Fgfrl1 and Tpx2 are prioritized DDGs and putative drivers of mesenchymal differentiation. (A)
Fgfrl1 was identified as a Differentiation Driver Gene (DDG) of a network for LMPs differentiating along an adipogenic trajectory. The network is enriched (Padj = 7.5 x 10-3) for trajectory-specific tradeSeq-identified genes for the LMP_to_MALP cell type boundary (Hnmt, St5, Igfbp4, Cyp1b1, Pdzrn4, Mark1). Fgfrl1 was previous identified as a gene that has BMD GWAS associations that colocalize with an eQTL in the cultured fibroblast GTEx tissue. (B) Tpx2 was identified as a DDG of a network for LMPs differentiating along an osteogenic trajectory. The network is enriched (Padj = 5.7 x 10-7) for tradeSeq-identified genes for the LMP_to_OBP cell type boundary (Tpx2, Top2a, Kif4, Iqgap3, Prc1, Kif11, Ect2, Sgo2a, Ube2c). Tpx2 is both a tradeSeq gene and previous identified as a gene that has BMD GWAS associations that colocalize with an eQTL in the Testis GTEx tissue. (C-D) An increase in the expression of all tradeSeq-identified genes coincides with the cell type boundary in which they were identified as significant along their respective trajectories. (E) Box plot displaying whole-body bone mineral density (BMD) measurements (excluding skull) from the International Mouse Knockout Consortium (IMPC) for Tpx2 mutant mice, which exhibited a significant increase in BMD (Genotype P-value = 1.03 x 10-3) in both male and female mice (N = 8 (M) and 8 (F) mutants; N = 2574 (M) and 2633 (F) controls)