Map of myelination levels in children with Developmental Language Disorder. Map of cortical myelin on an inflated brain. Hot colours (e.g., red) indicate a high concentration of myelin; cool colours (e.g., green) indicate a low concentration. Image credit: Krishnan et al. (CC BY 4.0)
Seven percent of children struggle to learn their native language for no obvious reason. This condition is called Developmental Language Disorder (DLD). Children with DLD often have difficulty learning to read and write. They are at higher risk for academic underachievement and may struggle to find good jobs. Their language difficulties also contribute to difficulties making friends and emotional challenges.
Scientists suspect children with DLD may have differences in areas deep in the brain that help people learn habits and rules. A new magnetic resonance imaging technique called multiparameter mapping (MPM) can help scientists determine if this is true. The technique measures the properties of brain tissue. It is particularly useful for measuring the amounts of a fatty protective sheath on brain cells called myelin. Myelin helps brain cells send information faster.
Using MPM, Krishnan et al. show that children with DLD have less myelin in parts of the brain responsible for speaking, listening, and learning rules and habits. In the experiments, 56 children with typical language development and 33 children with DLD were scanned using MPM. Krishnan et al. then compared the two groups and found reduced myelin in these critical areas associated with learning a language in most of the children with DLD. But not all children with DLD had these differences.
More studies are needed to determine if these brain differences cause language problems and how or if experiencing language difficulties could cause these changes in the brain. Further research may help scientists find new treatments that target these brain differences.