(A) A surface view of the mouse’s skull showing the landmarks of the craniotomy over the IC. (B) An image of the bone flap after finishing the drilling. (C–E) A cartoon and two images of the brain …
All images were taken for the GFP signals exclusively expressed in GABAergic cells. (A, B) Low magnification of fluorescence images for the GFP signals obtained from the IC surface with or without …
(A, B) The 2P images of the jRGECO1a expression on the DC imaged from the dorsal surface and the LC(microprism), respectively. (C, D) The time traces of the evoked calcium signals by either …
(A) Image of the inferior colliculus (IC) showing the immunostaining to NueN (blue-column 1), GAD67-GFP (green-column 3), jRGECO1a (red-column 3), merged image for the three proteins (column 4), and …
(A, C) The two-photon (2P) images of GFP (green) and jRGECO1a expression (red) on either the LC(microprism) or the DC imaged from the dorsal surface, respectively. (B, D) The pseudocolor images show …
(A, B) Linear and nonlinear quadratic regression fit between the best pure tone frequencies (BTFs) and the locations of the cells of the LC(microprism) and the dorsal cortex (DC), respectively.
(A) The cumulative distribution function of the best tone frequencies of all cells collected either from the LC imaged via microprism (blue line) or the DC imaged directly from its dorsal surface …
Examples of different cell types based on their responses to auditory or somatosensory stimulations as well as their response timing to the auditory stimulation as indicated by waveforms of the …
(A) The two-photon (2P) images of GFP (green) and jRGECO1a expression (magenta) in the LC(microprism) show the modules within white irregular lines. (B, D, F) The pseudocolor images show the …
(A) A low magnification of the image obtained from the inferior colliculus (IC) surface. (B–D) The top row: the two-photon (2P) images of GFP (green) and jRGECO1a expression (magenta) of three main …
(A, C) The two-photon (2P) images of GFP (green) and jRGECO1a expression (magenta) on either the LC(microprism) surface imaged via the microprism or the DC imaged directly from the dorsal surface, …
(A,B) Linear and nonlinear quadratic regression fit between the best pure tone frequencies (BTFs) and the locations of the cells of the LC(microprism) and the dorsal cortex (DC), respectively.
(A) The cumulative distribution function of the best tone frequencies of all cells collected either from the lateral cortex (LC) imaged via microprism (blue line) or the DC imaged directly from its …
The cumulative distribution function of the RFS of all cells collected from DC or LC under different experimental preparations; Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, χ2=346.9, p<0.001, post hoc Dunn’s test; *(DC vs …
(A, C, E) The pseudocolor images show the auditory (white circles) or somatosensory (blue circles) responsive cells of the LC(microprism) as well as the merged response (green circles), …
(A) The pseudocolor image shows the nonresponsive (red circles) vs responsive (white circles) cells to the auditory stimulation with unmodulated broadband noise at the LC(microprism). (B) The …
Reagent type (species) or resource | Designation | Source or reference | Identifiers | Additional information |
Strain, strain background (Mus musculus) | GAD67-GFP (GAD1GFP) | Generously given | N/A | Developed and shared with permission from Dr. Yuchio Yanagawa at Gunma University and obtained from Dr. Douglas Oliver at the University of Connecticut |
Strain, strain background (Mus musculus) | Tg(Thy1-jRGECO1a)GP8.20Dkim/J | Jackson Laboratory, USA | 30525 | |
Sequence-based reagent | jRGECO1a – primer | Transnetyx, USA | mApple-1 Tg | |
Antibody | NeuN (D4G40) XP Rabbit mAB | Cell Signaling, USA | 62994 | (1:100) |
Antibody | Goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugated to Alexa Fluor 405 | Thermo Fisher, USA | A-31556 | (1:200) |