Insights from full-text analyses of the Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine

Time series analyses for the word ‘the’.
(a) Frequency of the word ‘the’ in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), with annual total raw counts (top panel), scaled by article counts (middle panel), and scaled by total number of words (bottom panel). (b) Frequency of the word ‘the’ in New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), with annual total raw counts (top panel), scaled by article counts (middle panel), and scaled by total number of words (bottom panel).

Time series plots for selected words, with frequency per 100,000 words as a function of year.
Time series plots, with frequency per 100,000 words as a function of year for: the words ‘AIDS’, ‘cancer’, ‘cardiac’, ‘coronavirus’, and ‘tuberculosis’ in the (a) Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) corpus (1883–2018) and (b) New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) corpus (1812–2020); the words ‘autonomy’, ‘consent’, ‘ethical’, ‘ethics’, ‘moral’, ‘professionalism’, and ‘respect’ in (c) JAMA and (d) NEJM; for the words ‘controlled’, ‘experiment’, ‘randomized’, and ‘trial’ in (e) JAMA and (f) NEJM; and for the words ‘clinic’, ‘hospital’, ‘inpatient’, ‘laboratory’, ‘outpatient’, and ‘telephone’ in (g) JAMA and (h) NEJM.

Time series plots for selected bigrams, with frequency per 100,000 bigrams as a function of year.
Time series plots, with frequency per 100,000 bigrams as a function of year, for: the bigram ‘personal equation’ in the (a) New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) corpus; the bigram ‘antibiotic resistance’ in the (b) Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) corpus (1883–2018), and (c) NEJM corpus (1812–2020); the bigram ‘informed consent’ in (d) JAMA and (e) NEJM; the bigram ‘mental retardation’ in (f) JAMA and (g) NEJM; the bigrams ‘health policy’ and ‘managed care’ in (h) JAMA and (i) NEJM; the bigrams ‘breast cancer’ and ‘lung cancer’ in (j) JAMA and (k) NEJM; and the bigrams ‘myocardial infarction’ and ‘heart attack’ in (l) JAMA and (m) NEJM.

Screenshots of our Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) ngram viewer.
(a) The landing page of our website defaults to the word frequencies highlighted in Figure 3. (b) Analysis functionality includes calculating both the relative and absolute frequencies in both corpora, NEJM only, and JAMA only, as well as plotting cumulative frequencies, changing color of lines to grayscale, and enabling case-sensitive searches. (c) Users can download both the plot as a scalable vector graphics (svg) file and the raw data for their query as a csv file. (d) Frequency lines can be smoothed with the ‘smoothing bar’ on the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. (e) Time series plots can also be limited to a particular window/time period by changing the time bar on the bottom of the screen with the drag-and-drop timeline or with the corresponding dropdown menus.

Time series plot, with frequency per 100,000 words as a function of year, for the word ‘patent’ in the (a) Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) corpus and the (b) New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) corpus.

Time series plot, with frequency per 100,000 words as a function of year, for the word ‘bias’ in the (a) Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) corpus and the (b) New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) corpus.

Evolution of the modern concept of ‘dementia’ as reflected in New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
Each column denotes a quarter century: 1900–1924 (yellow), 1925–1949 (green), 1950–1974 (blue-purple), 1975–1999 (pink-violet), and 2000–2020 (red). Clustering using the word addresses/vectors generated during the 2000–2020 groups the following words together: alzheimer, amyotrophic, angiopathy, dementia, frontotemporal, huntington, lewy, lobar, neurodegenerative, neuropathology, parkinson, pick, senile, and wernicke (all highlighted with a red background). We subsequently identify which clusters, historically, each of these 14 terms belonged to. The size of the connections denotes proportionally how many words from that cluster ‘flowed’ into the next. The absence of a connection indicates that two consecutive clusters share no words.

Validation and verification of optical character recognition (OCR) processing of the original New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) and Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) manuscripts.
(a) We estimated the character error rate, to be: 0.26% (± standard deviation [std] = 0.004%; 1 in 384 characters) for articles published before 1899, 0.014% (±std 0.001%; 1 in 7105 characters) for articles published between 1900 and 1949, 0.065% (±std 0.002%; 1 in 1520 characters) for articles published between 1950 and 1999, and 0.037% (±std 0.001%; 1 in 2701 characters) for articles published after 2000. (b) All alphanumeric character discrepancies were traced back to typographical errors introduced by poor printing quality (e.g., e recognized as c when the [horizontal] bar of the letter e is missing). During the manual transcription, we also noted the presence of: (c) typographical errors by the original authors and (d, e) historical word choices.
Table of the 10 most-related terms for the words ‘patent’, ‘abortion’, ‘bias’, ‘defective’, and ‘race’ in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), stratified per decade.
For historical accuracy, we intentionally did not filter misspellings and/or offensive words.
Patent | |||||||||||||
1880–1889 | 1890–1899 | 1900–1909 | 1910–1919 | 1920–1929 | 1930–1939 | 1940–1949 | 1950–1959 | 1960–1969 | 1970–1979 | 1980–1989 | 1990–1999 | 2000–2009 | 2010–2019 |
proprietary | proprietary | proprietary | proprietary | trademark | histeen | arteriosus | ductus | ductus | ductus | ductus | ductus | coinventors | coinventors |
fakish | venders | seeret | proprictary | proprietary | exploiter | ductus | arteriosus | arteriosus | arteriosus | arteriosus | arteriosus | coinventor | royalties |
readymade | exploiter | proprictary | quack | exploiter | proprietary | ovale | coarctation | ovale | arteriosis | duetus | foramen | ovale | therapeutics |
mostrums | putent | sceret | quackery | nurito | hard | proprietary | anomalous | arteriosis | bcv | arteriosis | databanks | foramen | biosimilar |
polypharmaceutic | frandulent | mostrum | nostrum | citrophan | kolloyd | arteriosis | ovale | duetus | arteries | ovale | inventors | patents | coinventor |
bootleggers | inventors | deception | seeret | patented | wheat | quackery | arteriosis | postductal | duetus | peritoneovenous | proprietary | biosimilar | extensions |
proprie | proprie | exploiter | exploiters | distributer | trademark | duetus | tracheoesophageal | stenosis | grafts | bcv | defect | biosimilars | corevalve |
fraudulence | rankest | faker | exploiter | benetol | distributer | medieines | interatrial | arteries | anastomotic | arteries | aortopulmonary | closure | sapien |
abominations | unblushing | quack | venders | exploiters | nurito | stenosis | atresia | botallo | anastomosis | eustachian | deviees | ndas | equity |
tised | seeret | proprietorship | fakers | purifico | exploiters | valves | tricuspid | bifurcating | coarctation | intraventricular | coinventor | nonexclusive | chimerix |
Abortion | |||||||||||||
1880–1889 | 1890–1899 | 1900–1909 | 1910–1919 | 1920–1929 | 1930–1939 | 1940–1949 | 1950–1959 | 1960–1969 | 1970–1979 | 1980–1989 | 1990–1999 | 2000–2009 | 2010–2019 |
premature | miscarriage | miscarriage | delivery | miscarriage | miscarriage | miscarriage | miscarriage | pregnancy | abortions | abortions | contraception | abortions | miscarriage |
miscarriage | previa | criminal | miscarriage | pregnancy | habitual | habitual | contraception | abortions | pregnancy | contraception | abortions | tellingly | stillbirth |
ectopic | labor | pregnancy | pregnancy | puerperal | puerperal | ahortion | pregnancy | threatened | euthanasia | pregnancy | birth | eapen | birth |
labor | endometritis | delivery | eclampsin | ahortion | criminal | pregnancy | ahortion | intrauterine | midtrimester | euthanasia | criminalized | offsite | obstetric |
ufero | pregnancy | labor | tubal | delivery | ahortion | threatened | habitual | miscarriage | abor | ectopic | conraception | infertility | intrauterine |
accouchment | ectopic | ectopic | inbor | pregnant | stillbirth | criminal | aborted | contraception | legal | midtrimester | midtrimester | legalization | spontaneous |
delivery | puerperal | pravia | ahortion | criminal | abortions | hydatidiform | stillbirth | infertility | amniocentesis | unwanted | secondtrimester | mischaracterizes | cdmr |
faetus | eclampsia | eclampsia | puerperal | spontaneous | pregnancy | menorrhagia | delivery | labor | criminal | tubal | eugenic | pregnancy | pregnancy |
hzmorrhage | delivery | premature | premature | eclampsia | threatened | menstruation | threatened | delivery | unwanted | fetus | sterilization | legalizing | nonlegal |
criminal | intrauterine | previa | placenta | dystocia | delivery | ectopic | abortions | postpartum | sterilization | ovum | amniocentesis | contraception | preeclampsia |
Bias | |||||||||||||
1880–1889 | 1890–1899 | 1900–1909 | 1910–1919 | 1920–1929 | 1930–1939 | 1940–1949 | 1950–1959 | 1960–1969 | 1970–1979 | 1980–1989 | 1990–1999 | 2000–2009 | 2010–2019 |
stigma | guilt | insincerity | condonation | prejudice | reasonings | prejudice | overgeneralization | biases | biases | biases | biases | biases | biases |
beneficence | preferences | prepossession | reasonahle | insincerity | argumentation | disadvantageously | overmatching | prejudice | selection | biased | biased | biased | selection |
vileness | inborn | instinets | adjudge | pretentions | triteness | didacticism | uncertainty | biased | overmatching | selection | selection | selection | confounding |
jearning | denial | partisanship | insincerity | prepossession | marshalling | overload | foreknowledge | repetition | biased | misclassification | nondifferential | misclassification | unmeasured |
respomsibility | trammels | reasonings | eruel | partisanship | didacticism | preconception | prejudice | errors | selfselection | nondifferential | selfselection | confounding | biased |
inflictions | jurymen | perverseness | premeditation | depreciating | fairness | selfcentered | nonpublication | overmatching | biasing | confounding | misclassification | unmeasured | misclassification |
imbues | prepossession | disinterestedness | meddlesomeness | deluding | prejudice | expectable | oversimplifications | generalization | generalization | overmatching | confounding | nondifferential | attrition |
adherence | hypnotizer | diseredit | untruthfulness | unreserved | adducing | hewed | artificiality | validity | nonindependence | imprecision | masking | funnel | blinding |
prostitution | misconstruction | eruel | jurymen | indiscriminating | doctrinaire | histrionics | generalization | discrimination | overgeneralization | selfselection | blinding | selfselection | validity |
equity | validity | enthusinsm | tactless | unkindly | impressiveness | neutrally | interpretational | preferences | oversimplifications | underreporting | misreporting | imprecision | imprecision |
Defective | |||||||||||||
1880–1889 | 1890–1899 | 1900–1909 | 1910–1919 | 1920–1929 | 1930–1939 | 1940–1949 | 1950–1959 | 1960–1969 | 1970–1979 | 1980–1989 | 1990–1999 | 2000–2009 | 2010–2019 |
calorification | impaired | impaired | defects | defects | mentally | impaired | impaired | impaired | chemotaxis | eukaryotic | mutant | mitochondria | tlr1 |
deficiency | defects | imperfect | defect | impaired | defects | defects | defects | fibrinase | defect | defect | ribozyme | cftr | autophagy |
malnutrition | malnutrition | defects | defeets | poor | poor | congenitally | retardation | abnormal | impaired | mitochondrial | fasl | mitochondrial | pvhl |
abnormalities | imperfect | deficiency | poor | mentally | defect | abnormal | congenitally | defect | glycosphingolipid | progenitor | germline | autophagy | cardiomyocyte |
nil | retardation | deficiencies | mentally | abnormal | congenitally | retardation | defect | recessively | suppressor | mutant | genetically | ryanodine | cd47 |
imperfect | defect | abnormal | abnormalities | congenitally | cardiopathic | mentally | mentally | prtase | antiglomerular | clone | deregulated | pvhl | tlr2 |
impairment | nutrition | defect | abnormal | defect | idiot | cardiopathic | abnormal | neurovisceral | fibrinase | retroviral | oncogene | misfolded | mfn2 |
deciduous | congenitally | imperfect | impaired | cardiopathic | aberrations | unstable | impairment | congenitally | mitochondrial | genetically | phenotype | sod1 | hmga1 |
emotional | impairment | mentally | insuflicient | impairment | offspring | blind | poor | deficiency | leukotactic | gene | fibrillin | mutant | txnip |
immobility | disturbances | anomalies | malnutrition | deafmutes | impaired | poor | deficiency | heterozygotic | neurofilament | chaperone | deletion | degradation | mapk |
Race | |||||||||||||
1880–1889 | 1890–1899 | 1900–1909 | 1910–1919 | 1920–1929 | 1930–1939 | 1940–1949 | 1950–1959 | 1960–1969 | 1970–1979 | 1980–1989 | 1990–1999 | 2000–2009 | 2010–2019 |
happiness | offspring | negro | community | races | sex | sex | sex | sex | sex | sex | ethnicity | ethnicity | ethnicity |
offspring | peoples | human | sex | native | races | nationality | ethnic | nationality | age | ethnic | sex | sex | sex |
intellectual | happiness | ancestry | negro | peoples | ancestry | geographic | ancestry | ethnic | marital | marital | gender | gender | hispanic |
fetichism | african | mankind | social | ancestry | ethnic | creed | nationality | geographic | nativity | gender | marital | ethnic | age |
religion | ancestry | hereditary | human | dominant | jews | nativity | nativity | marital | ethnic | ethnicity | age | status | marital |
brutes | hybrid | peoples | moral | recessive | nationality | marital | negroid | nativity | religion | age | status | selfidentified | status |
populations | instinct | uncivilized | hereditary | sex | hereditary | negro | marital | geography | birthdate | religion | nicity | hispanic | origin |
tenderest | esquimaux | degeneracy | offspring | populations | intermarriage | happiness | mating | age | smoking | hispanic | selfidentified | age | selfidentified |
morals | religion | zoophilism | socinl | community | family | indians | temperament | habits | sociceconomic | characteristics | hispanie | sociodemographic | asian |
gambling | mankind | races | eugenies | interbreeding | tabus | age | geographic | religion | distribution | sociceconomic | hispanic | marital | demographics |
Notes: All 200 most-related terms are available in Supplementary files.
Table of the 10 most-related terms for the words ‘patent’, ‘abortion’, ‘bias’, ‘defective’, and ‘race’ in New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), stratified per decade.
Given space constraints and to facilitate comparison with Table 1, we limit the tables to post-1880s; full analyses (1810–2020) are provided in eTables. For historical accuracy, we intentionally did not filter misspellings and/or offensive words.
Patent | |||||||||||||
1880–1889 | 1890–1899 | 1900–1909 | 1910–1919 | 1920–1929 | 1930–1939 | 1940–1949 | 1950–1959 | 1960–1969 | 1970–1979 | 1980–1989 | 1990–1999 | 2000–2009 | 2010–2019 |
compounder | revalenta | proprietary | proprietary | ductus | arteriosus | ductus | ductus | ductus | ductus | ductus | arteriosus | foramen | ovale |
peddling | proprietary | quack | quack | arteriosus | ductus | arteriosus | arteriosus | arteriosus | arteriosus | arteriosus | ductus | ovale | foramen |
revalenta | venders | revalenta | quackery | eommon | ovale | ovale | ovale | ovale | ovale | licensing | foramen | ductus | amplatzer |
affixing | wholesaler | eommon | magna | narroav | incompetence | transposition | tetralogy | foramen | saphenous | artery | ovale | coinventors | ductus |
fouled | rummage | venders | core | arteriosas | arteriosas | septal | foramen | interatrial | arteries | cava | amplatzer | arteriosus | arteriosus |
baited | quack | blameworthy | thyroglossal | ovale | truncus | bicuspid | fallot | truncus | grafts | pda | occluder | amplatzer | device |
rummage | hawkers | rummage | cluster | papilla | tricuspid | coarctation | arteries | dextrocardia | foramen | equity | infarctrelated | inventors | corevalve |
vulcanized | compounder | leak | appendage | unsafe | septal | interauricular | truncus | stenosis | stenosis | ventriculoamniotic | starflex | coinventor | coinventors |
utensil | tðpelo | affixing | medicinal | tight | urachus | arteriosas | dilated | toleft | atresia | leftto | anomalous | patents | patents |
venders | vending | shellfish | dangerof | evil | valves | stenosis | interatrial | leftto | coarctation | amplatzer | venosus | pfo | coinventor |
Abortion | |||||||||||||
1880–1889 | 1890–1899 | 1900–1909 | 1910–1919 | 1920–1929 | 1930–1939 | 1940–1949 | 1950–1959 | 1960–1969 | 1970–1979 | 1980–1989 | 1990–1999 | 2000–2009 | 2010–2019 |
premature | miscarriage | miscarriage | eetopic | miscarriage | miscarriage | threatened | miscarriage | pregnancy | abortions | abortions | miscarriage | abortions | sterilization |
miscarriage | criminal | tubal | justifiability | ectopic | pregnancy | intrauterine | habitual | septic | pregnancy | miscarriage | abortions | miscarriage | contraception |
delivery | sepsis | premature | eclampsia | eclampsia | tubal | miscarriage | stillbirth | placentae | contraception | stillbirth | contraception | sterilization | labor |
threatened | premature | ectopic | tubal | eetopic | intrauterine | habitual | placentae | abruptio | euthanasia | pregnancy | legalization | mifepristone | unwanted |
eclampsia | puerperal | sepsis | divorce | septicemia | placentae | stillbirth | pregnancy | stillbirth | sterilization | infertility | pregnancy | pregnancy | refusal |
subinvolution | pregnancy | delivery | postpartum | ablatio | previa | puerperal | tubal | toxemia | amniocentesis | firsttrimester | assisted | stillbirth | abortions |
replacement | eclampsia | pregnancy | intrauterine | previa | pregnaney | toxemia | abortions | labor | fetus | aborted | sterilization | labor | marriage |
pregnancy | tubal | criminal | threatened | accidental | accreta | previa | abruptio | contraception | midtrimester | contraception | mifepristone | legalization | religious |
menorrhagia | endometritis | fetus | miscarriage | postpartum | ectopic | pregnancy | hyperemesis | fetus | unwanted | tubal | unwanted | bendectin | couples |
pregnaucy | previa | previa | prsevia | toxemia | toxemia | tubal | praevia | abortions | stillbirth | fetus | legal | multifetal | conscience |
Bias | |||||||||||||
1880–1889 | 1890–1899 | 1900–1909 | 1910–1919 | 1920–1929 | 1930–1939 | 1940–1949 | 1950–1959 | 1960–1969 | 1970–1979 | 1980–1989 | 1990–1999 | 2000–2009 | 2010–2019 |
denial | aggressive | insincerity | avowal | deception | misconstruction | misjudgment | nonexistence | prejudice | biases | biases | biases | misclassification | biases |
juryman | prepossession | sinfulness | eritic | symbolic | fairminded | procrastination | prejudice | pervasive | misclassification | biased | misclassification | biases | misclassification |
unwisdom | conscience | unwisdom | expositor | inborn | blinded | discrimination | provable | overenthusiasm | biased | misclassification | biased | confounding | selection |
scoffing | fairness | carclessness | carnestly | guilt | verbal | pessimism | subjectivity | generalization | selection | biasing | selection | biased | biasing |
conscience | repression | unmanly | convietion | conscience | broadminded | misconception | generalization | hunches | biasing | selection | confounding | selection | biased |
prudish | denial | biassed | scoffing | insincerity | disavowal | grudges | denial | biases | prejudice | imprecision | nondifferential | nondifferential | confounding |
jealousy | slovenliness | unsettle | witticism | subconscious | ecriticism | depreciatory | fantasy | undocumented | imprecision | nondifferential | overreporting | biasing | nondifferential |
excusing | forbearing | metaphysical | ecriticism | intolerant | misjudgment | gynic | denigration | subjectivity | retrospective | blinding | biasing | underpowered | nonresponse |
impolitic | vindictiveness | deprecation | recreant | malevolence | dogmatize | shirks | incongruities | injustices | problem | representativeness | design | overreporting | attrition |
impiety | disabused | dispossess | dispossess | sinfulness | indelicacy | comprehension | misjudgment | denial | nondifferential | generalization | ascertainment | nonresponse | blinding |
Defective | |||||||||||||
1880–1889 | 1890–1899 | 1900–1909 | 1910–1919 | 1920–1929 | 1930–1939 | 1940–1949 | 1950–1959 | 1960–1969 | 1970–1979 | 1980–1989 | 1990–1999 | 2000–2009 | 2010–2019 |
defects | impaired | defects | mentally | defects | retardation | unbalance | impaired | impaired | impaired | defect | expression | dysregulated | nlrp3 |
defect | plumbing | unstable | defects | mentally | defects | regulatory | germ | deficiency | defect | impaired | constitutive | repression | senescence |
overcrowding | defect | defeetive | defect | malnutrition | impaired | maladjusted | accelerated | congenitally | deficiency | pretranslational | alas2 | nlrp3 | dysregulated |
plumbing | defeetive | defect | feebleminded | defect | disorder | antisocial | aberration | phenotype | tuftsin | activation | gene | smad3 | dock2 |
excremental | aerial | deficiency | deficiency | impaired | deformities | unstable | erythropoietic | abnormal | abnormal | glucosylation | bcl11b | atg5 | mitophagy |
sybtem | defectivo | impaired | delinquents | adults | congenitally | lackof | masking | hexosephosphate | disorder | tuftsin | phagocyte | stat5b | repression |
defectivo | overcrowding | congenitally | defectives | delinquents | mentally | impotence | defect | impairment | genetically | postreceptor | mosaic | orai1 | aberrant |
storage | malformation | deterioration | imbeciles | incorrigibility | dentition | hyperactivity | deficiency | accelerated | sialyltransferase | peroxisomes | transactivating | opa1 | ikk2 |
defeetive | defects | backwardness | moron | blind | crowding | conditioning | congenitally | metabolically | aberration | aberrant | downregulate | underexpression | gata3 |
impairment | deterioration | abnormalities | delinquent | vision | malnutrition | germplasm | deficiencies | reutilized | depressed | galactosylation | organelles | upregulated | IκBα |
Race | |||||||||||||
1880–1889 | 1890–1899 | 1900–1909 | 1910–1919 | 1920–1929 | 1930–1939 | 1940–1949 | 1950–1959 | 1960–1969 | 1970–1979 | 1980–1989 | 1990–1999 | 2000–2009 | 2010–2019 |
peoples | negro | jews | negro | happiness | jews | sex | sex | sex | sex | sex | ethnic | ethnic | ethnic |
anglosaxon | beauty | offspring | extinction | peoples | religion | climate | marital | ethnic | ethnic | ethnic | sex | sex | sex |
uncivilized | youth | youth | peoples | jews | negro | adolescent | nationality | religion | religion | age | ethnicity | hispanic | hispanic |
savagery | ancestry | peoples | uncivilized | achievement | races | trait | ethnic | nationality | marital | sociocconomic | marital | ethnicity | ethnicity |
offspring | social | intellectual | civilization | religion | populations | genetic | nativity | marital | nationality | urbanization | hispanic | nonblack | asian |
religion | ape | barbarian | religion | habitat | dominant | environmental | religion | paternal | marriage | tadjusted | sociodemographic | marital | female |
syphilized | humau | weaklings | weaklings | americans | patriarchal | religion | scx | spouses | habits | gender | nonblack | nonwhite | marital |
debauched | natives | uncivilized | anglosaxon | youth | inherited | creed | distribution | status | sociocconomic | scx | parity | black | self |
warlike | peoples | learning | innate | poverty | jewish | divorce | trait | nuns | nativity | ethnicity | sociocconomic | status | male |
negro | sports | love | mating | intellectual | anglosaxon | status | porulation | partners | minorities | marital | nonwhite | nonhispanic | status |
Notes: All 200 most-related terms are available in Supplementary files.
Additional files
Supplementary file 1
Table of the 200 most-related terms for the word ‘patent’ in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), stratified per decade.
Supplementary file 2
Table of the 200 most-related terms for the word ‘patent’ in New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), stratified per decade.
Supplementary file 3
Table of the 200 most-related terms for the word ‘abortion’ in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), stratified per decade.
Supplementary file 4
Table of the 200 most-related terms for the word ‘abortion’ in New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), stratified per decade.
Supplementary file 5
Table of the 200 most-related terms for the word ‘bias’ in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), stratified per decade.
Supplementary file 6
Table of the 200 most-related terms for the word ‘bias’ in New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), stratified per decade.
Supplementary file 7
Table of the 200 most-related terms for the word ‘defective’ in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), stratified per decade.
Supplementary file 8
Table of the 200 most-related terms for the word ‘defective’ in New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), stratified per decade.
Supplementary file 9
Table of the 200 most-related terms for the word ‘race’ in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), stratified per decade.
Supplementary file 10
Table of the 200 most-related terms for the word ‘race’ in New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), stratified per decade.
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