Media Coverage: August roundup of eLife papers in the news

High-profile news coverage that eLife papers generated in August 2023, including Nature, The New Yorker, and The Scientist.
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In our latest monthly media coverage roundup, we highlight the top mentions that eLife papers generated in August. You can view the coverage, along with the related research articles, below:

Wang et al.’s Tools and Resources Article, ‘Fine-grained functional parcellation maps of the infant cerebral cortex’, was covered in:

  • Neuroscience News – Charting Infant Minds: Early Brain Development Mapped
  • AuntMinnie – Functional MRI reveals how infants’ brains develop

This study was also summarised by the eLife press release, ‘First comprehensive maps of infant brains reveal clues to neurodevelopment’.

Mammola et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘Drivers of species knowledge across the Tree of Life’, was featured in:

  • Lab Manager – Conservation Efforts May Be Missing Half the World’s Species
  • La Vanguardia (Spain) – Cultural bias also determines which species scientists focus on (translated)

This study was also summarised by the eLife press release, ‘Biodiversity research and conservation efforts may be missing half the world’s species’.

Lee et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘Stochastic characterization of navigation strategies in an automated variant of the Barnes maze’, was featured in:

This study was also summarised by the eLife press release, ‘Study sheds new light on how animals navigate their environment’.

Potapova et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘Distinct states of nucleolar stress induced by anti-cancer drugs’, was featured in:

  • SciTechDaily – Hidden Hazards: Scientists Uncover Unexpected Effects of Anti-Cancer Drugs

Ma et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘Human iPSC-derived Microglia Cells Integrated into Mouse Retina and Recapitulated Features of Endogenous Microglia Cells’, was covered in:

  • Ophthalmology Times – Scientists develop new therapeutic model for potentially treating incurable eye disease
  • Ciencia y Salud (Chile) – Scientists develop model for potential treatment of incurable eye diseases (translated)

This study was also summarised by the eLife press release, ‘Scientists develop new therapeutic model for potentially treating incurable eye diseases’.

Bidel, Meirovitch et al.’s Research Article, ‘Connectomics of the Octopus vulgaris vertical lobe provides insight into conserved and novel principles of a memory acquisition network’, was featured in:

Bryson et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘An optogenetic cell therapy to restore control of target muscles in an aggressive mouse model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis’, was featured in:

  • Neuroscience News – ALS Breakthrough: Neuron Grafting Restores Muscle Function
  • ALS News Today – Transplanting motor neurons strengthen muscles in mouse model

This study was also summarised by the eLife press release, ‘Donor motor neurons could restore muscle function in ALS’.

Harada et al.’s Research Article, ‘Metabolic clogging of mannose triggers dNTP loss and genomic instability in human cancer cells’, was covered in:

Lee, Seist et al.’s Research Article, ‘Magnetic stimulation allows focal activation of the mouse cochlea’, was picked up by:

Karelina et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘How accurately can one predict drug binding modes using AlphaFold models?’ was featured in:

  • Science – Docking With AlphaFold Structures: Oops

Black, Hanson et al.’s Research Article, ‘UBQLN2 restrains the domesticated retrotransposon PEG10 to maintain neuronal health in ALS’, was featured in:

  • The Scientist – An Ancient Viral Protein May Play a Key Role in ALS

He et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘Molecular tuning of sea anemone stinging’, was mentioned in:

  • New Scientist – Neuron-like machinery helps anemones decide when to sting

Berghänel et al.’s Research Article/Reviewed Preprint, ‘Adolescent length growth spurts in bonobos and other primates: Mind the scale’, was featured in:

Truman et al.’s Research Article, ’Metamorphosis of memory circuits in Drosophila reveals a strategy for evolving a larval brain’, was mentioned in:

  • Nature – Daily briefing: Why insects don’t remember their early life
  • The New Yorker – What Insects Go Through Is Even Weirder Than We Thought

Aberra et al.’s Research Article, ‘Predicting mechanisms of action at genetic loci associated with discordant effects on type 2 diabetes and abdominal fat accumulation’, was picked up by:

  • Diabetes UK – Type 2 diabetes risk not increased by abdominal fat
  • Infosalus (Spain) – Are love handles a risk factor for developing diabetes? (translated)

Garcia et al.’s Research Article, ‘Lipid homeostasis is essential for a maximal ER stress response’, was featured in:

  • Tech Explorist – Linking lipid metabolism changes to the stress response

Media contacts

  1. Emily Packer

  2. George Litchfield


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