(A) Bis(sulfosuccinimidyl)suberate (BS3) crosslinking experiment on cultured rat hippocampal neurons at DIV12 and -19 blotted for TSPAN5, transferrin receptor (TfR), and tubulin. Arrows indicate the …
individual data values for the bar graphs and pie charts in panels A and B.
Raw images and images with cropped areas highlighted of the blots in panel A.
(A) GST-pulldown experiment on adult rat hippocampus and cortex lysates using empty GST or GST fused to TSPAN5 C-terminus (GST-Ct). Input: 2.5% of pulldown volume. Blots probed for AP4ε. Red Ponceau …
List of the proteins identified with the yeast two-hybrid screening performed with full-length or C-terminal tail of TSPAN5 and individual data values for the bar graphs in panel D.
Raw images and images with cropped areas highlighted of the blots in panels A, B, C, and E.
NT, non-transfected control. Input: 5% of the immunoprecipitated volume. Immunoprecipitation: α-rabbit IgG, α-GluA2, α-GFP, α-HA. Blots probed for GluA2, GFP, and HA.
Raw images and images with cropped areas highlighted of the blots presented.
(A) Vesicles fractionation from synaptosomes obtained from adult rat hippocampus and cortex. Ten isovolumetric fractions were isolated. Blots were probed for: EEA1 for early endosomes, Rab7 for late …
Individual data values for the graphs in panels B, C, and D.
Raw images and images with cropped areas highlighted of the blots in panel A.
The experiment was performed as described in the Methods section in the presence of both TSPAN5 and GluA2 antibodies or with TSPAN5 antibody only or with GluA2 antibody only and by incubation with …
(A) Top panel: Confocal images of dendrites from cultured rat hippocampal neurons transfected at DIV12 with either scrambled, Sh-TSPAN5, or rescue constructs, all co-expressing GFP and immunostained …
Individual data values for the graphs in panels A, B, and D.
Raw images and images with cropped areas highlighted of the blots in panel C.
(A) Confocal images of dendrites from cultured rat hippocampal neurons transfected at DIV12 with either scrambled, Sh-TSPAN5, or rescue constructs, all co-expressing GFP (green) and immunostained at …
(A) Confocal images of DIV20 cultured rat hippocampal neurons transfected with vectors coding for GFP (green) and either a scrambled ShRNA, the Sh-TSPAN5, and a construct carrying the ShTSPAN5 and …
Individual data values for the graphs in panels B, C, and D.
(A) Real-time PCR quantification of the relative AP4B (left panel) and AP4E (right panel) mRNA levels in DIV20 cultured rat hippocampal neurons transduced at DIV12 with lentiviral particles coding …
Individual data values for the graphs presented in panels A and B.
Raw images and images with cropped areas highlighted of the blots in panel B.
After binding with α-GluA2 antibody, neurons were incubated for 0, 5, or 10 min. Secondary antibody was applied in non-permeabilising conditions for the extracellularly retained antibody (extra, …
Individual data values for the graphs presented.
(A) Schematic of the FRAP-FLIP experiment presented in panel B. SEP-GluA2 in pre-bleaching condition is either fluorescent (green) if exposed to the extracellular media or quenched (light green) if …
Individual data values for the graphs presented in panels C and G.
(A) Live confocal images of DIV20 culture rat hippocampal neurons transfected with SEP-GluA2 (green) and either scrambled, Sh-TSPAN5, or rescue construct co-expressing mCherry (magenta). Neurons …
(A) Schematic of the ARIAD-GluA2 construct. (B) In basal conditions (Berditchevski, 2001), ARIAD-GluA2 is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) due to the self-assembly properties of the …
Individual data values for the graphs presented in panels C, E, and F.
(A) Quantification of the average speed of tdTomato-positive organelles moving from the soma outwards along dendrites after application of the ARIAD ligand in DIV20 rat cultured hippocampal neurons …
Individual data values for the graphs presented in panels A, B, and C.
Working model of TSPAN5 function in mature neurons (left) and TSPAN5 silencing effects (right). TSPAN5 forms a complex with Stargazin and AMPARs in the endoplasmic reticulum or in endoplasmic …