(A) Schematic illustration of experimental design and timeline for monosynaptic rabies tracing. Nr5a1Cre mice were injected in V1 with a mixture of AAV-CIAO-TVA, AAV-FLEX-H2BBFP-oG, and AAV-FLEX-smFP_myc. Three weeks later EnvA+ RVdG-PSD95GFP-SynPhRFP was injected into the same site and allowed to express for 7 days. (B) Schematic of rabies retrograde spread efficiency quantification paradigm. Starter neurons are distinguished from input neurons based on expression of nuclear BFP from AAV-FLEX-H2BBFP-oG in addition to fusion proteins from EnvA+ RVdG-PSD95GFP-SynPhRFP. Starter neurons expressing smFP_myc are used for synaptic quantification to allow tracing of distal dendrites. Synaptic fraction is measured by quantifying the proportion of postsynaptic densities (PSD95GFP) on the starter neuron apposed with rabies-labeled presynaptic terminals (SynPhRFP). (C) Representative example images of V1 injection site, obtained using widefield fluorescence microscopy at ×10 magnification. Scale bar = 200 µm. (D) Coronal section example images obtained using widefield fluorescence microscopy at 10× showing long-range monosynaptic input neurons in dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) to Nr5a1+ L4 neurons in V1 when using the new RVdG construct (top). No retrograde spread is observed when glycoprotein is omitted, see Figure 2 for additional information. Insets are zoomed in images of dashed box regions. Scale bar represents 1 mm in hemisection image or 200 µm in inset. (E) Max intensity projection reconstruction of images obtained using Airyscan super-resolution imaging at 63×. Left, example image of starter neuron (H2BBFP+,PSD95GFP+, and SynPhRFP+) labeled with smFP_myc. Middle, example image of the distal domain of an apical dendrite of a starter neuron. Right, example image of the proximal domain of a basal dendrite. Scale bar = 20 µm (all three). (F) Spatial resolution using Airyscan imaging is sufficient to quantify rabies transsynaptic spread at the synaptic level. Zoomed in max intensity projection reconstructed image of boxed region in (E) right, illustrating PSD-95 puncta colocalized with cytoplasmic smFP_myc. Top, yellow boxed region highlights a spine with PSD-95 puncta without an apposed rabies-labeled presynaptic density. White boxed region highlights a spine with PSD-95 puncta with an apposed rabies-labeled presynaptic density. Middle row, zoomed in max intensity projection reconstructed images of yellow boxed region and bottom rows are zoomed in max intensity projection reconstructed images of white boxed region. Top, scale bar = 2 µm and middle and bottom scale bar = 0.5 µm. (G) Percent of postsynaptic densities (PSD95GFP) on Nr5a1+ starter cells apposed with rabies-labeled presynaptic terminals (SynPhRFP). Left, quantification of colocalization at baseline (no glycoprotein) due to L4 to L4 connections compared to colocalization from transsynaptic spread (with glycoprotein). Middle, colocalization on the distal vs proximal domains of apical dendrites. Right, colocalization on apical vs basal dendrites. Values are reported as mean ± SEM. Statistics were calculated from the Wilcoxon rank-sum test for non-parametric comparisons. Individual data points (circles) indicate values for each neuron. n (number of neurons) = 5 and 9 and N (number of mice) = 2 and 3 for no oG and oG groups respectively. p-value > 0.05 = not significant (ns).