Omissions of threat trigger subjective relief and prediction error-like signaling in the human reward and salience systems

  1. Anne L Willems  Is a corresponding author
  2. Lukas Van Oudenhove
  3. Bram Vervliet
  1. Laboratory of Biological Psychology, Department of Brain & Cognition, KU Leuven, Belgium
  2. Leuven Brain Institute, KU Leuven, Belgium
  3. Laboratory for Brain-Gut Axis Studies (LaBGAS), Translational Research in GastroIntestinal Disorders (TARGID), Department of chronic diseases and metabolism, KU Leuven, Belgium
22 figures, 14 tables and 4 additional files


Experimental design and behavioral results.

(A) All trials started with instructions on the probability (ranging from 0% to 100%) and intensity (weak, moderate, strong) of a potentially painful electrical stimulation (1 s), followed by the addition of a countdown bar that indicated the exact moment of stimulation or omission. The duration of the countdown clock was jittered between 3 and 7 s. Then, the screen cleared and the electrical stimulation was either delivered or omitted. Most of the trials (48 trials) did not contain the anticipated electrical stimulation (omission trials). Following a delay of 4–8 s, a rating scale appeared, probing stimulation-unpleasantness on stimulation trials, and relief-pleasantness on omission trials. After 8 s, an ITI between 4 and 7 s started, during which a fixation cross was presented on the screen. The task consisted in total of 72 trials, divided equally over 4 runs (18 trials/run). Each run contained all probability (25, 50, 75) x intensity (weak, moderate, strong) combinations exactly once not followed by the stimulation (9 omission trials), three 0%-omission trials (without any intensity information), three 100%-stimulation trials (followed by the stimulation of the given intensity, one per intensity level per run), and three additional trials from the probability (25,50,75) x Intensity (weak, moderate, strong) matrix that were followed by the stimulation (per run each level of intensity and probability was once paired with the stimulation). For a detailed overview of the trials see Supplementary file 3 – Trial types and numbers. (B) SCR were scored as the time integral of the deconvoluted phasic activity (using CDA in Ledalab) within a response window of 1–4 s post omission. Responses were square root transformed. SCR were larger following omissions of more probable and more intense US omissions (N = 26; main effect Probability: F = 5.15, p < .01; main effect Intensity, F = 107.47, p < .001) . (C) The pleasantness of the relief elicited by US omissions was rated on a VAS-scale ranging from 0 (neutral) to 100 (very pleasant). Omission-relief was rated as being more pleasant following omissions of more intense and more probable US (N = 31; main effect Probability: F = 30.64, p < .001; main effect Intensity: F = 623.79, p < .001). In both graphs, individual data points are presented, with the group averages plotted on top. The error bars represent standard error of the mean.

Omission-related activations in the a priori ROIs.

Unexpected omissions of stimulation (non0%>0%) triggered significant fMRI responses in (A) the VTA/SN, and (B) left ventral putamen, but deactivations in (C) the vmPFC and no change in activation in (D) the NAc. Only for the VTA/SN did the activations increase with increasing Probability and Intensity of omitted stimulation (N = 31; Probability: F = 2.94, p = .055; Intensity: F = 6.14, p < .005). vmPFC responses decreased with increasing intensity of the omitted stimulation (N = 31; F = 9.29, p < .001). Fully predicted stimulations (100%) elicited stronger activations than fully predicted omission (0%) in (E) the VTA/SN, no difference in activation for (F) the left Putamen and (G) the NAc, and stronger deactivations for fully predicted stimulation versus omission in (H) the vmPFC. In all figures, the unexpected omission maps were overlayed with the a priori ROI masks (in teal) and were displayed at threshold p<0.001 (unc) for visualization purposes. The crosshairs represent the peak activation within each a priori ROI. The extracted beta-estimates in figures A-D represent the ROI averages from each non-0%>0% contrast (i.e. 25%>0%; 50%>0%; and 75%>0% for the weak, moderate, and strong intensity levels). Any positive beta therefore indicates a stronger activation in the given region compared to a fully predicted omission. Any negative beta indicates a weaker activation. The dots and error bars represent the mean and standard error of the mean.

Omission-related activations in the secondary mask.

We extracted unexpected omission (non0%>0%) processing clusters within our secondary mask, using a voxel threshold, p<0.001, followed by a cluster-threshold (FWE-corrected) of p<0.05. We found significant positive omission processing clusters in (A) the bilateral putamen, (B) bilateral aINS, (C) dmPFC/aMCC, and a trend-level negative omission processing cluster in (D) the right amygdala. Omission related activations in the bilateral aINS and dmPFC/aMCC increased with increasing probability (at trend-level) and intensity of omitted threat (N = 31; main effect Intensity: left aINS: F = 8.95, p <0.001; right aINS: F = 13.49, p <0.001; dmPFC/aMCC: F = 6.59, p <0.005; main effect Probability: right aINS: F(2,240) = 2.78, p = 0.06, dmPFC/aMCC: F = 2.48, p = 0.09), whereas amygdala activations decreased with omissions of increasingly intense threat (N = 31, main effect Intensity: F = 3.26, p<0.05). Nevertheless, fully predicted stimulations (100%) elicited stronger activations than fully predicted omission (0%) in (F) the bilateral aIns, and (G) the dmPFC/aMCC, and stronger deactivations in the (H) right amygdala, but no difference in activation in the (E) bilateral putamen. In all figures, the unexpected omission maps are displayed at threshold p<0.001 (unc) for visualization purposes. The extracted beta-estimates in figures A-D represent the ROI averages from each non-0%>0% contrast (i.e. 25%>0%; 50%>0%; and 75%>0% for the weak, moderate, and strong intensity levels). Any positive beta therefore indicates a stronger activation in the given region compared to a fully predicted omission. Any negative beta indicates a weaker activation. The dots and error bars represent the mean and standard error of the mean.

Relief modulation in the a priori and secondary ROIs.

Omission-related activations were modulated by trial-by-trial levels of relief-pleasantness in (A) the VTA/SN, (B) left ventral Putamen, and (D) vmPFC, but not in (C) the NAc. Omission-related activations in the secondary ROIs were modulated by trial-by-trial levels of relief-pleasantness in (A) the right putamen, (B) bilateral aINS, (C) dmPFC/aMCC, and the (D) right amygdala. In all figures, the relief modulation maps are displayed at threshold p<0.001 (unc) for visualization purposes.

LASSO-PCR based neural signature of relief-pleasantness.

(A) Relief predictive signature map consisting of all voxels within a grey matter mask. All weights were used for prediction. (B) Thresholded signature map (p<0.001), consisting of clusters that contribute significantly to the relief prediction (all clusters < 65 voxels). (C) Predicted and reported relief-pleasantness correlated significantly, r=0.28, p<0.001. Each line/color represents data of a single participant (N=31). (D) Correlations between reported and predicted relief in all lesion models (in each model one of the ROIs was removed from the grey matter mask). The stable correlation across models confirmed that none of our ROIs contributed significantly to the relief-predictive signature model.

Appendix 3—figure 1
Whole-brain (grey-matter masked) omission responses identified via the non0 % > 0% omission contrast, thresholded at p < 0.001 (uncorrected) for display purposes.
Appendix 3—figure 2
Probability- and intensity-related changes in threat omission-related fMRI responses per exploratory cluster.

Significant effects are indicated by the p-value.

Appendix 3—figure 3
Probability- and intensity-related changes in threat omission-related fMRI responses per exploratory cluster.

Significant effects are indicated by the p-value.

Appendix 3—figure 4
Whole-brain (grey-matter masked) relief modulation of omission-related fMRI responses identified via the relief modulation contrast, thresholded at p < 0.001 (uncorrected) for display purposes.
Appendix 4—figure 1
Anticipatory SCR to the instructions were larger for stimulations of a higher instructed probability and intensity.

Individual data points are presented, with the group averages plotted on top. The error bars represent standard error of the mean.

Appendix 4—figure 2
Individual anticipatory SCR followed probability instructions.
Appendix 4—figure 3
Whole-brain (grey-matter masked) anticipatory fMRI responses to the presentation of the instructions identified via the non0 % > 0% anticipation contrast, thresholded at p < 0.001 (uncorrected) for display purposes.
Appendix 4—figure 4
A linear increase in whole-brain (grey-matter masked) anticipatory fMRI activations for increasing probability instructions, identified via the probability contrast, thresholded at p < 0.001 (uncorrected) for display purposes.
Appendix 4—figure 5
Intensity contrast in whole-brain (grey-matter masked) anticipatory fMRI activations, identified via the Intensity contrast, and thresholded at p < 0.001 (uncorrected) for display purposes.
Appendix 4—figure 6
Probability and intensity effects for self-reported unpleasantness (A) and stimulation SCR (B).
Appendix 4—figure 7
Whole-brain (grey-matter masked) stimulation-related fMRI responses based on the stimulation > baseline contrast, thresholded at p < 0.001 (uncorrected) for display purposes.
Appendix 4—figure 8
Whole-brain (grey-matter masked) unexpected stimulation-related fMRI responses based on the non-100% stimulation > 100% stimulation contrast, and thresholded at p < 0.001 (uncorrected) for display purposes.
Appendix 5—figure 1
Post experimental recollections of stimulation and effort to avoid future stimulations.

A. Participants recollected having received more stimulations following instructions of a higher probability. B. Participants were willing to exert more effort to prevent stronger stimulations. In both graphs, individual data points are presented, with the group averages plotted on top. The error bars represent standard error of the mean.

Appendix 5—figure 2
Results from an unpublished pilot study where the reinforcement rate matched the instructions.

Main effect of Probability including 0% : F(1.74,31.23) = 53.94, p < 0.001, ηp 2 = 0.75; Main effect of Probability excluding 0%: F(1.50, 28.43) = 21.03, p < 0.001, ηp 2 = 0.53.

Appendix 5—figure 3
Run and US unpleasantness effects for subjective and physiological omission responses.

Reported relief-pleasantness (A) and omission SCR (B) decreased over runs. C. Participants who perceived the stimulation as more unpleasant (on average) reported higher levels of relief (on average).

Appendix 6—figure 1
Whole-brain (grey-matter masked) SCR modulation of omission-related fMRI responses identified via the SCR modulation contrast, thresholded at p < 0.001 (uncorrected) for display purposes.
Appendix 6—figure 2
The signature of omission SCR.

A. Signature weights. Positive weights are presented in orange-yellow; negative weights are presented in blue. B. Regions that contributed most to the signature response based on bootstrap tests (5000 samples). Clusters represent voxels with a bootstrapped p-value of <0.001 (uncorrected). C. Model predicted and observed SCR responses correlated significantly (r = 0.29).


Table 1
Main clusters contributing to the relief signature identified via bootstrapping.
Positive weight clusters
L/RRegionKMNI Coordinates (xyz)Z (peak)
RCerebellum Crus 2176–85–300.006
LCerebellum Crus 118–41–75–280.005
LInferior orbitofrontal gyrus10–2114–230.005
RInferior temporal gyrus1056–23–150.006
LMiddle orbitofrontal gyrus15–2554–150.007
RMiddle orbitofrontal gyrus133858–100.007
RCaudate gyrus12414-10.007
LSuperior temporal gyrus11–55210.005
RRolandic operculum19581030.006
RSuperior occipital gyrus1320–10370.006
LMiddle occipital gyrus14–23–9770.006
RCalcarine gyrus1812–79100.007
LMiddle occipital gyrus12–31–95140.005
RMiddle temporal gyrus1954–47140.005
RSupramarginal gyrus1252–37290.005
LSuperior occipital gyrus17–25–71380.004
RPrecentral gyrus15506430.005
LSuperior occipital gyrus14–13–79430.004
LMid cingulate gyrus27-9–23450.005
RMid cingulate gyrus122–13450.005
Negative weight clusters
RCerebellum Crus 11230–69–28–0.005
LCerebellum Crus 111–17–89–19–0.007
RCerebellum Crus 14130–85–19–0.014
RFusiform gyrus1028–49-8–0.006
RSuperior temporal gyrus1052-2-6–0.004
RInferior occipital gyrus1128–89-4–0.006
RSuperior temporal gyrus1066–17-4–0.006
LSuperior temporal gyrus16–63-5-1–0.005
LMiddle temporal gyrus14–57–65-1–0.004
RMiddle occipital gyrus1234–935–0.005
LMiddle occipital gyrus11–39–893–0.004
RMiddle temporal gyrus4058–5710–0.005
LCalcarine gyrus18–11–8112–0.007
LAngular gyrus16–45–5929–0.005
LMiddle frontal gyrus12–334634–0.005
RPostcentral gyrus6446–3149–0.005
RMiddle frontal gyrus19263245–0.004
LPostcentral gyrus10–49–1745–0.005
RMiddle frontal gyrus12261047–0.004
  1. Note. Contributing clusters are defined based on voxels-wise FDR-correction with q<0.05, k>10; L/R indicates if the cluster (or peak of the cluster) is part of the left or right hemisphere; Region name is identified using the AAL atlas; K is the number of voxels in the cluster; coordinates are the MNI coordinates of cluster peak; Z is the weight of the cluster peak.

Appendix 3—table 1
Whole-brain omission fMRI responses.
Contrast: non0%>0%
L/RRegionKp (cluster)MNI Coordinates (xyz)T (peak)
LMid cingulate gyrus, extending to supplementary motor area and anterior cingulate gyrus1606<0.001-34458.19
LSupplementary motor area400.068–152675.26
LSuperior temporal gyrus148<0.001–59–33215.26
LInferior parietal gyrus170<0.001–43–53545.03
LCerebellum vermis550.016-3–75–154.84
RInferior parietal gyrus370.09350–47544.74
LSupplementary motor area440.046-7-9714.51
Contrast: non0%<0%
LFusiform gyrus, extending to lingual gyrus, occipital gyrus and calcarine gyrus2408<0.001–31–59–158.86
LPosterior cingulate gyrus638<0.001-9–49347.34
RSuperior occipital gyrus, extending to calcarine gyrus1686<0.00126–93186.87
LMiddle temporal gyrus176<0.001–63-9-86.73
RFusiform gyrus294<0.00132–37–156.73
RPrecentral gyrus600.01044–23606.70
RMiddle temporal gyrus810.00262-5–155.74
LPosterior orbitofrontal gyrus370.093–4328–155.12
RMiddle frontal gyrus910.0012826454.98
LMiddle frontal gyrus230<0.001–2722544.93
LMiddle temporal gyrus600.010–57–57-44.89
LParacentral lobule460.037-5–31674.68
RParacentral lobule390.0766–37624.59
  1. Note. Regions are identified at voxel-level p<0.001, and with cluster correction p<0.05 (FWE-corrected); L/R indicates if the cluster (or peak of the cluster) is part of the left or right hemisphere; Region name is identified using the AAL atlas; K is the number of voxels in the cluster; Coordinates are the MNI coordinates of cluster peak; T is the value of the T-statistic of the cluster peak.

Appendix 3—table 2
Whole-brain relief modulation.
Contrast: Positive modulation
L/RRegionKp (cluster)MNI Coordinates (xyz)T (peak)
RMid cingulate gyrus, extending to supplementary motor area and anterior cingulate gyrus1739<0.001210436.80
RSuperior temporal gyrus, extending to supramarginal gyrus174<0.00166–39236.71
LSupramarginal gyrus155<0.001–63–47295.84
RMedial frontal gyrus440.042634385.00
Contrast: Negative modulation
RAngular gyrus, extending to occipital gyri523<0.00148–73327.59
LAngular gyrus, extending to occipital gyri535<0.001–45–73366.62
LFusiform gyrus400.063–27–39–195.98
RMiddle frontal gyrus107<0.0012628455.70
RLingual gyrus167<0.00114–79–125.68
RSuperior occipital gyrus390.07016–91185.40
LLingual gyrus191<0.001–29–81–175.22
LMiddle frontal gyrus194<0.001–2920475.19
LPostcentral gyrus690.004–63-5324.78
LLingual gyrus480.028–27–53-64.46
  1. Note. Regions are identified at voxel-level p<0.001, and with cluster correction p<0.05 (FWE-corrected); L/R indicates if the cluster (or peak of the cluster) is part of the left or right hemisphere; Region name is identified using the AAL atlas; K is the number of voxels in the cluster; Coordinates are the MNI coordinates of cluster peak; T is the value of the T-statistic of the cluster peak.

Appendix 4—table 1
Whole-brain anticipatory fMRI responses to the presentation of the instructions.
Contrast: non0%>0%
L/RRegionKp (cluster)MNI Coordinates (xyz)T (peak)
RCerebellum, vermis149<0.0014–63-88.80
LSuperior temporal gyrus362<0.001–59–33218.13
LMid cingulate gyrus2058<0.001-5-1457.95
LRolandic operculum919<0.001–59457.49
LInferior frontal gyrus760.003–3938126.08
RBrain stem128<0.0016–29-86.03
RSupplementary motor area540.02312-9675.26
LInferior parietal gyrus780.003–45–55494.94
Contrast: non0%<0%
LFusiform gyrus369<0.001–31–45-68.08
LMiddle temporal gyrus678<0.001–59-9-87.80
RAngular gyrus329<0.00150–71367.30
RFusiform gyrus286<0.00132–45-67.24
LFusiform gyrus545<0.001–23–85–176.78
RMiddle temporal gyrus109<0.00158-1–216.66
LSuperior frontal gyrus430.063-948456.14
LAngular gyrus398<0.001–41–75435.81
RMiddle frontal gyrus118<0.0012826455.60
LMiddle frontal gyrus154<0.001–2326455.10
  1. Note. Regions are identified at voxel-level p<0.001, and with cluster correction p<0.05 (FWE-corrected); L/R indicates if the cluster (or peak of the cluster) is part of the left or right hemisphere; Region name is identified using the AAL atlas; K is the number of voxels in the cluster; Coordinates are the MNI coordinates of cluster peak; T is the value of the T-statistic of the cluster peak.

Appendix 4—table 2
ity contrast in whole-brain anticipatory fWhole-brain anticipatory fMRI responses to increasing probability.
Contrast: Increase with increasing probability
L/RRegionKp (cluster)MNI Coordinates (xyz)T (peak)
LMid cingulate gyrus1394<0.001-34437.88
LMiddle temporal gyrus630.004–57–6576.74
LPrecentral gyrus278<0.001–5910106.65
LPostcentral gyrus98<0.001–33–43626.07
LSupramarginal gyrus201<0.001–65–33276.02
LMiddle frontal gyrus347<0.001–4146165.84
RMiddle frontal gyrus620.0043242275.43
RSupramarginal gyrus277<0.00158–41325.37
Contrast: Decrease with increasing probability
No significant clusters of activation
  1. Note. Regions are identified at voxel-level p<0.001, and with cluster correction p<0.05 (FWE-corrected); L/R indicates if the cluster (or peak of the cluster) is part of the left or right hemisphere; Region name is identified using the AAL atlas; K is the number of voxels in the cluster; Coordinates are the MNI coordinates of cluster peak; T is the value of the T-statistic of the cluster peak.

Appendix 4—table 3
Intensity contrast in whole-brain anticipatory fMRI activations.
Contrast: Strong >Weak
L/RRegionKp (cluster)MNI Coordinates (xyz)T (peak)
RSupplementary motor area2942<0.00166679.92
LSuperior temporal gyrus814<0.001–51217.66
RSupramarginal gyrus674<0.00164–45326.91
LSupramarginal gyrus568<0.001–59–25296.48
LPostcentral gyrus111<0.001–35–19456.47
LPostcentral gyrus100<0.001–31–43626.21
RPrecentral gyrus166<0.00152-7476.19
LPostcentral gyrus750.002–31–31545.47
Contrast: Strong <Weak
RSuperior frontal gyrus170<0.0012436476.09
RAngular gyrus115<0.00140–73455.24
LInferior parietal gyrus720.003–33–71434.80
RMiddle frontal gyrus630.0074842144.71
  1. Note. Regions are identified at voxel-level p<0.001, and with cluster correction p<0.05 (FWE-corrected); L/R indicates if the cluster (or peak of the cluster) is part of the left or right hemisphere; Region name is identified using the AAL atlas; K is the number of voxels in the cluster; Coordinates are the MNI coordinates of cluster peak; T is the value of the T-statistic of the cluster peak.

Appendix 4—table 4
Whole-brain stimulation-induced activations.
Contrast: Stimulation >baseline
L/RRegionKp (cluster)MNI Coordinates (xyz)T (peak)
LMid cingulate gyrus2048<0.001-38439.44
LMiddle frontal gyrus271<0.001–4142237.12
RMiddle temporal gyrus119<0.00154–3115.11
Contrast: Stimulation <baseline
ROccipital gyri, extending to fusiform, lingual gyri4348<0.00132–91–1014.53
LOccipital gyri, extending to fusiform, lingual gyri4411<0.001–35–91–1513.70
RPrecentral gyrus271<0.00140–215110.21
RPostcentral gyrus850.00436–31568.25
RMiddle temporal gyrus188<0.00160-3–197.95
LMiddle temporal gyrus582<0.001–61–13–156.69
RSuperior frontal gyrus136<0.0012632496.22
LPrecentral gyrus143<0.001–57-3296.20
LPosterior cingulate gyrus887<0.001-3–55296.11
LSuperior frontal gyrus136<0.001–2726565.94
  1. Note. Regions are identified at voxel-level p<0.001, and with cluster correction p<0.05 (FWE-corrected); L/R indicates if the cluster (or peak of the cluster) is part of the left or right hemisphere; Region name is identified using the AAL atlas; K is the number of voxels in the cluster; Coordinates are the MNI coordinates of cluster peak; T is the value of the T-statistic of the cluster peak.

Appendix 4—table 5
Whole-brain unexpected stimulation-induced activations.
Contrast: non100%>100% stimulations
L/RRegionKp (cluster)MNI Coordinates (xyz)T (peak)
RMiddle temporal gyrus121<0.00154–21-66.52
RRolandic operculum500.01442–11185.57
RFrontal superior gyrus440.0272420475.17
LMiddle temporal gyrus420.034–59–25-45.10
LPrecentral gyrus720.002–57-7324.75
RMiddle temporal gyrus360.06750–55214.67
RMedial superior frontal gyrus340.085854234.49
RMid cingulate gyrus340.0854–47344.32
LMiddle temporal gyrus330.096–53–55234.32
Contrast: non100%<100% stimulations
No significant clusters of activation
  1. Note. Regions are identified at voxel-level p<0.001, and with cluster correction p<0.05 (FWE-corrected); L/R indicates if the cluster (or peak of the cluster) is part of the left or right hemisphere; Region name is identified using the AAL atlas; K is the number of voxels in the cluster; Coordinates are the MNI coordinates of cluster peak; T is the value of the T-statistic of the cluster peak.

Appendix 5—table 1
F-statistics and corresponding p-values from the overall lag model.
ReliefSCRVTA/SN (*)Left vPutNACvmPFC
x Intensity
x Run
x Run
x Intensity
x Run
  1. *

    (*) F-test and p-values were based on the model where outliers were rescored to 2SD from the mean. Note that when retaining the influential outliers for this model, the p-value of the probability effect was p=0.06. For all other outcome variables, rescoring the outliers did not change the results. Significant effects are indicated in bold.

Appendix 5—table 2
F-statistics and corresponding p-values from the lag per probability level model.
ReliefSCRVTA/SN (*)Left vPutNACvmPFC
x Intensity
x Run
x Run
x Intensity
x Run
Lag per probability: Probability1.51n.s.1.32n.s.1.12n.s.0.10n.s.0.96n.s.4.14<0.01
  1. *

    (*) F-test and p-values were based on the model where outliers were rescored to 2SD from the mean. Note that when retaining the influential outliers for this model, the p-value of the Intensity x Run interaction was p=0.05. For all other outcome variables, rescoring the outliers did not change the results. Significant effects are indicated in bold.

Appendix 6—table 1
Whole-brain SCR modulation.
Contrast: Positive modulation
L/RRegionKp (cluster)MNI Coordinates (xyz)T (peak)
RMid cingulate gyrus410<0.001212386.03
LSuperior temporal gyrus870.001–63–33216.03
RSupplementary motor gyrus235<0.00144656.01
RCerebellum, vermis450.0296–61-65.16
RSupramarginal gyrus350.08764–33295.07
Contrast: Negative modulation
LParacentral lobule123<0.001-3–31696.65
RParacentral lobule128<0.0014–31676.49
RAngular gyrus332<0.00144–59296.31
RMiddle frontal gyrus500.0173036–125.67
RPosterior cingulate gyrus102<0.00110–57215.61
LFusiform gyrus146<0.001–29–41–215.56
RPrecentral gyrus109<0.00146–21605.54
LMiddle occipital gyrus274<0.001–37–75345.36
RInferior temporal gyrus710.00242–67-45.17
LSuperior temporal gyrus520.014–63-5-65.11
LMiddle temporal gyrus400.050–59–63-15.02
LMiddle temporal gyrus390.056–61–4134.91
LMiddle cingulate gyrus89<0.001-5–41364.88
RMiddle frontal gyrus580.0082618474.79
LInferior temporal gyrus560.009–472–414.54
  1. Note. Regions are identified at voxel-level p<0.001, and with cluster correction p<.05 (FWE-corrected); L/R indicates if the cluster (or peak of the cluster) is part of the left or right hemisphere; Region name is identified using the AAL atlas; K is the number of voxels in the cluster; Coordinates are the MNI coordinates of cluster peak; T is the value of the T-statistic of the cluster peak.

Appendix 6—table 2
Main omission SCR signature clusters identified via bootstrapping.
Positive weight clusters
L/RRegionKMNI Coordinates (xyz)Z (peak)
RCerebellum Crus 2118–87–300.00019
LCerebellum Crus 212–19–87–280.00016
LCerebellum Crus 116–41–71–260.00015
RCalcarine gyrus122–91–120.00023
RFusiform gyrus1030–57-80.00020
RInferior occipital gyrus1536–89-60.00023
LAnterior cingulate cortex12-126180.00026
LSupramarginal gyrus21–55–45270.00020
RSuperior occipital gyrus7030–71430.00018
LPostcentral gyrus12–61–19360.00013
Negative weight clusters
LCerebellum Crus 111–35–83–21–0.00031
RLingual gyrus1230–85–17–0.00026
LFusiform gyrus33–23–69–15–0.00025
RSuperior frontal gyrus164042–15–0.00020
LLingual gyrus15–39–85–12–0.00014
RInferior occipital gyrus2942–79–12–0.00014
RInferior temporal gyrus1060–41–12–0.00015
RInferior occipital gyrus1330–89-6–0.00015
RMiddle temporal gyrus1152–551–0.00017
LMiddle occipital gyrus24–39–875–0.00016
RMiddle occipital gyrus1740–855–0.00019
RMiddle frontal gyrus1742427–0.00014
LMiddle occipital gyrus17–51–737–0.00020
RCalcarine gyrus104–7512–0.00019
RPostcentral gyrus1062-321–0.00017
RFrontal middle gyrus17444023–0.00015
RSuperior frontal gyrus11206223–0.00015
LPrecentral gyrus11–55629–0.00013
LPostcentral gyrus11–51–1554–0.00016
RSupplementary motor area154–2560–0.00015
  1. Note. Clusters (FDR-corrected, k>10, following bootstrapping). L/R indicates if the cluster (or peak of the cluster) is part of the left or right hemisphere; Region name is identified using the AAL atlas. K is the number of voxels in the cluster; coordinates are the MNI coordinates of cluster peak, Z is the signature weight of the cluster peak.

Author response table 1
Omission responses
RegressorReliefSCRVTA/SN (*)Left vPutNACvmPFC
Probability x Intensity3.69<.011.54n.s.1.15n.s.1.39n.s.1.76n.s.0.7n.s.
Probability x Run1.13n.s.1.24n.s.1.02n.s.1.22n.s.1.74n.s.1.26n.s.
Intensity x Run1.940.071.3n.s.1.940.071.59n.s.1.01n.s.2.41<.05
Probability x Intensity x Run0.56n.s.0.87n.s.0.76n.s.0.71n.s.0.76n.s.0.83n.s.
Author response table 2
Omission responses
RegressorReliefSCRVTA/SN (*)Left vPutNACvmPFC
Probability x Intensity3.87<.011.33n.s.1.01n.s.1.40n.s.1.81n.s.0.63n.s.
Probability x Run1.63n.s.1.10n.s.1.25n.s.1.16n.s.1.60n.s.1.17n.s.
Intensity x Run2.08.0531.25n.s.<.05
Probability x Intensity x Run0.55n.s.0.90n.s.0.72n.s.0.71n.s.0.73n.s.0.84n.s.
Lag per probability: Probability1.51n.s.1.32n.s.1.12n.s.0.10n.s.0.96n.s.4.14<.01
US- unpleasantness26.69<.0012.99.0971.63n.s.0.06n.s.

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  1. Anne L Willems
  2. Lukas Van Oudenhove
  3. Bram Vervliet
Omissions of threat trigger subjective relief and prediction error-like signaling in the human reward and salience systems
eLife 12:RP91400.