Signaling levels mold the RAS mutation tropism of urethane

  1. Siqi Li
  2. Christopher M Counter  Is a corresponding author
  1. Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Duke University, United States
5 figures, 1 table and 4 additional files


Figure 1 with 1 supplement
Loss of p53 converts the Krasex3op allele from suppressing to enhancing urethane carcinogenesis.

(A) Experimental design to evaluate the effect of inactivating p53 specifically in the lung on urethane carcinogenesis upon increase in Kras expression. (B–D) Mean ± SEM of urethane-induced tumor (B) burden, (C) multiplicity, and (D) size in tamoxifen-treated SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl mice in a homozygous native (B, C: n = 30 mice; D: n = 11 tumors) and heterozygous or homozygous (B, C: n = 51 mice; D: n = 42 tumors) ex3op Kras background. Mann–Whitney test. (E) % of tumors ≥ (gray bar) or < (white bar) 100 mm3 in tamoxifen-treated SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl mice in Krasnat/nat (n = 11 tumors), Krasex3op/nat (n = 25 tumors), or Krasex3op/ex3op (n = 17 tumors) backgrounds after urethane exposure. Two-sided Fisher’s exact test.

Figure 1—figure supplement 1
The effect of Krasex3op allele on urethane-mediated lung tumorigenesis in the absence of p53.

(A) PCR analysis of the status of the Trp53flox allele in DNA isolated from lung tumors in SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasex3op/nat (T1, T3) or SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasex3op/exeop (T2) mice treated (+) or not treated (-) with tamoxifen (Tam). NC: no DNA control. (B, C, E) Mean ± SEM of urethane-induced tumor (B) burden, (C) multiplicity, and (E) size in tamoxifen-treated SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl mice in a homozygous native (B, C: n = 30 mice; E: n = 11 tumors), heterozygous (B, C: n = 30 mice; E: n = 25 tumors), and homozygous (B, C: n = 21 mice; E: n = 17 tumors) ex3op Kras backgrounds. Dunn's multiple comparison test following Kruskal–Wallis test. (D) % of mice with (gray bar) or without (white bar) a tumor in tamoxifen-treated SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl mice in Krasnat/nat (n = 30 mice), Krasex3op/nat (n = 30 mice), or Krasex3op/ex3op (n = 21 mice) backgrounds after urethane exposure. Two-sided Fisher’s exact test.

Figure 2 with 1 supplement
Loss of p53 reprograms the RAS mutation tropism of urethane.

(A) Experimental design to obtain urethane-induced lung tumors from p53+/+ mice. (B) Mean ± SEM of urethane-induced tumor size in SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasex3op/nat mice not treated (p53+/+, n = 16 tumors) or treated with tamoxifen (p53-/-, n = 25 tumors). Mann–Whitney test. (C) % of urethane-induced tumors with an oncogenic mutation at codon G12/13 (white bar) versus Q61 (gray bar) in the Krasnat versus Krasex3op allele in SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasex3op/nat mice not treated (p53+/+) or treated with tamoxifen (p53-/-) where indicated. n = 4 tumors ex3op p53+/+, 5 tumors nat p53-/-, and 10 tumors ex3op p53-/-. Two-sided Fisher’s exact test.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1
The effect of p53 loss on tumor burden and multiplicity.

(A) Proportion of recombined p53 allele and wildtype allele in tumors from mice not treated with tamoxifen by qPCR. (B, C) Mean ± SEM tumor (B) burden and (C) multiplicity of SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasex3op/nat mice not treated (p53+/+, n = 17 mice) or treated (p53-/-, n = 30 mice) with tamoxifen. Mann–Whitney test.

Figure 3 with 1 supplement
The mutation signature of urethane is not affected by the Krasex3op allele.

(A) Experimental design to identify mutations induced by urethane in mouse lung in a Krasnat versus Krasex3op background. (B) Heatmap of the log-transformed mutation frequency (MF) of A>T transversions determined by maximum depth sequencing (MDS) sequencing the exons 1 and 2 of Kras from the lungs of mice exposed to urethane (UR) in a Krasnat/nat (nat) (n = 3 mice) versus Krasex3op/ex3op (ex3op) (n = 3 mice) background. Nucleotide number as well as the 5′ and 3′ base of the substituted A are shown at the top; ‘-’ indicates nucleotides upstream of ATG start codon in 5′UTR; ‘111+’ indicates nucleotides in the intron downstream of exon 1. (C) Mean ± SEM mutation frequency of all CA>CT mutations in Kras exon 2, with Q61L mutation highlighted in red, as well as all GG>GA mutations in Kras exon 1, with G12D and G13D mutations highlighted in red, derived from the aforementioned MDS sequencing of Kras exons 1 and 2 from the lungs of Krasnat/nat versus Krasex3op/ex3op mice treated with either urethane or PBS (n = 3 mice each). Holm–Sidak multiple comparisons test following one-way ANOVA.

Figure 3—figure supplement 1
Mutagenesis profile of SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasnat/nat and SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasex3op/ex3op mice.

(A) Heatmap of the log-transformed mutation frequency (MF) determined by maximum depth sequencing (MDS) sequencing the exons 1 and 2 of Kras from the lungs of mice treated (+) or not treated with tamoxifen (-), exposed to urethane (UR) or PBS, in a SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasnat/nat (nat) or SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasex3op/ex3op (ex3op) background (n = 3 mice) for each A>T transversions (nucleotide number as well as the 5′ and 3′ base of the substituted A are shown at the top, ‘-’ indicates nucleotides upstream of ATG start codon in 5′UTR, ‘111+’ indicates nucleotides in the intron downstream of exon 1). (B, C) Mean ± SEM mutation frequency of all CA>CT mutations in Kras exon 2, including Q61L mutation highlighted in red, as well as all GG>GA mutations in Kras exon 1, including G12D and G13D mutations highlighted in red, derived from MDS sequencing of Kras exons 1 and 2 from the lungs of SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasnat/nat versus SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasex3op/ex3op mice (B) not treated or (C) treated with tamoxifen and exposed to either urethane (UR) or PBS (n = 3 mice). (B) Holm–Sidak multiple comparisons test following one-way ANOVA. (C) Dunn’s multiple comparison test following Kruskal–Wallis test.

Figure 4 with 2 supplements
Loss of p53 promotes higher expression of weaker oncogenic mutations.

(A) Log10-transformed ratio of mutant to wildtype Kras mRNA determined by RT-qPCR in all Kras hotspot-mutant tumors (n = 40) derived from Figures 1 and 2. (B) Mean ± SEM size of tumors with a G12/13 oncogenic Kras mutation with a high (>1.5, n = 12 tumors) versus low (≤1.5, n = 12 tumors) mutant:WT ratio versus tumors with a Q61 oncogenic Kras mutation (n = 16 tumors). Dunn's multiple comparison test following Kruskal–Wallis test. (C–H) Mean ± SEM levels of the indicated mRNAs normalized to β-actin (relative expression) in (C–E) tumors with a G12/13 oncogenic Kras mutation with a high (>1.5, n = 12 tumors) versus low (≤1.5, n = 12 tumors) mutant:WT ratio versus tumors with a Q61 oncogenic Kras mutation (n = 16 tumors) or (F–H) tumors from SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasex3op/nat mice not treated (p53+/+, n = 5 tumors) or treated with tamoxifen (p53-/-, n = 15 tumors) partitioned by p53 mutation status. (C–E) Dunn's multiple comparison test following Kruskal–Wallis test. (F–H) Mann–Whitney test.

Figure 4—figure supplement 1
Allelic imbalance and MAPK signaling in Kras hotspot-mutant tumors.

(A) % of tumors with an oncogenic mutation at Kras hotspot (white bar) versus other tumors (gray bar) from SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasex3op/nat mice not treated (p53+/+, n = 16 tumors) or treated (p53-/-, n = 25 tumors) with tamoxifen. Two-sided Fisher’s exact test. (B) % of tumors with Kras hotspot mutations occurring in the native (white bar) or ex3op (gray bar) allele from SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasex3op/nat mice not treated (p53+/+, n = 5 tumors) or treated (p53-/-, n = 15 tumors) with tamoxifen. Two-sided Fisher’s exact test. (C) Log10-transformed ratio of mutant to wildtype Kras mRNA determined by RT-qPCR in all Kras hotspot-mutant tumors (n = 40 tumors) derived from Figures 1 and 2. Asterisk indicates tumor 757T1 with a p53 deficiency. (D) Mean ± SEM ratio of mutant to wildtype Kras mRNA in tumors with G12/13 (n = 24 tumors) and Q61 (n = 16 tumors) mutations. (E–G) Correlation between the levels of the indicated mRNAs normalized to β-actin (relative expression) and the ratio of mutant to wildtype Kras mRNA. Rho and p values are from Spearman correlation analysis. Mann–Whitney test. (H) Mean ± SEM ratio of G12/13 mutant Krasex3op to wildtype Krasnat mRNA in tumors from SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasex3op/nat mice not treated (p53+/+, n = 4 tumors) or treated with tamoxifen (p53-/-, n = 7 tumors). Mann–Whitney test. (I–K) Mean ± SEM levels of the indicated mRNAs normalized to β-actin (relative expression) for tumors that are <1 (n = 9 tumors), 1–50 (n = 12 tumors), 50–100 (n = 9 tumors), and >100 (n = 10 tumors) mm3. Dunn's multiple comparison test following Kruskal–Wallis test.

Figure 4—figure supplement 2
The imbalance at mRNA level could not be fully attributed to the imbalance of DNA copy number.

(A) Top: copy number of the mutant or wildtype allele in tumors from SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53fl/fl;Krasex3op/nat mice estimated by qPCR copy number assay (Tert as reference gene). Mutant type and the allele with mutation are indicated. Bottom: the ratio of mutant to wildtype Kras mRNA and ID of the tumors listed in the top graph. Data shown are mean ± SEM of two technical replicates. (B) Correlation between the mRNA ratio and genomic DNA (gDNA) ratio of mutant to wildtype Kras allele. Rho and p values are from Spearman correlation analysis.

Optimal signaling is required for effective tumor initiation.

Signaling from a G12D mutation in the native (nat) Kras allele and from a Q61R mutation in the codon-optimized (ex3op) Kras allele is outside of the window of optimal signaling level achieved by Krasnat(G12D) and Krasex3op(Q61R). Loss of p53 alleviates the selection against oncogenic stress and allows the recovery of a Q61R mutation in Krasex3op allele or a G12D mutation in the Krasnat allele with elevated mutant:wildtype (mut:wt) mRNA allelic ratio.


Key resources table
Reagent type
(species) or resource
DesignationSource or referenceIdentifiersAdditional information
Strain, strain background (Mus musculus)129 background - Krasex3opPershing et al., 2015, MMRRCStock 050601-UNC; MGI:5708830
Strain, strain background (Mus musculus)B6.129 mixed background -Trp53flox/floxThe Jackson LaboratoryStock 008462; MGI:1931011
Strain, strain background (Mus musculus)B6.129 mixed background -SftpcCreER/CreERXu et al., 2012, gift from Mark OnaitisMGI:5305340
Strain, strain background (Mus musculus)B6.129 mixed background - SftpcCreER/CreER;Trp53flox/flox;Krasex3opThis paperN/ASee Materials and methods section ‘Mice’
Sequence-based reagentKrasex3op genotyping FThis paperPCR primersTGGTAGGGTAGAAACTAGGATTC
Sequence-based reagentKrasex3op genotyping RThis paperPCR primersGAGTACACAGAGAGACCATTTCAAC
Sequence-based reagentTrp53 genotyping FThis paperPCR primersCACAAAAAACAGGTTAAACCCA
Sequence-based reagentTrp53 genotyping WT RThis paperPCR primersAGCACATAGGAGGCAGAGAC
Sequence-based reagentTrp53 genotyping Del RThis paperPCR primersGAAGACAGAAAAGGGGAGGG
Sequence-based reagentSftpc genotyping FThis paperPCR primersGCTTCACAGGGTCGGTAG
Sequence-based reagentSftpc genotyping RThis paperPCR primersGAGGCACCGCTCCGCGAG
Sequence-based reagentSftpc genotyping CreER RThis paperPCR primersCAACTCACAACGTGGCACTG
Sequence-based reagentTumor sequencing primersThis paperPCR primersSupplementary file 3
Sequence-based reagentqPCR primersThis paperPCR primersSupplementary file 3
Sequence-based reagentMDS assay primersThis paperPCR primersSupplementary file 3
Peptide, recombinant proteinProteinase KNew England BiolabsCat# P8107S
Peptide, recombinant proteinRNase ASigmaCat# R4642
Peptide, recombinant proteinEcoRVNew England BiolabsCat# R3195
Peptide, recombinant proteinEcoRINew England BiolabsCat# R3101
Peptide, recombinant proteinXmnINew England BiolabsCat# R0194
Peptide, recombinant proteinExonuclease INew England BiolabsCat# M0293
Commercial assay or kitiScript cDNA synthesis kitBio-RadCat# 1708890
Commercial assay or kitPlatinum Taq PolymeraseThermo Fisher ScientificCat# 10966083
Commercial assay or kitQIAquick PCR Purification KitQiagenCat# 28104
Commercial assay or kitQ5 Hot Start High-Fidelity DNA PolymeraseNew England BiolabsCat# M0493
Commercial assay or kitAgencourt AMPure XPBeckman CoulterCat# A63880
Commercial assay or kitiTaq Universal SYBR Green SupermixBio-RadCat# 1725120
Commercial assay or kitPrimeTime Gene Expression Master MixIntegrated DNA TechnologiesCat# 1055770
Chemical compound, drugTamoxifenSigmaCat# T5648
Chemical compound, drugCorn oilSigmaCat# C8267
Chemical compound, drugUrethaneSigmaCat# U2500
Chemical compound, drugRLT bufferQiagenCat# 79216
Chemical compound, drugβ-MercaptoethanolThermo Fisher ScientificCat# 21985023
Chemical compound, drugTrizol LSThermo Fisher ScientificCat# 10296010
Chemical compound, drugdNTPNew England BiolabsCat# N0447S
Chemical compound, drugAgaroseEMD MilliporeCat# 2120-OP
Chemical compound, drugTrisEMD MilliporeCat# 9210-OP
Chemical compound, drugEDTAVWRCat# 97061–406
Chemical compound, drugSodium dodecyl sulfateSigmaCat# L4509
Chemical compound, drugPhenolSigmaCat# P1037
Chemical compound, drugChloroformMacron Fine ChemicalsCat# 4440-04
Chemical compound, drugEthanolVWRCat# 89125-190
Chemical compound, drug10X exonuclease I bufferNew England BiolabsCat# B0293S
Chemical compound, drugSodium chlorideEMD MilliporeCat# SX0420
Chemical compound, drugPotassium chlorideVWRCat# BDH0258
Chemical compound, drugPotassium phosphate monobasicSigmaCat# 795488
Chemical compound, drugSodium phosphate dibasicSigmaCat# RDD022
Software, algorithmfastq-join Version 1.1.2–806.1See Materials and methods section ‘Sequencing data analysis’
Software, algorithmFilter by Quality Version 1.0.0See Materials and methods section ‘Sequencing data analysis’
Software, algorithmTrim Version 0.0.1See Materials and methods section ‘Sequencing data analysis’
Software, algorithmFilter sequences by length Version 1.1See Materials and methods section ‘Analysis of MDS data’
Software, algorithmGroup Version 2.1.4See Materials and methods section ‘Sequencing data analysis’
Software, algorithmBarcode Splitter Version 1.0.0See Materials and methods sections ‘Sequencing data analysis’ and ‘Analysis of MDS data’
Software, algorithmPEAR pair-end read mergerZhang et al., 2014bVersion 0.9.8
Software, algorithmMorpheus of heatmaps
Software, algorithmPrismGraphPadVersion 6

Additional files

Supplementary file 1

Information for mice and tumors involved in the tumorigenesis study.
Supplementary file 2

Mutation frequency detected by maximum depth sequencing assay in the mutagenesis experiments.
Supplementary file 3

Tumor sequencing, qPCR, and maximum depth sequencing assay primers.
Transparent reporting form

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  1. Siqi Li
  2. Christopher M Counter
Signaling levels mold the RAS mutation tropism of urethane
eLife 10:e67172.