Supplementary tables A-M.
(A) Demographics of the samples used for each analysis. The number of unique participants (N unique), total observations (N obs), and number of scans constituting longitudinal observations (N longitudinal) is shown. Note that only the LCBC sample included longitudinal data (70% longitudinal coverage). * See Supplementary file 1C for further details of the HCP extended twin design used for heritability analysis. ** For analyses of SNP-heritability and *** associations with individual differences, to maximize power to detect effects subsets based on maximum data availability were taken from the N=38,171 UK Biobank base sample described here (i.e., all individuals with genotype data surpassing quality control; all individuals with available cognitive/handedness data; see Methods).
(B) MRI acquisition parameters by sample. TR = Repetition time; TE = Echo time; TI = Inversion time; FA = Flip angle; FOV = Field of view; 3D MPRAGE = three-dimensional magnetization prepared rapid gradient echo. * see available IXI imaging parameters here. **See UK Biobank brain imaging documentation here. (-) Not available/ found.
(C) Kinships of the extended twin design used for heritability analysis (HCP data). The number of observations of each pedigree type is given as well as the overall number of subjects per pedigree-type (N; Total N=1037). As no pedigree-type contained more than a single twin-pair, the number of monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twin-pairs is reported per type. As all twins were same-sex, the ratio of female/male twin pairs is given per type.
(D) Linear regression results of the main effect of Cluster Type (i.e. Desikan-Killiany [DK] parcels v robust asymmetry clusters) upon the average correlation across vertex-mean correlations within parcels/clusters, controlling for cluster size (nVertices) and the Cluster Type × nVertices interaction. Average vertex-mean correlations were significantly higher for robust asymmetry clusters for areal asymmetry, and were significant or at trend-level for thickness asymmetry across each replication dataset.
(E) GAMM lifespan results for age-related change in areal asymmetry in robust asymmetry clusters (population-level areal asymmetries). A smooth Age × Hemisphere interaction [s(LH-Age)-s(RH-Age)] was modelled to determine whether asymmetry exhibited significant change across the lifespan. Significance of the smooth interaction (Bonferroni corrected; α<.05/14=.0036) is in bold. Effect size is denoted by Ω2. Hemisphere, Sex and Scanner (not shown) were additionally modelled as fixed effects covariates. Model fit is provided (r2 adjusted). The number of observations is given (including both hemispheres) after removing outliers on a cluster-wise basis (defined as observations >6 SD from the fitted trajectory of either hemisphere). Edf = estimated degrees of freedom (index of curve complexity).
(F) GAMM lifespan results for age-related change in thickness asymmetry in robust asymmetry clusters (population-level thickness asymmetries). A smooth Age × Hemisphere interaction [s(LH-Age)-s(RH-Age)] was modelled to determine whether asymmetry exhibited significant change across the lifespan. Significance of the smooth interaction (Bonferroni corrected; α<.05/20=.0025) is in bold. Effect size is denoted by Ω2. Hemisphere, Sex and Scanner (not shown) were additionally modelled as fixed effects covariates. Model fit is provided (r2 adjusted). The number of observations is given (including both hemispheres) after removing outliers on a cluster-wise basis (defined as observations >6 SD from the fitted trajectory of either hemisphere). Edf = estimates degrees of freedom (index of curve complexity).
(G) Heritability of global brain measures. Significant twin-based (HCP data) and SNP-based (UK Biobank data; N=31,433) heritability (h2) estimates are shown in bold, Bonferroni-corrected (P<8.3e-3 [.05/6]) separately for twin- and SNP-based estimates. Significant and high heritability estimates were observed for global brain measures of each hemisphere separately. For global asymmetry, twin-based heritability estimates were significant for both area and thickness, whereas only global areal asymmetry showed significant SNP-heritability in UK Biobank. e2=unique environmental effects + error; –2LL = minus 2 log likelihood index of model fit for AE (full model) and E (model without genetic parameter). Note that the correlations for DZ twins or sibling-pairs (rDZsibPairs) do not include data from third +siblings (sibs). Instead, we computed the correlation after concatenating data across all DZ twin-pairs, across twin1 (whether MZ or DZ) and sib1, or across sib1 and sib2 (where families had only siblings and no twins), all of which share 50% genetics on average. As there was always only one twin-pair in a family, the correlation for MZ twins (rMZ) is computed across all MZ twin-pair observations.
(H) Heritability of areal asymmetry in robust asymmetry clusters (population-level areal asymmetries). Significant twin-based (HCP data) and SNP-based (UK Biobank data; N=31,433) heritability (h2) estimates are shown in bold, Bonferroni-corrected (P<3.6e-3 [.05/14]) separately for twin- and SNP-based estimates. (van Kesteren and Kievit, 2021) Note the highest SNP-heritability was observed for areal asymmetry of the anterior insula (h2SNP = 18.6%). Note also that because the p-value was lower than the minimum in GCTA (P=0) we report P<1.78e-15 in the main text, which was the lowest numeric p-value in cortex-wide analyses. e2=unique environmental effects + error; –2LL = minus 2 log likelihood index of model fit for AE (full model) and E (model without genetic parameter). Note that the correlations for DZ twins or sibling-pairs (rDZsibPairs) do not include data from third +siblings. Instead, we computed the correlation after concatenating data across all DZ twin-pairs, across twin1 (whether MZ or DZ) and sib1, or across sib1 and sib2 (where families had only siblings and no twins), all of which share 50% genetics on average. As there was always only one twin-pair in a family, the correlation for MZ twins (rMZ) is computed across all MZ twin-pair observations.
(I) Heritability of thickness asymmetry in robust asymmetry clusters (population-level thickness asymmetries). Significant twin-based (HCP) and SNP-based (UK Biobank; N=31,433) heritability (h2) estimates are shown in bold, Bonferroni-corrected (P<2.5e-3 [.05/20]) separately for twin- and SNP-based estimates. e2=unique environmental effects + error; –2LL = minus 2 log likelihood index of model fit for AE (full model) and E (model without genetic parameter). Note that the correlations for DZ twins or sibling-pairs (rDZsibPairs) do not include data from third +siblings (sibs). Instead, we computed the correlation after concatenating data across all DZ twin-pairs, across twin1 (whether MZ or DZ) and sib1, or across sib1 and sib2 (where families had only siblings and no twins), all of which share 50% genetics on average. As there was always only one twin-pair in a family, the correlation for MZ twins (rMZ) is computed across all MZ twin-pair observations.
(J) Areal asymmetry associations. Results of linear regressions modelling the effects of individual differences (General Cognitive Ability, Handedness, Sex, and ICV) on asymmetry in population-level areal asymmetries in the full UK Biobank imaging sample with available cognitive data (imputed for no missing cognitive variables; N=35,198) or available handedness data (Handedness, Sex, ICV effects; N=37,569; Methods). Bold indicates Bonferroni-corrected significance (P<7.4e–5 [.01/136]). Right table shows significance of associations after controlling for additional brain-size related covariates following recent recommendations (Williams et al., 2022).
(K) Thickness asymmetry associations. Results of linear regressions modelling the effects of individual differences (General Cognitive Ability, Handedness, Sex, and ICV) on asymmetry in population-level thickness asymmetries in the full UK Biobank imaging sample with available cognitive data (imputed for no missing cognitive variables; N=35,198) or available handedness data (Handedness, Sex, ICV effects; N=37,569; Methods). Bold indicates Bonferroni-corrected significance (P<7.4e–5 [.01/136]). Right table shows significance of associations after controlling for additional brain-size related covariates following recent recommendations (Williams et al., 2022).
(L) Weightings of principal components across the 11 core cognitive variables in UK Biobank used here and cumulative variance explained.
(M) Dataset access information.