Replication at the gas-water interface

We considered a geological scenario in which water, containing biomolecules, is evaporated by a gas flow at the scale of millimeters. In volcanic porous rock, many of such settings can be imagined. The gas flow induces convective water currents and causes it to evaporate. Dissolved nucleic acids and salts accumulate at the gas-water interface due to the interfacial currents, even if the influx from below is pure water. Through the induced vortex, nucleic acids pass through different concentrations of salt, promoting strand separation and allowing them to replicate exponentially. Our experiments replicate this environment on the microscale, subjecting a defined sample volume to a continuous influx of pure water with an airflux brushing across.

Flow and accumulation dynamics

(a) Imaging of fluorescent beads (0.5 µm) reveals a flow vortex right below the air-water interface, induced by the air flux across the interface (left panel). The bead movements were traced (middle panel) and the measured velocities were confirmed by a detailed finite element simulation (right panel). The color scale is equal for both simulation and experiment and the scale bar = 500 µm. (b) The accumulation of fluorescently labeled 63mer DNA was imaged and confirmed our understanding of the environment based on a diffusion model. Concentration reaches up to 30 times relative to the start c0. The accumulation profile of the experiment (middle panel) and simulation (right panel) match well, showcased by overlaying the simulated flowlines. Blue colorscale represents DNA accumulation for experiment and simulation, while grey color scale shows the relative vapor concentration in the simulation. Arrows (right panel) proportionally show the evaporation speed along the interface. (c) The simulated and experimentally measured distribution of flow velocities of dissolved beads plotted in a histogram, showing a similar profile. Color scale is equal to (a). (d) The maximum relative concentration of DNA increased within an hour to ≈ 30 X the initial concentration, with values following the simulation

Strand separation by salt cycling

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements revealed cycles of strand separation. (a) Micrographs of 24bp DNA FRET pair in the chamber at 45°C. 1 µl sample (5 µM DNA, 10 mM TRIS pH7, 50 µM MgCl2, 3.9mM NaCl) was subjected to a 3 nl/s diluting upflow of pure water and a gas flow of 230 ml/min across. The induced vortex, shown by the simulated flow lines (left panel), overlays with regions of high FRET indicative of double-stranded DNA. The vortex flow was expected to enable replication reactions by (1+2) strand replication in the high salt region and (3) strand separation of template and replicate in the low salt region. (b) FRET signals confirmed strand separation in low salt regions and strand annealing in high salt regions in (a). After about 10 minutes, DNA and salt accumulated at the interface forming stable and clearly separated regions of low – where the influx from below reaches the interface – and high – located at the vortex – FRET signals. (c) Comsol simulation of Mg2+ ions (D = 705 μm2 /s in the chamber agreed with the FRET signal and showed up to 9-fold salt accumulation at the interface. The path of a 61mer DNA molecule from a random walk model is shown by the green lines and the white flowlines are taken from the simulation. (d) Concentrations along the DNA molecule path in (c) show oscillations relative to the initial concentration of up to 3-fold for Mg2+ and 4-fold for 61mer DNA.This could enable replication cycles, as the vortex provides high salt concentrations for replication, while drops in salt and template concentrations regularly trigger strand separation.


(a) Fluorescence micrographs of the PCR reaction in the chamber. At isothermal 68°C, 10 µl of reaction sample was subjected to a constant 5 nl/s pure water flow towards the interface where a 250ml/min gas flowed perpendicularly. The initial state on the left shows the background fluorescence. Fluorescence increased under flux (middle, after 3:20h), while without flux the fluorescence signal remained minimal (right). The reaction sample consisted of 0.25 µM primers, 5 nM template, 200 µM dNTPs, 0.5 X PCR buffer,2.5 U Taq polymerase, 2 X SYBR Green I. Scale bar is 250 µm. (b) 15% Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis of the reactions and neg. controls. After 4 hours in the reaction chamber with air- and water-flux ON, the 61mer product was formed under primer consumption (2), unlike in the equivalent experiment with the fluxes turned OFF (3). At the beginning of the experiment (1) or in the absence of template (4), no replicated DNA was detected. The reaction mixture was tested by thermal cycling in a test tube (5-7). As expected, replicated DNA was detected only with the addition of template: (7) shows the sample after 11 replication cycles. The sample was also incubated for 4 hours at the chamber temperature (68°C) yielding no product (6). Primer band intensity variations are caused by material loss during extraction from the microfluidic chamber. (c) SYBR Green I fluorescence increased when gas and water flow were turned on, but remained at background levels without flow. Fluorescence was averaged over time from the green and red regions of interest shown in (a). SYBR Green I fluorescence indicates replication, as formed products are able to hybridize.