Methods and behavioral results. A. Experimental procedure. The experimental task consisted of a multi-talker condition followed by a single-talker condition. In the multi-talker condition, the mixed speech was presented twice with the female and male speakers narrating simultaneously. Before each trial, instructions appeared in the center of the screen indicating which of the talkers to attend to (e.g., ‘‘Attend female’’). In the single-talker condition, the male and female speeches were presented sequentially. B. Analyses pipeline. Hidden-layer activity of the HM-LSTM model, which represents each level of linguistic units for each sentence, was extracted and aligned with EEG data, time-locked to the offset of each sentence at nine different latencies.

Behavioral results.

A. PTA results for participants with normal hearing and EHF hearing loss. Starting at 10 kHz, participants with EHF hearing loss have significantly higher hearing thresholds (M=6.42 dB, SD=7 dB) compared to normal-hearing participants (M=3.3 dB, SD=4.9 dB; t=2, p=0.02). B. Distribution of self-rated intelligibility scores for mixed and single-talker speech across the two listener groups. * indicates p < .05, ** indicates p <. 01 and *** indicates p < .001.

The HM-LSTM model architecture and hidden layer activity for the stimuli sentences and the 4-word Chinese sentences with same vowels. A. The HM-LSTM model architecture. The model includes four hidden layers, corresponding to the phoneme-, syllable-, word- and phrase-level information. Sentence-level information was represented by the last unit of the 4th layer. The inputs to the model were the vector representations of the phonemes in two sentences and the output of the model was the classification result of whether the second sentence follows the first sentence. B. Correlation matrix for the HM-LSTM model’s hidden layer activity for the sentences in the experimental stimuli. C. Scatter plot of hidden-layer activity at the five linguistic levels for each of the 20 4-syllable sentences after MDS.

Significant sensor and time window for the model fit to the EEG data for the acoustic and linguistic features extracted from the HM-LSTM model between single-talker and attended speech across the two listener groups. A. Significant sensors showing higher model fit for single-talker speech compared to the attended speech at the acoustic, phoneme, and syllable levels for the two listener groups and their contrast. B. Timecourses of mean model fit in the significant clusters where normal-hearing participants showed higher model fit at the acoustic, phoneme, and syllable levels than hearing-impaired participants. Shaded regions indicate significant time windows. * denotes p<0.05, ** denotes p<0.01 and *** denotes p<0.001.

Significant sensor and time window for the model fit to the EEG data for the acoustic and linguistic features between the single-talker and unattended speech in the mixed speech condition across the two listener groups. A. Significant sensors showing higher model fit for the single-talker speech compared to the unattended speech at the acoustic and linguistic levels for the two listener groups and their contrast. B. Timecourses of mean model fit in the significant clusters. Shaded regions indicate significant time windows. * denotes p<0.05, ** denotes p<0.01 and *** denotes p<0.001.

Significant sensor and time window for the model fit to the EEG data for the acoustic and linguistic features between the attended and unattended speech in the mixed speech condition across the two listener groups. A. Significant sensors showing higher model fit for the attended speech compared to the unattended speech at the acoustic and linguistic levels for the two listener groups and their contrast. B. Timecourses of mean model fit in the significant clusters where normal-hearing participants showed higher model fit than hearing-impaired participants. Shaded regions indicate significant time windows. * denotes p<0.05, ** denotes p<0.01 and *** denotes p<0.001.

All four-syllable Chinese sentences with same vowels.