Diagram of the algae C.reinhardtii, which has 2 hair-like extensions called flagella that synchronize their movements in order to allow efficient steering of algal cells. Image credit: Da Wei and Qiao Yu (CC BY 4.0).
Many single-cell organisms use tiny hair-like structures called flagella to move around. To direct this movement, the flagella must work together and beat in a synchronous manner. In some organisms, coordination is achieved by each flagellum reacting to the flow generated by neighbouring flagella. In others, flagella are joined together by fiber connections between their bases, which allow movement to be coordinated through mechanical signals sent between flagella.
One such organism is Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, a type of algae frequently used to study flagellar coordination. Its two flagella – named trans and cis because of their positions relative to the cell’s eyespot – propel the cell through water using breaststroke-like movements. To steer, C. reinhardtii adjusts the strength of the strokes made by each flagellum. Despite this asymmetry, the flagella must continue to beat in synchrony to move efficiently.
To understand how the cell manages these differences, Wei et al. exposed each flagellum to carefully generated oscillations in water so that each was exposed to different forces and their separate responses could be measured. A combination of experiments, modelling and computer simulations were then used to work out how the two flagella coordinate to steer the cell.
Wei et al. found that only the cis flagellum coordinates the beating, with the trans flagellum simply copying the motion of the cis. A direct consequence of such one-way coupling is that only forces on the cis flagellum influence the coordinated beating dynamics of both flagella. These findings shed light on the unique roles of each flagellum in the coordinated movement in C. reinhardtii and have implications for how other organisms with mechanically-connected flagella navigate their environments.