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  1. Multiple ways of resisting the same drug

    Different underlying mutations in yeast can lead to resistance to the same drug, which may reduce the effectiveness of sequential drug treatments.
  2. Ironing out the developing brain

    In fruit flies, nerve stem cells need to receive iron from supporting cells in order to develop into the neural types of the mature brain.
  3. A potential drug target for Parkinson’s disease

    The CISD1 protein appears to play a role in causing symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in some genetically inherited cases.
  4. Remnants of ancient viruses

    Studying how endogenous viral elements have evolved in monkeys may help us treat prostate cancer and other diseases in humans.
  5. Alcohol and pregnancy

    Moderate alcohol exposure during early pregnancy alters the activity of many genes in newborn mice.
  6. Analysing evolution

    A new method to measure the effectiveness of natural selection indicates that weak selection favours proteins with more structural disorder.
  7. Discrimination between disciplines

    Scientists working in fields with a high proportion of women researchers receive lower scores during evaluation and are less likely to get funded, suggests new study.
  8. Picky eaters

    Cellular stress response systems help guide food choices in the microscopic worm Caenorhabditis elegans.