Early-career researcher webinars from eLife
Edited by
Emma Pewsey et al.

#ECRWednesday webinars

On the last Wednesday of each month, members of the eLife Early-Career Advisory Group invite experts to share their views and advice on subjects pertinent to research careers.
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Our panelists discuss a wide range of topics that are of interest to early-career researchers, including recent open science developments, tips for career development, and advice on grant applications.

Explore the recordings of past webinars below. You can also visit our Community page for more content relevant to early-career scientists, and sign up here to receive our monthly newsletter.


  1. Webinar Report: Science policy in action

    Following on from August’s webinar, a fresh panel of speakers expand on the real-world applications of science policy and effective communication to policymakers.
  2. Webinar Report: Getting involved in global science policy

    Panellists discussed their career journeys and experiences with science policy and provided guidance for how anyone can get involved.
  3. Webinar Report: The history of science publishing

    Learn more about the evolution of science publishing and the ever changing ways research is conducted and shared.
  4. Webinar Report: Becoming an eLife Community Ambassador

    Watch back as our panelists discuss the role of an eLife Community Ambassador and hear all about the upcoming Ambassadors programme for 2022.
  5. Webinar Report: The "science of science" - using meta-research to make research more transparent and reproducible

    Watch back as our panelists explore ways that you can use meta-research, or the science of science, to make research more transparent, rigorous and reproducible.
  6. Webinar Report: Preprinting in medicine

    In this webinar our speakers discussed their experiences of publishing clinical and health research as preprints.
  7. Webinar Report: Promoting inclusion in science

    In this webinar our speakers discussed how you can promote inclusivity within your institution.
  8. Webinar Report: In pursuit of more equitable funding

    In this month’s webinar our speakers discussed the challenges ECRs and underrepresented groups face when pursuing funding opportunities and suggested examples of how funding could be made fairer.
  9. Webinar Report: Reforming academic conferences

    In this month’s webinar our speakers discussed what can be done to reform the conference experience for both organisers and participants.
  10. Webinar Report: How ECRs can improve training and research quality at their institutions

    In this month’s webinar our speakers discussed how you can inspire a change in culture at your institution, improve research quality and influence good research practices.
  11. Webinar Report: Transforming data visualisation to improve transparency and reproducibility

    Help others to understand your research and make your results standout by learning how to make your figures more informative.
  12. Webinar Report: Public involvement in research

    Explore how you can involve patients and the public in basic and applied life sciences research.
  13. Webinar Report: Mental health support for early-career researchers

    Learn about some of the initiatives that are working to help researchers improve their mental health.
  14. Webinar Report: How to succeed in science startups

    In two separate webinars, successful science entrepreneurs discussed how to convert your discovery and passion into a prospering business.
  15. Webinar Report: How to plan research grants that further your career

    Panellists in two webinars share their strategies for managing projects that lead to successful grant applications.
  16. Webinar Report: Queer visibility in STEM diversity

    How does embracing the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community lead to better science?
  17. Webinar Report: Graphic design tips for creating effective figures

    Learn how you can improve how you communicate your science visually.
  18. Webinar Report: How to get an independent position

    Three early-career scientists share their experiences of applying for their first independent positions.
  19. Webinar Report: Being a scientist and a parent

    How can researchers build family friendly careers?
  20. Webinar Report: Private funding in science

    How can early-career researchers attract funding from non-governmental sources?
  21. Webinar Report: The push for mobility

    Why should you move to another city or country for your career, and what are the challenges involved?
  22. Webinar Report: Engaging with wider audiences

    What do you need to consider when communicating with different audiences?
  23. Webinar Report: Supporting preprints in the life sciences

    Explore the new initiatives that are helping preprints to make a bigger impact.
  24. Webinar Report: Removing barriers for women in science

    How are researchers supporting their early-career colleagues?
  25. Webinar Report: Arts in science communication

    How can researchers combine the arts with their science?
  26. Webinar Report: Alternatives to the traditional journal article as a minimal unit of productivity

    How can researchers share their science without waiting for articles to appear in journals?
  27. Webinar Report: Addressing the career challenges of bioinformaticians

    Which skills are important for a successful career in bioinformatics?
  28. Webinar Report: Pursuing science in an uncertain world

    What impact is Brexit having on researchers in the UK?
  29. Webinar Report: Career options for researchers

    How can you transition into a non-academic career?
  30. Webinar Report: How to be a medic and a scientist

    What's it like to balance clinical work with research?
  31. Webinar Report: Advice for new faculty

    How can you handle the challenges involved in setting up your first laboratory?
  32. Webinar Report: What’s the deal with preprints?

    Our panellists explore the advantages of preprints.
  33. Webinar Report: Building connections and developing research in Sub-Saharan Africa

    What are the issues facing African researchers?
  34. Webinar Report: Refreshing approaches to researcher evaluation

    How do the Babraham Institute, the Gulbenkian Institute and HHMI assess researchers for funding and jobs?
  35. Webinar Report: Making science reproducible

    What are the challenges and benefits of working reproducibly?
  36. Webinar Report: Academic interviews and how to get hired

    Learn from our panellists’ tips for interview success.
  37. Webinar Report: Addressing the early-career funding crisis

    How could funding caps help early and mid-career researchers?
  38. Webinar Report: Organising and advocating

    How can early-career researchers make their voices heard?


  1. Emma Pewsey
    Associate features editor and web content manager
  2. Kora Korzec
    Head of Communities
  3. Vinodh Ilangovan
    Early Careers Advisory Group