Mediator kinase inhibition antagonizes IFNγ transcriptional responses.
(A, B) Volcano plots of differentially expressed genes in IFNγ-treated cells ±CA in D21 (A) or T21 (B) cells. Names of selected genes are color-coded based on proinflammatory (red) or anti-inflammatory (green) roles. Genes represented by red dots have an adjusted p-value of <0.01. (C, D) Heatmaps and “difference” heatmaps based upon RNA-seq data under various conditions in D21 (C) or T21 (D) cells. At left (panel C, D), heatmaps represent all genes with an adjusted p-value <0.01 in IFNγ vs. Control comparisons for each cell line. Log2FC values were used to sort genes by expression trends in D21 and T21 cells. Data for IFNγ +CA vs. Ctrl are shown alongside IFNγ vs. Ctrl to better visualize CA-dependent effects. For difference heatmaps (at right in panel C, D), Log2FC values for each gene in the IFNγ vs. Control comparison were subtracted from Log2FC values for CA+IFNγ vs. Control comparisons to generate “difference” Log2FC values, which are shown in the difference heatmap on the right. (E) Dot plots representing average NES for pathways with specific lipid- or inflammation-related terms; terms are on the left. Pathways were analyzed using GSEA GOBP of relative gene expression in D21 or T21 cells treated with CA for 4.5h relative to DMSO. Dot color indicates direction of average NES, with positive = red and negative = blue. Dot size corresponds to the NES magnitude. All pathways with “negative regulation of…” were excluded to avoid confounding the analysis. (F) Heatmaps showing inflammatory pathways in the Ingenuity Pathway Analysis “Diseases & Functions” list, generated from RNA-seq data. Heatmaps show pathway activation in IFNγ vs. Control compared to IFNγ+CA vs. IFNγ in both D21 and T21 cells, to focus on CA-dependent effects during IFNγ response. (G, H) Volcano plots from IPA upstream regulators results, derived from differential gene expression (RNA-seq) in D21 cells during IFNγ treatment (G) or in cells treated with IFNγ +CA compared to IFNγ alone (H). Selected TFs and other factors associated with inflammatory responses are labeled. Note prominent activation of pro-inflammatory TFs in +IFNγ cells (G), whereas these same TFs are predicted to be repressed in CA-treated cells (H). Analysis used only genes with an adjusted p-value <0.1. Inset: genes related to PPAR or LXR activation. (I) Venn diagram showing overlap of leading edge genes in the GSEA “Interferon Gamma Response” pathway based upon RNA-seq data from a T21 vs. D21 whole blood cohort study (Waugh et al. 2023) and RNA-seq data from the sibling-matched T21 vs. D21 cells in this study. A substantial number of genes with the IFN “leading edge” designation in this study (i.e. increased expression in T21 vs. D21; 69 out of 80) were shared among the whole blood clinical cohort study; these 69 genes were down-regulated by CA treatment in T21 cells. A partial list of these genes is shown, with Log2FC and adjusted p-values. (J) The IFN score (Galbraith et al. 2023) increases upon IFN stimulation and decreases with CA treatment.