21 results found
  1. Research: Financial costs and personal consequences of research misconduct resulting in retracted publications

    Andrew M Stern, Arturo Casadevall ... Ferric C Fang
    In the first study attempting to formally quantify the deleterious impact of research misconduct on funding sources and publication output, we found that misconduct accounts for a small but substantial portion of American biomedical science funding dollars and damages the productivity and rate of funding acquisition of those who commit misconduct.
  2. Point of View: Four erroneous beliefs thwarting more trustworthy research

    Mark Yarborough, Robert Nadon, David G Karlin
    Strategies to improve public trust in biomedical research are being hindered by a scientific mindset that stifles interest in reform.
  3. Research Culture: A survey of early-career researchers in Australia

    Katherine Christian, Carolyn Johnstone ... Michael R Doran
    Job insecurity is putting stress on early-career researchers in Australia, compromising their career development and potentially reducing the quality of research.
  4. Farhad Pishgar

    Global Science: Public health research in Iran

    Potential impacts of economic sanctions and a lack of long-term vision from the authorities hinder the work of researchers.
  5. eLife Latest: Highlighting meta-research

    A new collection page brings together articles that eLife has published in the burgeoning field of meta-research.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Science Forum: The Brazilian Reproducibility Initiative

    Olavo B Amaral, Kleber Neves ... Clarissa FD Carneiro
    Researchers are undertaking a systematic assessment of the reproducibility of biomedical science in Brazil.
  6. Science Forum: A community-led initiative for training in reproducible research

    Susann Auer, Nele A Haeltermann ... Reproducibility for Everyone Team
    The Reproducibility for Everyone initiative aims to provide researchers at all career stages and across many disciplines with training in reproducible research practices via customizable workshop material.
  7. Point of View: Five suggestions for substantial NIH reforms

    Michael Rosbash
    The National Institutes of Health needs to make radical changes to ensure that biomedical research continues to thrive in the United States.
  8. Research Culture: Setting the right tone

    Tanita Casci, Elizabeth Adams
    Improving the research culture of an institution may lead to a fairer, more rewarding and successful environment, but how do you start making changes?

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