Ribosomes making proteins (green) can stall (red) leading to collisions (orange). Cells react by tagging the stalled ribosomes with ubiquitin molecules but two enzymes, OTUD3 and USP21 (fire extinguishers), interfere with that process, allowing the ribosomes to carry on with their task. Image credit: Garshott et al. (CC BY 4.0)
Ribosomes are cellular machines that build proteins by latching on and then reading template molecules known as mRNAs. Several ribosomes may be moving along the same piece of mRNA at the same time, each making their own copy of the same protein. Damage to an mRNA or other problems may cause a ribosome to stall, leading to subsequent collisions.
A quality control pathway exists to identify stalled ribosomes and fix the ‘traffic jams’. It relies on enzymes that tag halted ribosomes with molecules known as ubiquitin. The cell then removes these ribosomes from the mRNA and destroys the proteins they were making. Afterwards, additional enzymes take off the ubiquitin tags so the cell can recycle the ribosomes. These enzymes are key to signaling the end of the quality control event, yet their identity was still unclear.
Garshott et al. used genetic approaches to study traffic jams of ribosomes in mammalian cells. The experiments showed that cells added sets of ubiquitin tags to stalled ribosomes in a specific order. Two enzymes, known as USP21 and OTUD3, could stop this process; this allowed ribosomes to carry on reading mRNA. Further work revealed that the ribosomes in cells that produce higher levels of USP21 and OTUD3 were less likely to stall on mRNA. On the other hand, ribosomes in cells lacking USP1 and OTUD3 retained their ubiquitin tags for longer and were more likely to stall.
The findings of Garshott et al. reveal that USP21 and OTUD3 are involved in the quality control pathway which fixes ribosome traffic jams. In mice, problems in this pathway have been linked with neurons dying or being damaged because toxic protein products start to accumulate in cells; this is similar to what happens in human conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Using ubiquitin to target and potentially fix the pathway could therefore open the door to new therapies.