Widespread and heterogenous expression of ORF1p protein in the mouse brain
(A) Schematic representation of the unbiased cell detection pipeline on large scale and confocal images. Immunofluorescent images on sagittal mouse brain slices were acquired on a digital pathology slide-scanner or on a confocal microscope (DNA stain: Hoechst, neuronal marker; NeuN, protein of interest: ORF1p). Pyramidal images aquired with the slide scanner were then aligned with the hierarchical anatomical annotation of the Allen Brain Atlas using ABBA. Once the regions defined, a deep-learning based detection of cell nuclei (Hoechst staining, Stardist) and cell cytoplasm (NeuN staining, Cellpose) was performed on each sub-region of the atlas. Objects were filtered according to the background intensity measured in each sub-region for each channel (NeuN and ORF1p). The identity and intensity measures were analyzed at the regional and whole brain level. In parallel, confocal images (multiple z-stacks) of two selected regions (frontal cortex and ventral midbrain) were also acquired and identity and intensity were quantified using Cellpose and Stardist.
(B) Widespread and heterogenous expression of the LINE-1 encoded protein ORF1p in the mouse brain. Representative image of ORF1p immunostaining (orange) of a sagittal section of the brain of a young (three months-old) mouse acquired on a slide scanner. Scale bar = 1mm. (1-10) Representative images of immunostainings showing ORF1p expression (orange) in 10 different regions of the mouse brain acquired on a confocal microscope. Nuclei are represented in blue (Hoechst), scale bar = 50µm. (1) Isocortex, (2) Hippocampus, (3) Striatum dorsal, (4) Thalamus, (5) Midbrain motor, (6) Pallidum, (7) Hypothalamus, (8) Substantia nigra pars compacta, (9) Hindbrain, (10) Cerebellum. ORF1p expression profile in the mouse brain. The entire mouse brain with the exception of the olfactory bulb and the cerebellum were analyzed according to the pipeline on large-scale images described in (A). Bar plot showing the total number of ORF1p+ cells per mm² in the mouse brain. Data is represented as mean ±SEM, n=4 mice (top). Bar plot indicating the proportion of ORF1p+ cells compared to all cells detected. Data is represented as mean ±SEM, n=4 mice, 202001 total cells analyzed (middle). Scatter plot showing the mean intensity of ORF1p per ORF1p+ cell. Data is represented as mean ±SD, n=4 mice, 40999 ORF1p+ cells analyzed (bottom).
(D-F) ORF1p expression profile (density, proportion and expression) in defined anatomical regions of the mouse brain. Nine anatomical regions as defined by the Allen Brain Atlas and mapped onto sagittal brain slices (four three-month-old Swiss/ OF1) with ABBA were analyzed using the pipeline on large scale images described in (A). (D) ORF1p+ cell density in 9 different regions. Bar plot showing the number of ORF1p+ cells per mm². Data is represented as mean ±SEM; *p<0.05; **p<0.01; adjusted p-value, one-way ANOVA followed by a Benjamin-Hochberg test (E) Proportion of ORF1p positive cells in 9 different regions. Bar plot showing the proportion of ORF1p+ cells among all cells detected per region. Data is represented as mean ±SEM. (F) Mean ORF1p expression per cell in 9 different regions. Dot plot showing the mean intensity of ORF1p signal per ORF1p+ cell in 9 different regions. Data is represented as mean ±SD. The number of analyzed cells per region is indicated in the figure. *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001; ****p<0.0001; adjusted p-value, nested one-way ANOVA followed by Sidak’ multiple comparison test.
(G) ORF1p expression in the frontal cortex and ventral midbrain. Confocal images with multiple z-stacks were analyzed using Cellpose and Stardist. Dot plot representing the mean expression of ORF1p per ORF1p+ cells. Individual (four three-month-old Swiss/ OF1) mice are represented each by a different color, the scattered line represents the median. ****p<0.0001, nested one-way ANOVA. Total cells analyzed = 4645.
(H-I) ORF1p expression in the frontal cortex and the ventral midbrain. (H) Western blots showing ORF1p (top) and actin expression (bottom) in four individual mice per region which were quantified in (I) using actin as a reference control. The signal intensity is plotted as the fold change of ORF1p expression in the ventral midbrain to ORF1p expression in the frontal cortex. *p<0.05; two-sided, unpaired student’s-test.
(J) ORF1p expression in three regions of the human brain. Western blot showing ORF1p expression in the cingulate gyrus (CG), frontal cortex (FC) and cerebellum (CB) of post-mortem tissues from a healthy individual. ORF1p (Top), Actin (bottom).