Counterion interactions in polyelectrolytic Caprin1. Shown distributions are averaged from 4,000 equilibrated coarse-grained MD snapshots of 100 Caprin1 chains and 1,300 Cl− counterions under phase-separation conditions ( = 160/193 = 0.829) in a 115 x 115 x 1610 Å3 simulation box in which essentially all Caprin1 chains are in a condensed droplet, (a) Radial distribution function of Cl− around a positively charged arginine residue (Arg+). (b) A zoomed-in view of Fig. 5f showcasing a putative bridging configuration with a Cl− interacting favorably with a pair of Arg+s on two different Caprin1 chains. Configurational geometry is characterized by Arg+-Arg+ distance R and the distance d of the Cl− from the line connecting the two Arg+s. (c) Distribution of putative bridging interaction configurations with respect to R. Numbers of true bridging, neutralizing, and intermediate are, respectively, in blue, green and orange, (d, e) Heat maps of two-dimensional projections of spatial distributions of Cl− around two Arg+s satisfying the putative bridging interaction conditions among the MD snapshots, (f, g) Corresponding projected distributions of isolated Arg+—Cl−-Arg+ Boltzmann-averaged systems at model temperature T. Here, P(x,d) is the total density of Cl− on a circle of radius |d| perpendicular to the heat map at horizontal position x (d, f); thus the average Cl− density at a given point (x,d) is P(x, d)/2π|d|, the patterns of which are exhibited by P(x, d)/|d| heat maps in (e, g). P(x, d) is symmetric with respect to d ↔ —d by construction, i.e., P(x,d) = P(x,—d). In each heat map, the size and (ranges of) positions of model Arg+s are indicated by blue circles; the size and the position or one of two positions (at ±d) of maximum Cl− density is indicated by a magenta circle. The MD-simulated distributions of the condensed system (d, e) are quite similar to the theory-computed isolated system (f, g) for R ≤ 14 Å, indicating that individual bridging interactions in the crowded Caprin1 condensates may be understood approximately by the electrostatics of an isolated, three-bead Arg+-Cl−-Arg+ system. For larger R. the heat maps in (f, g) and (d, e) are not as similar because some of the configurations in the isolated system (f, g) are precluded by the requirement that Arg+-Cl− distance < 11 Å for putative bridging interactions in (d, e).