Figures and data

Standardized experimental pipeline and apparatus; location of the repeated site.
(a), The pipeline for electrophysiology experiments. (b), Drawing of the experimental apparatus. (c), Location and brain regions of the repeated site. VISa: Visual Area A; CA1: Hippocampal Field CA1; DG: Dentate Gyrus; LP: Lateral Posterior nucleus of the thalamus; PO: Posterior Nucleus of the Thalamus. Black lines: boundaries of sub regions within the five repeated site regions. (d), Acquired repeated site trajectories shown within a 3D brain schematic. (e), Raster plot of all measured neurons (including some that ultimately failed quality control) from one example session. (f), A comparison of neuron yield (neurons/channel of the Neuropixels probe) for this dataset (IBL), Steinmetz et al. (2019) (STE) and Siegle et al. (2021) (ALN) in 3 neural structures. Bars: standard error of the mean; the center of each bar corresponds to the mean neuron yield for the corresponding study.

Histological reconstruction reveals resolution limit of probe targeting.
(a), Histology pipeline for electrode probe track reconstruction and assessment. Three separate trajectories are defined per probe: planned, micro-manipulator (based on the experimenter’s stereotaxic coordinates) and histology (interpolated from tracks traced in the histology data). (b), Example tilted slices through the histology reconstructions showing the repeated site probe track. Plots show the green auto-fluorescence data used for CCF registration and red cm-DiI signal used to mark the probe track. White dots show the projections of channel positions onto each tilted slice. Scale bar: 1mm. (c), Histology probe trajectories, interpolated from traced probe tracks, plotted as 2D projections in coronal and sagittal planes, tilted along the repeated site trajectory over the allen CCF, colors: laboratory. Scale bar: 1mm. (d, e, f), Scatterplots showing variability of probe placement from planned to: micro-manipulator brain surface insertion coordinate (d, targeting variability, N=88), histology brain surface insertion coordinate (e, geometrical variability, N=98), and histology probe angle (f, angle variability, N=99). Each line and point indicates the displacement from the planned geometry for each insertion in anterior-posterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) planes, color-coded by institution. (g, h, i), Assessment of probe displacement by institution from planned to: micro-manipulator brain surface insertion coordinate (g, N=88), histology brain surface insertion coordinate (h, N=98), and histology probe angle (i, N=99). Kernel density estimate plots (top) are followed by boxplots (bottom) for probe displacement, ordered by descending median value. A minimum of four data points per institution led to their inclusion in the plot and subsequent analysis. Dashed vertical lines display the mean displacement across institutions, indicated in the respective scatterplot in (d, e, f).

Electrophysiological features are mostly reproducible across laboratories.
(a), Number of experimental sessions recorded; number of sessions used in analysis due to exclusion criteria. Up arrows: exclusions based on RIGOR criteria (Table 1); down arrows: exclusions based on IBL-specific criteria. For the rest of this figure an additional targeting criterion was used in which an insertion had to hit 2 of the target regions to be included. (b), Power spectral density between 20 and 80 Hz of each channel of each probe insertion (vertical columns) shows reproducible alignment of electrophysiological features to histology. Insertions are aligned to the boundary between the dentate gyrus and thalamus. Tildes indicate that the probe continued below -2.0mm. CSHL: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [(C): Churchland lab, (Z): Zador lab], NYU: New York University, SWC: Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL: University College London, UCLA: University of California, Los Angeles, UW: University of Washington. (c), Firing rates of individual neurons according to the depth at which they were recorded. Colored blocks indicate the target brain regions of the repeated site, grey blocks indicate a brain region that was not one of the target regions. If no block is plotted, that part of the brain was not recorded by the probe because it was inserted too deep or too shallow. Each dot is a neuron, colors indicate firing rate. (d), P-values for five electrophysiological metrics, computed separately for all target regions, assessing the reproducibility of the distributions over these features across labs. P-values are plotted on a log-scale to visually emphasize values close to significance. (e), A Random Forest classifier could successfully decode the brain region from five electrophysiological features (neuron yield, firing rate, LFP power, AP band RMS and spike amplitude), but could only decode lab identity from the dentate gyrus. The red line indicates the decoding accuracy and the grey violin plots indicate a null distribution obtained by shuffling the labels 500 times. The decoding of lab identity was performed per brain region. (* p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001)

Neural activity is modulated during decision-making in five neural structures and is variable between laboratories, particularly in the thalamus.
(a), Raster plot (top) and firing rate time course (bottom) of an example neuron in LP, aligned to movement onset, split for correct left and right choices. The firing rate is calculated using a causal sliding window; each time point includes a 60 ms window prior to the indicated point. (b), Peri-event time histograms (PETHs) of all LP neurons from a single mouse, aligned to movement onset (only correct choices in response to right-side stimuli are shown). These PETHs are baseline-subtracted by a pre-stimulus baseline. Shaded areas show standard error of mean (and propagated error for the overall mean). The thicker line shows the average over this entire population, colored by the lab from which the recording originates. (c,d), Average PETHs from all neurons of each lab for LP (c) and the remaining four repeated site brain regions (d). Line thickness indicates the number of neurons in each lab (ranging from 18 to 554). (e), Schematic defining all six task-modulation tests (top) and proportion of task-modulated neurons for each mouse in each brain region for an example test (movement initiation) (bottom). Each row within a region correspond to a single lab (colors same as in (d), points are individual sessions). Horizontal lines around vertical marker: S.E.M. around mean across lab sessions (f), Schematic to describe the power analysis. Two hypothetical distributions: first, when the test is sensitive, a small shift in the distribution is enough to make the test significant (non-significant shifts shown with broken line in grey, significant shift outlined in red). By contrast, when the test is less sensitive, the vertical line is large and a corresponding large range of possible shifts is present. The possible shifts we find usually cover only a small range. (g) Power analysis example for modulation by the stimulus in CA1. Violin plots: distributions of firing rate modulations for each lab; horizontal line: mean across lab; vertical line at right: how much the distribution can shift up- or downwards before the test becomes significant, while holding other labs constant.(h) Permutation test results for task-modulated activity and the Fano Factor. Top: tests based on proportion of modulated neurons; Bottom: tests based on the distribution of firing rate modulations. Comparisons performed for correct trials with non-zero contrast stimuli. (Figure analyses include collected data that pass our quality metrics and have at least 4 good units in the specified brain region and 3 recordings from the specified lab, to ensure that the data from a lab can be considered representative.)

Principal component embedding of trial-averaged activity uncovers differences that are clear region-to-region and more modest lab-to-lab.
(a) PETHs from two example cells (black, fast reaction times only) and 2-PC-based reconstruction (red). Goodness of fit r2 indicated on top with an example of a poor (top) and good (bottom) fit. (b) Histograms of reconstruction goodness of fit across all cells based on reconstruction by 1-3 PCs. Since PETHs are well approximated with just the first 2 PCs, subsequent analyses used the first 2 PCs only. (c) Two-dimensional embedding of PETHs of all cells colored by region (each dot corresponds to a single cell). (d) Mean firing rates of all cells per region, note visible pink/green divide in line with the scatter plot. Error bands are standard deviation across cells normalised by the square root of the number of sessions in the region (e) Cumulative distribution of the first embedding dimension (PC1) per region with inset of KS statistic measuring the distance between the distribution of a region’s first PC values and that of the remaining cells; asterisks indicate significance at p = 0.01. (f) same data as in (c) but colored by lab. Visual inspection does not show lab clusters. (g) Mean activity for each lab, using cells from all regions (color conventions the same as in (f)). Error bands are standard deviation across cells normalised by square root of number of sessions in lab. (h) same as (e) but grouping cells per lab. (i) p-values of all KS tests without sub-sampling; white squares indicate that there were too few cells for the corresponding region/lab pair. The statistic is the KS distance of the distribution of a target subset of cells’ first PCs to that of the remaining cells. Columns: the region to which the test was restricted and each row is the target lab of the test. Bottom row “all”: p-values reflecting a region’s KS distance from all other cells. Rightmost column “all”: p-values of testing a lab’s KS distance from all other cells. Small p-values indicate that the target subset of cells can be significantly distinguished from the remaining cells. Note that all region-targeting tests are significant while lab-targeting tests are less so.

Recording Inclusion Guidelines for Optimizing Reproducibility (RIGOR).

High-firing and task-modulated LP neurons have slightly different spatial positions and spike waveform features than other LP neurons, possibly contributing only marginally to variability between sessions.
(a) Spatial positions of recorded neurons in LP. Colors: session-averaged firing rates on a log scale. To enable visualization of overlapping data points, small jitter was added to the unit locations. (b) Spatial positions of LP neurons plotted as distance from the planned target center of mass, indicated with red x. Colors: session-averaged firing rates on a log scale. Larger circles: outlier neurons (above the firing rate threshold of 13.5 sp/s shown on the colorbar). In LP, 114 out of 1337 neurons were outliers. Only histograms of the spatial positions and spike waveform features that were significantly different between the outlier neurons (yellow) and the general population of neurons (blue) are shown (two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons; * and ** indicate corrected p-values of <0.05 and <0.01). Shaded areas: the area between 20th and 80th percentiles of the neurons’ locations. (c) (Left) Histogram of firing rate changes during movement initiation (Figure 4e, Figure 4-supplemental 1d) for task-modulated (orange) and non-modulated (gray) neurons. 697 out of 1337 LP neurons were modulated during movement initiation. (Right) Spatial positions of task-modulated and non-modulated LP neurons, with histograms of significant features (here, z position) shown. (d) Same as (c) but using the left vs. right movement test (Figure 4e and Figure 4-supplemental 1f) to identify task-modulated units; histogram is bimodal because both left- and right-preferring neurons are included.292 out of 1337 LP neurons were modulated differently for leftward vs. rightward movements. (Figure analyses include all collected data that pass our quality metrics, regardless of the number of recordings per lab or number of repeated site brain areas that the probes pass through.)

Single-covariate, leave-one-out, and leave-group-out analyses show the contribution of each (group of) covariate(s) to the MTNN model. Lab and session IDs have low contributions to the model.
(a) We adapt a MTNN approach for neuron-specific firing rate prediction. The model takes in a set of covariates and outputs time-varying firing rates for each neuron for each trial. See Table 2 for a full list of covariates. (b) MTNN model estimates of firing rates (50 ms bin size) of a neuron in VISa/am from an example subject during held-out test trials. The trials with stimulus on the left are shown and are aligned to the first movement onset time (vertical dashed lines). We plot the observed and predicted PETHs and raster plots. The blue ticks in the raster plots indicate stimulus onset, and the green ticks indicate feedback times. The trials above (below) the black horizontal dashed line are incorrect (correct) trials, and the trials are ordered by reaction time. The trained model does well in predicting the (normalized) firing rates. The MTNN prediction quality measured in R2 is 0.45 on held-out test trials and 0.94 on PETHs of held-out test trials. (c) We plot the MTNN firing rate predictions along with the raster plots of behavioral covariates, ordering the trials in the same manner as in (b). We see that the MTNN firing rate predictions are modulated synchronously with several behavioral covariates, such as wheel velocity and paw speed. (d) Single-covariate analysis, colored by the brain region. Each dot corresponds to a single neuron in each plot. (e) Leave-one-out and leave-group-out analyses, colored by the brain region. The analyses are run on 1133 responsive neurons across 32 sessions. The leave-one-out analysis shows that lab/session IDs have low effect sizes on average, indicating that within and between-lab random effects are small and comparable. The “noise” covariate is a dynamic covariate (white noise randomly sampled from a Gaussian distribution) and is included as a negative control: the model correctly assigns zero effect size to this covariate. Covariates that are constant across trials (e.g., lab and session IDs, neuron’s 3D spatial location) are left out from the single-covariate analysis.

List of covariates input to the multi-task neural network.

Detailed experimental pipeline for the Neuropixels experiment.
The experiment follows the main steps indicated in the left-hand black squares in chronological order from top to bottom. Within each main step, actions are undertaken from left to right; diamond markers indicate points of control.

Spiking activity qualitatively appears heterogeneous across recordings.
(Left) 3D schematic of the probe insertions of the repeated site from 12 mice. Colors correspond to the quality of the probe insertion: good (yellow); blue (miss target); red (low yield). (Right) Spiking activity qualitatively appears heterogeneous across recordings. Example raster plots of neural activity recorded from the repeated site in 12 mice. All measured neurons are shown, including some that ultimately failed quality control. The raster plots in the first top two rows originate from sessions marked as being of good quality. The middle and bottom rows are raster plots from recordings that were excluded, based either on the probe misplacement, or the low number of detected units. Allen Mouse CCF Labels: Anterior pretectal nucleus (APN); Dentate Gyrus (DG); Field CA1 (CA1); Field CA3 (CA3); Lateral dorsal nucleus of the thalamus (LD); Dorsal part of the lateral geniculate complex (LGd); Lateral posterior nucleus of the thalamus (LP); Midbrain (MB); Midbrain reticular nucleus (MRN); Posterior complex of the thalamus (PO); Posterior limiting nucleus of the thalamus (POL); Suprageniculate nucleus (SGN); Substantia nigra, reticular part (SNr); Primary somatosensory area (SSp); Ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus (VPL); Ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus (VPM); Anterior area (VISa); Anteromedial visual area (VISam); Posteromedial visual area (VISpm).

Electrophysiology data quality examples.
(a) Example raster (left) and raw electrophysiology data snippet (right) for a recording that passes quality control. The blue lines on the raster plot mark the start and end of the behavioral task. Red dots on the raw data snippets indicate spikes from multi-unit activity; green dots indicate spikes from “good” units. (b) Example raster and raw data snippets for four recordings that fail quality control; either because of the presence of epileptic seizures (top-left), pronounced drift (top-right), artifacts (bottom-left), or large number of noisy channels (bottom-right).

A comparison of our metrics with other studies.
Comparison of multiple metrics (columns) for the current dataset (IBL, left), Steinmetz et al. 2019 (STE, middle), and Siegle et al. 2021 (ALN, right) for measurements within cortex (Top; blue graphs), hippocampus (Middle; green graphs), and thalamus (Bottom; pink graphs).

Visual inspection of datasets by 3 observers blinded to data identity yielded similar metrics for all 3 studies.
Each plot reflects manually-determined scores from a single observer (letters at top indicate their initials), who was blinded to the origin of the dataset at the time of scoring. Labels on the horizontal axis indicate the dataset: the current dataset (IBL, left), Steinmetz et al., 2019 (STE, middle), and Siegle et al., 2021 (ALN, right). Each point is the score assigned to a single snippet. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. A two way ANOVA was performed with rater identity and source dataset as categorical variables. We found no significant effect of rater ID (p < 10−6), a small effect of dataset (p = 0.08), and no interaction between rater ID and dataset (p < 0.05)

Tilted slices along the histology insertion for all insertions used in assessing probe placement.
Plots of all subjects with a repeated site insertion that were included in the analysis of probe placement. Coronal tilted slices are made along the linearly interpolated best-fit to the histology insertion, shown through the raw histology (green: auto-fluorescence data for image registration; red: cm-DiI fluorescence signal marking probe tracks). Traced probe tracks are highlighted in white. Scale bar: 1mm.

Recordings that did not pass QC can be visually accessed as outliers. (a, b)
Probe plots as in Figure 3b,c. Above each probe plot is the name of the mouse, the color indicates whether the recording passed QC (green is pass, red is fail).

High LFP power in dentate gyrus was used to align probe locations in the brain.
Power spectral density between 20 and 80 Hz recorded along each probe shown in figure 3 overlaid on a coronal slice. Each coronal slice has been rotated so that the probe lies along the vertical axis. Colors correspond to probe insertions belonging to a single lab (Berkeley - blue; Champalimaud - orange; CSHL (C) - green; CSHL (Z) - red; NYU - purple; Princeton - brown; SWC - pink; UCL - grey; UCLA - yellow; UW - teal). Numbers above the image denote a recording session for individual mice. Red line denotes 1 mm scalebar.

Bilateral recordings assess within-vs across-animal variance.
Bilateral recordings of the repeated site in both hemispheres show within-animal variance is often smaller than across-animal variance. (a, b), Power spectral density and neural activity of all bilateral recordings. L and R indicate the left and right probe of each bilateral recording. Each L/R pair is recorded simultaneously. The color indicates the lab (lab-color assignment identical to figure 3). (c) Within-animal variance is smaller than across-animal variance for LFP power. The across-animal variance is depicted as the distribution of all pair-wise absolute differences in LFP power between any two recordings in the entire dataset (blue shaded violin plot). The black horizontal ticks indicate where the bilateral recordings (within-animal variance) fall in this distribution. (d, e) Violin plots for firing rate and spike amplitude in VISa/am, similar analysis as in (c). (f) Whether within or across animal variance is larger is dependent on the metric and brain region; red colors indicate that within < across and green colors within > across. Variance is quantified here as the interquartile distance of the distributions in c-e.

Values used in the decoding analysis, per metric and per brain region.
All electrophysio-logical features (rows) per brain region (columns) that were used in the permutation test and decoding analysis of Figure 3. Each dot is a recording, colors indicate the laboratory.

Proportion of task-modulated neurons, defined by six time-period comparisons, across mice, labs, and brain regions.
(a)-(f), Schematics of six time-period comparisons of task-related time windows to quantify neuronal task modulation. Each panel includes a schematic of example trials showing potential caveats of each method. For instance, in (a) the stimulus period may or may not include movement, depending on the reaction time of the animal. In (c), to avoid any overlap between pre-stimulus and reaction periods, we calculated the reaction period only in trials with >50 ms between the stimulus and movement onset. We also limited the reaction period to a maximum of 200 ms before movement onset. Below each test schematic, the corresponding proportion of task-modulated neurons across brain regions is shown, colored by lab ID (points are individual sessions; Horizontal lines around vertical marker: S.E.M. around mean across lab sessions).

Power analysis of permutation tests.
For every test and every lab, we performed a power analysis to test how far the values of that lab would have to be shifted upwards or downwards to cause a significant permutation test (tests that were significant in the absence of such shifts are crossed out). Horizontal lines indicate the means of the lab distributions, vertical bars indicate the magnitude of the needed up- and downwards perturbations for a significant test (p-value < 0.01), and the titles of the individual tests denote the p-value of the original unperturbed test. The magnitudes usually span a rather small range of permissible values, which means that our permutation testing procedure is sensitive to deviations of individual labs. The plot on the bottom left shows the correlation between shift size and standard deviation within the labs. In the bottom right is a histogram of the magnitude of shifts in units of the standard deviation of the corresponding distribution. Most shifts are below 1 standard deviation of the corresponding lab distribution.

Lab-grouped average PETH, CDF of the first PC and 2-PC embedding, separate per brain region.
Mean firing rates across all labs per region including VISa/am, CA1, DG, LP, and PO (panels a, d, g, j, m). In addition, the second column of panels (panels b, e, h, k, n) shows for each region the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the first embedding dimension (PC1) per lab. The insets show the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance (KS) per lab from the distribution of all remaining labs pooled, annotated with an asterisk if p < 0.01 for the KS test. The third column of panels (c, f, i, l, o) displays the embedded activity of neurons from VISa/am, CA1, DG, LP, and PO. For 6 region/lab pairs, dynamics were significantly different from the mean of all remaining labs using the KS test.

High-firing and task-modulated VISa/am neurons. (a-d)
Similar to Figure 6 but for VISa/am. High-firing and some task-modulated VISa/am neurons had slightly different spatial positions than other VISa/am neurons, as shown, but had similar spike waveform features. Out of 877 VISa/am neurons, 550 were modulated during movement initiation (in (c)) and 170 were modulated differently for leftward vs. rightward movements (in (d)).

High-firing and task-modulated CA1 neurons. (a-d)
Similar to Figure 6 but for CA1. High-firing and some task-modulated CA1 neurons had slightly different spatial positions than other CA1 neurons, as shown, but had similar spike waveform features. Out of 548 CA1 neurons, 366 were modulated during movement initiation (in (c)) and 109 were modulated differently for leftward vs. rightward movements (in (d)).

High-firing and task-modulated DG and PO neurons.
Spatial positions of high-firing and some task-modulated neurons in PO, but not DG, were different from other neurons. (a-b), Spatial positions of DG neurons plotted as distance from the planned target center of mass, indicated with the red x. Spatial positions were not significantly different between high-firing neurons (yellow) and the general population of neurons (blue hues) in (a), nor between task-modulated (orange) and non-modulated (gray) neurons in (b). High-firing neurons and task-modulated neurons (for only some tests) tended to have lower spike durations, possibly related to cell subtype differences. 262 out of 448 DG neurons were modulated during movement initiation (in (b)). (c-d), Same as (a-b) but for PO neurons. Spatial positions and spike waveform features were significantly different between outliers and the general population of neurons (in (c)). Task-modulated and non-modulated PO neurons had small differences in spatial position for only some tests (not the test shown in (d)) and no difference in spike waveform features. 833 out of 1529 PO neurons were modulated during movement initiation (in (d)).

Time-course and spatial position of neuronal Fano Factors.
(a) Left column: Firing rate (top) and Fano Factor (bottom) averaged over all VISa/am neurons when aligned to movement onset after presentation of left or right full-contrast stimuli (correct trials only; Fano Factor calculation limited to neurons with a session-averaged firing rate >1 sp/sec). Error bars: standard error means between neurons. Right column: Neuronal Fano Factors (averaged over 40-200 ms post movement onset after right-side full-contrast stimuli) and their spatial positions. Larger circles indicate neurons with Fano Factor <1. (b-e) Same as (a) for CA1, DG, LP, and PO. Spatial position between high vs. low Fano Factor neurons was only significantly different in VISa/am (deeper neurons had lower Fano Factors). In VISa/am, spike duration between high and low Fano Factor neurons was also significantly different, possibly due to cell subtype differences (neurons with shorter spike durations tended to have higher Fano Factors; histograms not shown). Lastly, in CA1 and PO, neurons with larger spike amplitudes had slightly higher Fano Factors.

Neuronal subtypes and firing rates.
High-firing neurons do not belong to a specific cell subtype. To identify putative Fast-Spiking (FS) and Regular-Spiking (RS) neuronal populations, we examined spike peak-to-trough durations (Jia et al., 2019). This distribution was bimodal in Visa/am, CA1, and DG, but not LP and PO (as expected from Jia et al. (2019)). This bimodality (indicated with the black and blue boxes) suggests distinct populations of FS and RS neurons only in cortical and hippocampal regions, which should have narrow (black) and wide (blue) spike widths, respectively. To confirm the distinct populations of FS and RS neurons, we next plotted the cumulative probability of firing rate for these two putative neuronal categories. Indeed, in cortex and hippocampus, neurons with narrow spikes tend to have higher firing rates (in black) while neurons with wider spikes have lower firing rates (in blue). In contrast, in LP and PO, we did not identify specific populations of neuronal subtypes using the spike waveform (to our knowledge, this has not been done in previous work either). Importantly, even in cortex/hippocampus where putative RS and FS neurons are distinguishable, there is still a large firing rate overlap between these two groups, especially for firing rates above 11-19 sp/s (the firing rate thresholds from Figure 6 and supplemental figures). Hence, high-firing neurons do not seem to belong to only a specific neuronal subtype.

MTNN prediction quality
(a) For each neuron in each session, we plot the MTNN prediction quality on held-out test trials against the firing rate of the neuron averaged over the test trials. Each lab/session is colored/shaped differently. R2 values on concatenations of the held-out test trials are shown on the left, and those on PETHs of the held-out test trials on the right. (b) MTNN slightly outperforms GLMs on predicting the firing rates of held-out trials when trained on movement/task-related/prior covariates. (c) The left half shows for each neuron the trial averaged activity for left choice trials and next to it right choice trials. The vertical green lines show the first movement onset. The horizontal red lines separate recording sessions while the blue lines separate labs. The right half of each of these images shows the MTNN prediction of the left half. The trial-averaged MTNN predictions for held-out test trials capture visible modulations in the PETHs.

MTNN prediction quality on the data simulated from GLMs is comparable to the GLMs’ prediction quality.
To verify that the MTNN leave-one-out analysis is sensitive enough to capture effect sizes, we simulate data from GLMs and compare the effect sizes estimated by the MTNN and GLM leave-one-out analyses. We first fit GLMs to the same set of sessions that are used for the MTNN effect size analysis and then use the inferred GLM kernels to simulate data. (a) We show the scatterplot of the GLM and MTNN predictive performance on held-out test data, where each dot represents the predictive performance for one neuron. The MTNN prediction quality is comparable to that of GLMs. (b) We run GLM and MTNN leave-one-out analyses and compare the estimated effect sizes for eight covariates. The effect sizes estimated by the MTNN and GLM leave-one-out analyses are comparable.

Lab IDs have a negligible effect on the MTNN prediction. MTNN leave-one-out analysis captures artificially inflated lab ID effects.
(a) (Left) Observed per-lab PETH of held-out test trials for PO. (Center) Per-lab PETH of held-out test trials with MTNN predictions for PO. (Right) Per-lab PETH of held-out test trials with MTNN predictions for PO, after fixing the lab IDs of the input to CCU. (b) Here we verify that the MTNN leave-one-out analysis is sensitive enough to capture variability induced by lab IDs. First, given an MTNN model trained with the full set of covariates listed in Table 2, we created four different MTNN models by perturbing the weights for the lab IDs. One is a model with the originally learned weights for the lab IDs (”Original lab weights”). The other three models have (randomly sampled) orthogonal weights for the lab IDs, where the l2 norms of the weights for the first and last labs (i.e., the labs with lab IDs 1 and 8) are set to a and b, respectively (”Perturbed lab weights, Varying l2 norm: a-b”). The l2 norms of the weights for the labs in between (i.e., the labs with lab IDs from 2 to 7) are set to values equally spaced between a and b. We then generated four different sets of datasets by running the models forward with the original features that are used to train, validate and test the model. Finally, we reran the MTNN leave-one-out analysis for the lab IDs with each simulated dataset. Each dot in each column represents the change in prediction quality (measured by R2) for each neuron in the dataset, when the lab IDs are left out from the set of covariates.

We plot pairwise scatterplots of MTNN single-covariate effect sizes. Each dot represents the effect sizes of one neuron and is colored by lab. Many of the effect sizes are highly correlated across sessions and labs.