah Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, Utah; YPM: Yale Peabody Museum, New Haven, Connecticut; ZDM: Zigong Dinosaur Museum, Sichuan, China.
Additional files
Source code 1
CSV file of taxa and measurements used in analysis.
- https://cdn.elifesciences.org/articles/66036/elife-66036-code1-v1.zip
Source code 2
Phylogenetic tree file in Simple Newick format.
- https://cdn.elifesciences.org/articles/66036/elife-66036-code2-v1.zip
Source code 3
Phylogenetic tree file in Nexus format.
- https://cdn.elifesciences.org/articles/66036/elife-66036-code3-v1.zip
Source code 4
R script used in analysis.
- https://cdn.elifesciences.org/articles/66036/elife-66036-code4-v1.zip
Source code 5
CSV file of First Occurrence Dates (FAD) and Last Occurrence Dates (LAD) of taxa used in analysis.
- https://cdn.elifesciences.org/articles/66036/elife-66036-code5-v1.zip
Transparent reporting form
- https://cdn.elifesciences.org/articles/66036/elife-66036-transrepform-v1.pdf