Single-cell trajectory tree analyses of PP and anterior Endo reveal that chromatin organization is involved in the separation of these two lineages.
(A) Pseudotime trajectory analysis of PP and anterior Endo using integrated single-cell datasets of wild-type (left), ndr1-morphant (middle) and lft1-mutant (right) Nodal explants. Cells are colored by cell types (top) and pseudotime levels (bottom). (B) Heatmaps representing clusters of genes that co-vary along the pseudotime during the separation of PP and anterior Endo from common progenitors. Top GO terms enriched by the genes in each cluster are listed with their corresponding adjusted P-values. Representative GO terms of each cluster are highlighted in different colors. (C) Diagram of gene set selection for GO analysis. As a control of batch effects, EVL differentially expressed (DE) genes are removed from mesoderm PP DE genes. (D and E) GO enrichment analysis of mesoderm PP up-regulated genes in lft1 mutants (D) and down-regulated genes in ndr1 morphants (E). Redundancy of enriched GO terms are removed, and each GO term contains at least 10 transcripts. Note that only the top 16 enriched GO terms identified in lft1 mutant are plotted for a visualization purpose. (F and G) GSEA of “chromatin organization” term on PP cells from lft1 mutants (F) and ndr1 morphants (G) respectively. P-adjust indicates Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p-value. (H-M) SWI/SNF complexes involved in regulating cell fate separation between the PP and anterior Endo. (H) HCR co-staining of gsc, frzb and sox32 in wild-type embryos (top, N >= 40, n = 5/5, N: embryos were used in the experiment, n: embryos were imaged, expression observed/total imaged), as well as those treated with 1 µM (middle, N >= 40, n = 4/5, N: embryos were used in the experiment, n: embryos were imaged, expression observed/total imaged) and 5 µM (bottom, n = 5/6, expression observed/total imaged) AU15330. Regions framed by dotted white lines were used to quantify the cell number of anterior Endo. (I) Box plot showing the cell numbers of anterior Endo in (H). (J and K) Volinplot indicating the expression levels of srcap in PP and Endo cells within both embryos (J) and Nodal explants (K). (L) HCR co-staining of gsc, frzb and sox32 in wild-type embryos and embryos with srcap knockdown. Embryos at 7.5 hpf (Ctrl, N >= 30, n = 6/6; srcap MO, N >= 30, n = 4/5; N: embryos were used in the experiment; n: embryos were imaged, expression observed/total imaged) were evaluated. (M) Box plot showing the cell numbers of anterior Endo in (L). Statistical differences between two samples were evaluated by Student’s t-test (I and M). *indicates P-value < 0.05; NS indicates P-value >=0.05. Each HCR experiment was performed for at least 3 independent replicates (technical replicates). Scale bar: 50 µm (H and L).