When Do Visual Category Representations Emerge in Infants’ Brains?

  1. Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, USA
  2. Wu Tsai Neurosciences Institute, Stanford University, Stanford, USA
  3. Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
  4. Neurosciences Program, Stanford University, Stanford, USA

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Yanchao Bi
    Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
  • Senior Editor
    Yanchao Bi
    Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


In the paper, Yan and her colleagues investigate at which stage of development different categorical signals can be detected with EEG using a steady-state visual evoked potential paradigm. The study reports the development trajectory of selective responses to five categories (i.e., faces, limbs, corridors, characters, and cars) over the first 1.5 years of life. It reveals that while responses to faces show significant early development, responses to other categories (i.e., characters and limbs) develop more gradually and emerge later in infancy. The paper is well-written and enjoyable, and the content is well-motivated and solid.


(1) This study contains a rich dataset with a substantial amount of effort. It covers a large sample of infants across ages (N=45) and asks an interesting question about when visual category representations emerge during the first year of life.

(2) The chosen category stimuli are appropriate and well-controlled. These categories are classic and important for situating the study within a well-established theoretical framework.

(3) The brain measurements are solid. Visual periodicity allows for the dissociation of selective responses to image categories within the same rapid image stream, which appears at different intervals. This is important for the infant field, as it provides a robust measure of ERPs with good interpretability.


The study would benefit from a more detailed explanation of analysis choices, limitations, and broader interpretations of the findings. This includes:
a) improving the treatment of bias from specific categories (e.g., faces) towards others;
b) justifying the specific experimental and data analysis choices;
c) expanding the interpretation and discussion of the results.

I believe that giving more attention to these aspects would improve the study and contribute positively to the field.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


The current work investigates the neural signature of category representation in infancy. Neural responses during steady-state visually-evoked potentials (ssVEPs) were recorded in four age groups of infants between 3 and 15 months. Stimuli (i.e., faces, limbs, corridors, characters, and cars) were presented at 4.286 Hz with category changes occurring at a frequency of 0.857 Hz. The results of the category frequency analyses showed that reliable responses to faces emerge around 4-6 months, whereas responses to libs, corridors, and characters emerge at around 6-8 months. Additionally, the authors trained a classifier for each category to assess how consistent the responses were across participants (leave-one-out approach). Spatiotemporal responses to faces were more consistent than the responses to the remaining categories and increased with increasing age. Faces showed an advantage over other categories in two additional measures (i.e., representation similarity and distinctiveness). Together, these results suggest a different developmental timing of category representation.


The study design is well organized. The authors described and performed analyses on several measures of neural categorization, including innovative approaches to assess the organization of neural responses. Results are in support of one of the two main hypotheses on the development of category representation described in the introduction. Specifically, the results suggest a different timing in the formation of category representations, with earlier and more robust responses emerging for faces over the remaining categories. Graphic representations and figures are very useful when reading the results.


The role of the adult dataset in the goal of the current work is unclear. All results are reported in the supplementary materials and minimally discussed in the main text. The unique contribution of the results of the adult samples is unclear and may be superfluous.

It would be useful to report the electrodes included in the analyses and how they have been selected.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

Yan et al. present an EEG study of category-specific visual responses in infancy from 3 to 15 months of age. In their experiment, infants viewed visually controlled images of faces and several non-face categories in a steady state evoked potential paradigm. The authors find visual responses at all ages, but face responses only at 4-6 months and older, and other category-selective responses at later ages. They find that spatiotemporal patterns of response can discriminate faces from other categories at later ages.

Overall, I found the study well-executed and a useful contribution to the literature. The study advances prior work by using well-controlled stimuli, subgroups of different ages, and new analytic approaches.

I have two main reservations about the manuscript: (1) limited statistical evidence for the category by age interaction that is emphasized in the interpretation; and (2) conclusions about the role of learning and experience in age-related change that are not strongly supported by the correlational evidence presented.

(1) The overall argument of the paper is that selective responses to various categories develop at different trajectories in infants, with responses to faces developing earlier. Statistically, this would be most clearly demonstrated by a category-by-age interaction effect. However, the statistical evidence for a category by interaction effect presented is relatively weak, and no interaction effect is tested for frequency domain analyses. The clearest evidence for a significant interaction comes from the spatiotemporal decoding analysis (p. 10). In the analysis of peak amplitude and latency, an age x category interaction is only found in one of four tests, and is not significant for latency or left-hemisphere amplitude (Supp Table 8). For the frequency domain effects, no test for category by age interaction is presented. The authors find that the effects of a category are significant in some age ranges and not others, but differences in significance don't imply significant differences. I would recommend adding category by age interaction analysis for the frequency domain results, and ensuring that the interpretation of the results is aligned with the presence or lack of interaction effects.

(2) The authors argue that their results support the claim that category-selective visual responses require experience or learning to develop. However, the results don't bear strongly on the question of experience. Age-related changes in visual responses could result from experience or experience-independent maturational processes. Finding age-related change with a correlational measure does not favor either of these hypotheses. The results do constrain the question of experience, in that they suggest against the possibility that category-selectivity is present in the first few months of development, which would in turn suggest against a role of experience. However the results are still entirely consistent with the possibility of age effects driven by experience-independent processes. The manner in which the results constrain theories of development could be more clearly articulated in the manuscript, with care taken to avoid overly strong claims that the results demonstrate a role of experience.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation