Browse Inside eLife

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  1. Call for Pitches: “Being open to change”

    Share your stories about your experiences of open science.
  2. Call for Pitches: “Feeling like a scientist”

    Share your stories about what it means to be and feel like a scientist.
  3. eLife Latest: What we have learned about preprints

    We discuss feedback from the community as eLife moves to only reviewing preprints.
  4. eLife Latest: Preprints and peer review

    We remind researchers that we now only peer review articles posted by the authors on a preprint server.
  5. Event Report: Meet eLife’s Neuroscience Editors

    Catch up on our latest webinars to hear eLife editors discussing neuroscience research and answering questions about our consultative peer review process.
  6. Announcing eLife and Dryad’s seamless data publishing integration

    The two organisations are making it easier for authors to deposit data during the journal’s submission process.
  7. Webinar Report: Preprinting in medicine

    In this webinar our speakers discussed their experiences of publishing clinical and health research as preprints.
  8. eLife Latest: The diversity of our editorial community

    A first-of-its-kind survey of eLife editors helps reveal how much our editorial boards reflect the diverse research communities that we serve.
  9. Early-career reviewers: Opportunities for structural biologists and molecular biophysicists

    eLife is recruiting early-career researchers to review manuscripts in Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics; closing date is 17 June.
  10. Early-Career Advisory Group: Election results 2021

    The election of five new members will help ECAG in its efforts to reform research communication and research culture.