Direct comparison of activation maps from two participants (Subject A, left; Subject B, right) in the bimodal (auditory + visual) stimulation paradigm described for Figures 3 and 4. In each subject, two brain regions—the cerebellum and the occipital pole (top and bottom rows, respectively), were delineated based on the MNI atlas and EFD activation maps were correlated across these entire regions. Correlation coefficients were as follows: for Subject A, cerebellum=0.74, occipital pole=0.70; for Subject B, cerebellum=0.70, occipital pole=0.84. Correlations were computed only for regions exhibiting activation levels above 0.1. In contrast to fMRI, the SPECTRE technique identified robust activations in bilateral middle and inferior frontal cortex (indicated by yellow arrows) and middle temporal cortex (red arrows). It also discerned activations along the superior temporal cortex, including areas encompassing the primary auditory cortex (green arrows).