Plain-language summaries of research
Edited by
Peter A Rodgers et al.

Plain-language Summaries of Research

A growing number of research journals, scientific societies, medical charities and other organizations are publishing summaries of research papers and proposals that explain their content in plain language.
  • Views 4,152


  1. Plain-language Summaries of Research: Writing for different readers

    Peter Rodgers
    More could be done to make research papers readily understandable by the public.
  2. Plain-language Summaries of Research: An inside guide to eLife digests

    Stuart RF King, Emma Pewsey, Sarah Shailes
    After summarizing over 2,400 articles in plain language, the eLife Features team shares what it has learnt about writing and editing for a broad audience.
  3. Plain-language Summaries of Research: Something for everyone

    Sarah Shailes
    Journals and other scientific organizations produce a diverse variety of plain-language summaries.
  4. Plain-language Summaries of Research: The value of a healthy relationship

    Bridget M Kuehn
    Biomedical science benefits when plain language allows patients to engage with all stages of the research process.
  5. Plain-language Summaries: How to write an eLife digest

    We explain the process used to produce eLife digests, and share some advice to help authors write about their research in plain language.
  6. Plain-language Summaries: Journals and other organizations that produce plain-language summaries

    We have compiled a list of over 50 journals and other organizations that publish plain-language summaries of scientific research.
  7. Plain-language Summaries: Results of the 2016 eLife digest reader survey

    A survey of over 300 people reveals what our readers really think of eLife digests.


  1. Peter A Rodgers
    Features Editor, eLife, United Kingdom
  2. Emma Pewsey
    Associate features editor and web content manager
  3. Sarah Shailes
    Sarah Shailes
    Associate features editor