An in vitro approach reveals molecular mechanisms underlying endocrine disruptor-induced epimutagenesis

  1. Jake D Lehle
  2. Yu-Huey Lin
  3. Amanda Gomez
  4. Laura Chavez
  5. John R McCarrey  Is a corresponding author
  1. Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology, The University of Texas at San Antonio, United States
7 figures, 5 tables and 7 additional files


Figure 1 with 5 supplements
Dose-dependent impact of epimutagenesis measured in iPSCs exposed to 1, 50, and 100 μM BPS.

(a) Ideogram plots displaying chromosomal distribution of genome-wide changes in DNA methylation caused by BPS exposure. (b) Mean difference (MD) plots of changes in gene expression following exposure to increasing doses of BPS. Exposure to increasing doses of BPS induced higher, although plateauing numbers of DMCs, DMRs, and DEGs. Blue horizontal lines = hypomethylated DMCs, red horizontal lines = hypermethylated DMCs, black squares = DMRs.

Figure 1—figure supplement 1
Overlapping DMCs and DEGs found among dose-dependent responses to BPS exposure.

Venn diagrams of overlapping (a) DMCs and (b) DEGs identified when comparing iPSCs exposed to increasing doses of BPS (1, 50, and 100 μM). We detected an average of 51.25% overlap among DMCs and an average of 80.45% overlap among DEGs within each respective cell type across the different doses of BPS.

Figure 1—figure supplement 2
Relationship between DMCs at promoters and DEGs.

We compared the correlation between the differential expression of genes and the presence of DMCs in the promoter region of that gene in (a) iPSCs exposed to increasing doses of BPS (1, 50, and 100 μM) or (b) Sertoli, Granulosa, iPSCs, and PGCLCs. We found that there was a significant negative correlation indicating in our data that promoters that had a loss of DNA methylation tended to also have higher upregulation of gene expression and vice versa when observing hypermethylation and downregulation of gene expression.

Figure 1—figure supplement 3
Chemical exposure experimental workflow.

(1) Cells are passaged into T-25 flasks with filter caps. (2) Mixed blood gas (carbon dioxide 5%, oxygen 5%, and balance nitrogen) is filtered and bubbled into media to prepare media to be mixed with diluted chemical treatment and added to air-tight cell culture flasks. (3) Media is transferred into glass vials and diluted chemical is added. (4) T-25 filter caps are replaced with air-tight caps with septums and cell media containing chemicals is added via syringe and left for 24 hr. (5) After 24 hr, chemical-containing media is removed and cells are washed with buffer. (6) T-25 air-tight septum caps are replaced with filter caps and cells are cultured for an additional 24 hr ‘chase’ period.

Figure 1—figure supplement 4
Consistency among iPSC replicates and variation between RNA-seq and DNA methylation Infinium Beadchip array experimental and control groups.

Plots displaying principle component analyses of data from the BPS dose determination experiments showing dose-dependent susceptibility to BPS in iPSCs utilizing data from (a) DNA methylation data from Infinium Beadchip array analysis and (b) gene expression data from bulk RNA-seq analysis. The dimensional reduction of the variation in plots demonstrates a partially additive dose-dependent relationship between the concentration of BPS added to the media and an increasing distinction between the control and treated samples, although this relationship plateaued at higher doses of BPS.

Figure 1—figure supplement 5
ICC validation of MF5-9-1 iPSCs.

iPSCs from reprogrammed MEFs were validated for immunolabeling with known pluripotency markers along with negative control results when labeling was conducted with the secondary antibody only (ONLY 2°).

Figure 2 with 4 supplements
Chromosomal distributions and annotations of BPS-induced epimutations in pluripotent, somatic, and germ cell types.

(a) Ideograms illustrating chromosomal locations of DMCs induced by exposure of each cell type to 1 μM BPS. Blue horizontal lines = hypomethylated DMCs, red horizontal lines = hypermethylated DMCs. (b) Enrichment plots indicating feature annotations in genomic regions displaying prevalent BPS-induced epimutations in each cell type. Dot size = number of overlapping DMCs with specific annotation, dot color = enrichment score reflecting the relative degree to which epimutations occurring in a specific annotated class are overrepresented.

Figure 2—figure supplement 1
Overlapping DMCs and DEGs found among cell-type specific responses to BPS exposure.

Venn diagrams of overlapping (a) DMCs and (b) DEGs identified when comparing iPSCs, granulosa cells, Sertoli cells, and PGCLCs exposed to the established minimum dose of 1 μM of BPS. We only detected an average of 11.05% among DMCs and 13.26% among DEGs between different cell types.

Figure 2—figure supplement 2
ICC control staining of cell type-specific markers.

Validation of immunolabeling for known pluripotent and somatic cell type markers in iPSCs, Sertoli Cells, and Granulosa cells along with negative secondary antibody only (ONLY 2°) and positive (GAPDH) controls.

Figure 2—figure supplement 3
FACS sorting for ITGB3/FUT4 enriched primordial germ-cell like cells.

(a) Gating for cells. (b) (1–2) Gating for singlet cells. (c) Gating for live cells. (d) (1–2) Single color control ITGB3-positive cells. (d) (3–4) IgG isotype control. (e) (1–2) Single color control FUT4-positive cells. (f) (3–4) IgG isotype control. (g) Sorting for PGCLC-enriched ITGB3/FUT4 double positive population (2.18% of total cells).

Figure 2—figure supplement 4
Quality control for Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip Array data.

(a) Non-linear correction of dye bias removal from sample data. (b) Background signal subtraction from samples to limit noise. (c) Prediction of correct C57B6 mouse strain from samples included in the study based on built-in controls on Infinium Mouse Methylation BeadChip Array. (d) Average CpG probe detection success of 97.58% across all samples indicating efficient bisulfite conversion of all samples.

Figure 3 with 4 supplements
Correlation between cell-type specific expression of estrogen receptors and density of genomic EREs associated with BPS-induced epimutations.

(a) Assessment of expression of ERα and ERβ by cell types co-stained for known cell-type specific markers. Somatic cell types express both receptors, pluripotent cells express ERβ but not ERα, and germ cells do not express either estrogen receptor. (b) Motif plots displaying the full ERE consensus sequence and the more biologically relevant ERE half-site motifs found to be enriched from ERα ChIP-seq. (c,d) Normalized density plots and box plots displaying the frequency of ERE half-sites identified (c) within 500 bp of all BPS-induced DMCs genome-wide, or (d) within 500 bp of the most enriched categories of BPS-induced DMCs in each cell type (=enhancer regions for somatic and pluripotent cell types and promoter regions in the germ cell type).

Figure 3—figure supplement 1
Assessment of expression of additional endocrine receptors potentially involved in cell type-specific responses to BPS exposure.

Immunocytochemistry staining of expression of ERα, ERβ, PPARγ, RXRα, and AR is shown, along with staining for known cell-type-specific markers. Somatic cell types express all receptors, pluripotent cells express ERβ but not ERα, PPARγ, RXRα or AR, and germ cells do not express any of the endocrine receptors.

Figure 3—figure supplement 2
Motifs near enriched DMCs.

Identification of the top 4 motif sequences (e-value <0.05) within 500 bp of cell type-specific enriched DMCs that were either associated with enhancer regions in Sertoli, granulosa, and iPS cells or with transcription factor binding sites in PGCLCs. Each motif was compared with the JASPAR database for potential transcription factor binding capability associated with the motif. Transcription factors with potential binding capability are listed above each corresponding motif along with the adjusted p-value (q-value) of the association. Interestingly we see that the two most common motifs across all cell types were associated with either the chromatin remodeling transcription factor HMG1A or the pluripotency factor KLF4.

Figure 3—figure supplement 3
Comparison of delta beta values at significant DMCs.

Analysis of the differences in beta values at DMCs from Sertoli, Granulosa, and iPSCs that were enriched at enhancer regions and associated with closer proximity to ERE elements or DMCs that were not enriched at enhancers that had a lower frequency of ERE elements in close proximity. Box plots display a high degree of similarity in the delta beta intensities measured for these specific DMCs in BPS-treated samples vs control samples. Interestingly, the differences between the distribution of beta values were sufficient to be significant based on the two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. These observed differences indicate that there is higher variability of the delta betas associated with hypomethylated changes occurring at DMCs associated with enhancers but not hypermethylation indicating a trend for a higher proportion of cells to have hypomethylated changes at these specific regions.

Figure 3—figure supplement 4
Genome-wide annotation of ERE half-sites.

Venn diagram displaying the identification of ERE half-sites localized in known genic and intergenic regions.

Direct comparison of BPS exposure-specific and cell-type specific features between cell types.

(a) Assessment Venn diagrams indicating DMCs that are due either to BPS exposure (top, smaller ovals) or inherent cell-type specific differences (bottom, larger ovals). Numbers of apparent endocrine-signaling related DMCs are shown in the light orange arrow, and apparent endocrine-signaling independent DMCs are shown in the dark orange arrows. Enrichment plots indicating feature annotations in genomic regions displaying (b) apparent endocrine-signaling related DMCs occurring predominantly in enhancer regions in somatic Sertoli and granulosa cell types or pluripotent cells expressing one or more estrogen receptors, or (c) a smaller set of apparent endocrine-signaling independent DMCs occurring predominantly in promoter regions in all four cell types regardless of +/-expression of relevant endocrine receptors. (d) Normalized density plots and box plots displaying the frequency of ERE half-sites identified within 500 bp of apparent endocrine-signaling related DMCs occurring predominantly in enhancer regions and apparent endocrine-signaling independent DMCs occurring predominantly in promoters.

Figure 5 with 1 supplement
Correlation between the proximity of DMCs to promoters and dysregulation of gene expression.

(a) Proximity plot displaying distances from exposure-specific DMCs to nearest promoter regions. Dotted lines indicate median points of the data for each cell type. (b) Correlation plot displaying a negative relationship between the distance from DMCs to nearest promoters and resulting dysregulation of gene expression within each cell type.

Figure 5—figure supplement 1
Consistency among replicates of pluripotent, somatic, and germ cell types and variation between DNA methylation Infinium Beadchip array experimental and control groups.

Plots displaying principle component analyses of data from the cell-type-specific susceptibility to BPS via changes in DNA methylation from DNA methylation Infinium Beadchip array data and (d) gene expression from bulk RNA-seq data. The dimensional reduction of the variation in plots displays that replicate samples cluster into regions based on distinct cell identity profiles with only minimal overlap between treatment and control samples.

Figure 6 with 1 supplement
Potential involvement of non-canonical estrogen signaling pathways in BPS-induction of epimutations.

Relative expression of genes (a) enriched for apparent endocrine-signaling independent promoter-region DMCs found in all cell types or (b) dysregulated in PGCLCs which lack expression of estrogen receptors. (c) Heatmap of relative expression of estrogen receptor genes (Esr1 and Esr2) and G-coupled protein receptors (Gprc5a, Gpr107, Gprc5b, Gpr161, and Gpr89) in pluripotent, somatic, and germ cell types. Gprc5a, Gpr107, Gprc5b, Gpr161, and Gpr89 all have been shown to bind to BPA or 17β-estradiol in rat models and represent potential G-coupled protein receptors which could lead to the induction of endocrine-signaling independent DMCs.

Figure 6—figure supplement 1
Differential expression of potential endocrine-signaling independent DMCs.

Heatmap displaying the relative expression of genes with promoters enriched for apparent endocrine-signaling independent DMCs. The majority of these genes displayed a similar pattern of active expression in all cell types examined.

Figure 7 with 4 supplements
Persistence of BPS-induced epimutations through recapitulation of early germline reprogramming in vitro.

(a) Schematic illustrating derivation of PGCLCs from iPSCs in vitro. iPSCs are first induced to form EpiLCs which are then induced to form PGCLCs. iPSCs were exposed to either ethanol +1 μM BPS or ethanol (carrier) only, then induced to undergo transitions to form EpiLCs and then PGCLCs. (b) DNA samples from BPS-exposed or control iPSCs as well as subsequently derived PGCLCs were assessed for exposure-specific DNA methylation epimutations by EM-seq. BPS-treated iPSCs showed 38,105 DMCs and subsequently derived PGCLCs showed 28,169 DMCs. Of those, only 1417 (3.7%) of the DMCs were conserved from the BPS-exposed iPSCs to the subsequently derived PGCLCs. (c) RNA samples from BPS-exposed or control iPSCs and subsequently derived PGCLCs were assessed for global gene expression patterns by RNA-seq. BPS-treated iPSCs showed 1637 exposure-specific DEGs and subsequently derived PGCLCs showed 1437 exposure-specific DEGs. Of those, only 138 (8.4%) were conserved from the BPS-exposed iPSCs to the subsequently derived PGCLCs.

Figure 7—figure supplement 1
KEGG pathway analysis of DEGs detected in both iPSCs exposed to BPS and PGCLCs derived from the exposed iPSCs.

Analysis of KEGG pathways associated with 138 BPS-induced DEGs that persisted during the transition in cell fate from BPS-exposed iPSCs to PGCLCs revealed genes primarily involved with cell cycle and apoptosis pathways.

Figure 7—figure supplement 2
Consistency among iPSC and ancestrally exposed PGC-LC replicates and variation between RNA-seq and EM-seq experimental and control groups.

Plots displaying principle component analyses of data from the persistence of epimutations through transitions in cell states based on (a) DNA methylation from EM-seq data and (b) gene expression from bulk RNA-seq data. Again, replicate samples clustered into regions based on distinct cell identity profiles. However, there is a lack of strong separation between treatment conditions in the second principle component. While the differences in all experiments were sufficient to produce DMCs/DMRs/DEGs, the separation between treatment conditions displayed by the PCA could likely be increased by a larger sample size and indicate a limitation of only having triplicate replicates for this study.

Figure 7—figure supplement 3
Relative expression of markers for PGCLC induction from iPSCs.

(a) ICC of pluripotency and germ cell marker expression throughout the transition from iPSCs to PGCLCs. (b) qRT-PCR of pluripotency, epiblast, and germ cell markers indicating gene expression profiles during induction of PGCLCs from iPSCs. Each gene fold expression is relative to the housekeeping gene Gusb using the ∆Cq method. The symbol * indicates that the expression of transcripts in the sample was either non-existent or so low as to be undetectable by qRT-PCR.

Figure 7—figure supplement 4
Quality control for RNA-seq data.

RNA-seq quality control data from one of the three PGCLC replicates exposed to BPS as an example. (a) Base calls showed high-quality scores (phred scores >30) for all bases in reads. (b) Reads showed equal distributions of all four bases following the initial adaptor sequence and sufficient base complexity. (c) Distribution of GC sequences across reads aligned very closely with the theoretical distribution. (d) Duplication plot indicates deduplicated libraries contained ~67% unique sequences which indicates sufficient library complexity for subsequent downstream data processing.


Table 1
DEGs containing DMCs observed in iPSC exposed to increasing doses of BPS.
DEGs containing DMCsiPSC 1 μMiPSC 50 μMiPSC 100 μM
Promoter264 (19.82%)693 (17.04%)1136 (22.37%)
Gene body436 (32.73%)1541 (37.91%)1934 (38.08%)
Table 2
Treatment-specific differentially methylated sites (DMCs) (treated vs. control).
  1. *

    A CpG site that was predominantly methylated in the control samples but unmethylated in the exposed samples.

  2. A CpG site that was predominantly unmethylated in the control samples but methylated in the exposed samples.

Table 3
Summary of ERE annotations.
CpG islandsRepeat regionsGene bodiesPromotersEnhancers
Table 4
Exposure-specific differentially expressed genes*.
  1. *

    Genes showing significant differential expression following exposure of each cell type to 1 µM BPS relative to matched control cell types exposed to carrier only.

Appendix 1—key resources table
Reagent type (species) or resourceDesignationSource or referenceIdentifiersAdditional information
Genetic reagent (M. musculus)R26rtTA; Col1a12lox-4F2AThe Jackson Laboratory011011
Cell line (M. musculus)CF1 Mouse embryonic
fibroblasts, MitC-treated
Thermo Fisher ScientificA34959
Chemical compoundDulbecco’s Modified
Eagle Medium (DMEM)
Thermo Fisher Scientific10313021High glucose, pyruvate,
no glutamine
Chemical compoundFetal bovine serum (FBS)Thermo Fisher Scientific10439024Embryonic stem-cell FBS,
qualified, USDA-approved regions
Chemical compoundLeukemia inhibitory
factor (LIF)
Millipore SigmaESG1107ESGRO Recombinant
Mouse LIF Protein
Chemical compoundDMEM/F12Thermo Fisher Scientific21041025No phenol red
Chemical compoundInsulinMillipore SigmaI1882From bovine pancreas
Chemical compoundApo-TransferrinMillipore SigmaT1147From human
Chemical compoundBovine Serum Albumin (BSA)Thermo Fisher Scientific15260037Fraction V (7.5% solution)
Chemical compoundProgesteroneMillipore SigmaP8783
Chemical compoundPutrescine dihydrochlorideMillipore SigmaP5780
Chemical compoundSodium seleniteMillipore SigmaS5261
Chemical compoundNeurobasalThermo Fisher Scientific12348017No phenol red
Chemical compoundB-27Thermo Fisher Scientific12587010(50 X), minus vitamin A
Chemical compoundPenicillin-streptomycinThermo Fisher Scientific15070063(5,000 U/mL)
Chemical compoundGlutaMAXThermo Fisher Scientific35050061(100 X)
Chemical compound2-MercaptoethanolThermo Fisher Scientific21985023(1000 X)
Chemical compoundCHIR99021BioVision1677–5
Chemical compoundPD0325901Amsbio04-0006-0210 mM in DMSO
Chemical compoundRecombinant Human/
Murine/Rat Activin A
PeproTech120–14Insect derived
Chemical compoundRecombinant Human
FGF-Basic (FGF-2/bFGF)
Thermo Fisher Scientific13256–029
Chemical compoundKnockOut SerumThermo Fisher Scientific10828028
Chemical compoundGlasgow's MEM (GMEM)Thermo Fisher Scientific11710035
Chemical compoundRecombinant human bone
morphogenetic protein 4
R&D Systems314 BP-010
Chemical compoundRecombinant mouse
stem cell factor (SCF)
R&D Systems455-MC-010
Chemical compoundRecombinant human
epidermal growth factor
(EGF), carrier free (CF)
R&D Systems2028-EG-200
Chemical compoundDulbecco’s phosphate-
buffered saline (DPBS)
Thermo Fisher Scientific14040133
Chemical compoundDeoxyribonuclease
I (DNaseI)
Millipore SigmaDN25From bovine pancreas
Chemical compoundTrypsin (2.5%)Thermo Fisher Scientific15090046No phenol red
Chemical compoundSoybean trypsin inhibitorThermo Fisher Scientific17075029
Chemical compoundCollagenase type IVWorthingtonLS004188From Clostridium
Chemical compoundSertoli Cell MediumScienCell Research Laboratories4521
Chemical compoundEthanol (EtOH)FisherBP28184(200 Proof)
Chemical compoundBSAMillipore SigmaA9085
Chemical compoundHeat inactivated (HI) FBSThermo Fisher Scientific10082147
Chemical compoundTrypsin-EDTA (0.25%)Thermo Fisher Scientific25200072With phenol red
Chemical compoundBisphenol S (BPS)Millipore Sigma43034–100 MG
Chemical compoundPhenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl
Alcohol (25:24:1, v/v)
Thermo Fisher Scientific15593031
Chemical compoundTRIzolThermo Fisher Scientific15596026
Chemical compoundIsopropanolThermo Fisher Scientific327272500
Chemical compoundProteinase K Solution
(20 mg/mL)
Thermo Fisher Scientific25530049
Chemical compoundMaXtract High DensityQuiagen129046Phase lock gel tubes
Chemical compoundSodium Acetate SolutionThermo Fisher ScientificR11813 M, pH 5.2
Chemical compoundGlycogen (5 mg/ml)Thermo Fisher ScientificAM9510
Chemical compoundNaClThermo Fisher ScientificJ21618.36
Chemical compoundTris baseMillipore Sigma77-86-1
Chemical compoundEthylenediaminetetraacetic
acid (EDTA)
Millipore SigmaE9884-100G
Chemical compoundSodium dodecyl
sulfate (SDS)
Millipore Sigma151-21-3
Chemical compoundTriton X-100Thermo Fisher Scientific85111
Chemical compoundRQ1 DNasePromegaM6101
Chemical compoundPropidium iodideBioLegend421301FCy 5 μL/106 cells
AntibodyERαThermo Fisher ScientificMA1-310Host: mouse monoclonal, ICC 1:100
AntibodyERβGeneTexGTX70174Host: mouse monoclonal, ICC 1:100
AntibodyINHAInvitrogenPA5-13681Host: rabbit polyclonal, ICC 1:25
AntibodyFSHRAffinityAF5477Host: rabbit polyclonal, ICC 1:250
AntibodySOX9Abcamab185966Host: rabbit monoclonal, ICC 1:100
AntibodyGAPDHNovusNB300-221Host: mouse monoclonal, ICC 1:100
AntibodyWT1NovusNBP2-67587Host: rabbit monoclonal, ICC 1:100
AntibodyFUT4GeneTexGTX34467Host: rabbit monoclonal, ICC 1:50
AntibodyNANOGAbcamab80892Host: rabbit polyclonal, ICC 1:100
AntibodyPOU5F1Abcamab19857Host: rabbit polyclonal, ICC 1:200
AntibodySOX2Abcamab97959Host: rabbit polyclonal, ICC 1:200
AntibodyID4Thermo Fisher ScientificPA5-26976Host: rabbit polyclonal, ICC 1:50
AntibodyARSanta Cruzsc-7305Host: mouse monoclonal, ICC 1:50
AntibodyPPARγSanta Cruzsc-7273Host: mouse monoclonal, ICC 1:200
AntibodyRXRαInvitrogen433900Host: mouse monoclonal, ICC 1:200
AntibodyPRDM1Thermo Fisher Scientific14-5963-82Host: rat monoclonal, ICC 1:50
AntibodyGoat Anti Mouse Alexa 647Abcamab150119Host: goat polyclonal, ICC 1:200
AntibodyGoat Anti Rabbit Alexa 488Abcamab150081Host: goat polyclonal, ICC 1:1000
AntibodyGoat Anti Rabbit Alexa 647Abcamab150179Host: goat polyclonal, ICC­­ 1:200
AntibodyGoat Anti Rat Alexa 647Thermo Fisher ScientificA21247Host: goat polyclonal, ICC 1:200
AntibodyFUT4 (IgM, κ), brilliant violet 421BD Horizon562705Host: mouse monoclonal,
FCy 5 μL/106 cells
AntibodyITGB3 (IgG), PEBioLegend104307Host: hamster monoclonal,
FCy 1 μL/106 cells
AntibodyIgM, κ Isotype control,
brilliant violet 421
BD Horizon562704Host: mouse monoclonal,
FCy 1.25 μL/106 cells
AntibodyIgG Isotype control, PEBioLegend400907Host: hamster monoclonal,
FCy 1 μL/106 cells
assay or kit
RNA Clean & Concentrator-5Zymo ResearchR1016
assay or kit
Genomic DNA Clean &
Zymo ResearchD4011
assay or kit
EZ DNA Methylation KitZymo ResearchD5001
assay or kit
SuperScript III One-Step
RT-PCR System with
Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase
Thermo Fisher Scientific12574026
assay or kit
PowerTrack SYBR
Green Master Mix for qPCR
Thermo Fisher ScientificA46109
assay or kit
Infinium Mouse Methylation
assay or kit
RNA ScreenTape & ReagentsAgilent5067–5576
assay or kit
DNA ScreenTape & ReagentsAgilent5067–5583
assay or kit
Qubit dsDNA (Broad
Range) BR Assay Kit
Thermo Fisher ScientificQ32850
assay or kit
Qubit RNA (high sensitivity)
HS Assay Kit
Thermo Fisher ScientificQ32855
assay or kit
NEBNext Ultra II
Directional RNA Library Prep
Kit for Illumina
New England BioLabsE7765
assay or kit
NEBNext Poly(A) mRNA
Magnetic Isolation Module
New England BioLabsE3370
Software, algorithmZEISS ZEN Microscopy Software 3.7RRID:SCR_013672
Software, algorithmPrimer-BLAST
Software, algorithmQuantSudtio Design &
Analysis Software v1.5.1
Software, algorithmFiji v1.54fRRID:SCR_002285;
Schindelin et al., 2012
Software, algorithmBfastq2 v2.20
Software, algorithmFastQC 0.12.0RRID:SCR_014583; Andrews et al., 2023;
Smith and de Sena Brandine, 2021
Software, algorithmWg-blimp v0.10.0Lehle and McCarrey, 2023;
Wöste et al., 2020
Software, algorithmR-Project for
Statistical Computing 4.2.1Packages: SeSAMe Ding et al., 2023;
Triche et al., 2013; Zhou et al., 2022,
Zhou et al., 2018, stringr RRID:SCR_022813;
Wickham and RStudio, 2022, kintr
RRID:SCR_018533; Xie et al., 2023,
SummarizedExperiment Morgan et al., 2023,
ggrepel RRID:SCR_017393; Slowikowski et al., 2023,
pals Wright, 2023, wheatmap Zhou, 2022,
magrittr Bache et al., 2022, ggplot2
RRID:SCR_014601; Wickham et al., 2023a,
dplyr RRID:SCR_016708; Wickham et al., 2023b,
tidyr RRID:SCR_017102; Wickham et al., 2023c
ggvenn RRID:SCR_025300; Yan, 2023, RColorBrewer
RRID:SCR_016697; Neuwirth, 2022,
RIdeogram Hao et al., 2020, AnnotationDbi
RRID:SCR_023487; Pagès et al., 2023,
Mus.musculus Team, 2015,
BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10 Team, 2021,
GenomicRanges RRID:SCR_000025;
Lawrence et al., 2013,
universalmotif Tremblay, 2023,
memes RRID:SCR_001783; Nystrom, 2023,
plyranges RRID:SCR_021324; Lee et al., 2019,
rtracklayer RRID:SCR_021325;
Lawrence et al., 2009,
Rsubread RRID:SCR_016945; Liao et al., 2019,
edgeR RRID:SCR_012802; Chen et al., 2016;
McCarthy et al., 2012; Robinson et al., 2010

Additional files

MDAR checklist
Supplementary file 1

Persisting DEGs in PGCLCs derived from iPSCs exposed to 1uM BPS.
Supplementary file 2

Validation of normal karyotype analysis of MF5-9-1 iPSCs.

iPSCs from reprogrammed MEFs were validated for a normal karyotype prior to use in this project.
Supplementary file 3

iPSC, EpiLC, and PGCLC Culture Media Components.
Supplementary file 4

Preparation of primary cultures of Sertoli cells from mice.
Supplementary file 5

Preparation of primary cultures of granulosa cells from mice protocol.
Supplementary file 6

qRT-PCR primers.

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  1. Jake D Lehle
  2. Yu-Huey Lin
  3. Amanda Gomez
  4. Laura Chavez
  5. John R McCarrey
An in vitro approach reveals molecular mechanisms underlying endocrine disruptor-induced epimutagenesis
eLife 13:RP93975.