Input cell-type-specific tracing and circuit reconstruction in the cerebellum
(A) A single Cre-Switch42 transgene (elavl3:Tetoff-DO_DIO-Hsa.H2B-mTagBFP2_tdTomato-CAAX; abbr., elavl3DoDioBR) was generated to achieve a reference transgene (elavl3:H2B-mTagBFP2) for image registration and the Cre-dependent reporter expression (tdTomato-CAAX) specifically in neurons (elavl3+). Two ORFs flanked by two pairs of LOX sites oriented oppositely with the activation of forward-oriented H2B-mTagBFP2 ORF by the elavl3 promotor in global neurons. After Cre-expressing virus infection, Cre acts on either pair of LOX sites (LOXP (gray triangles) or LOXP2272 (black triangles)), resulting in stable inversion of the two ORFs and the activation of tdTomato-CAAX ORF by elavl3 promotor in initially infected starter neurons and transneuronally infected input neurons.
(B) Schematic of building PC input atlas in larval zebrafish. The elavl3DoDioBR reporter fish (pan-neuronal H2B-mTagBFP2+) expressing helper proteins in PCs (sfGFP+/mTagBFP2+) were injected with Cre-expressing CVSdG[EnvA], which were trans-complemented in starter PCs and spread to direct inputs, resulting in Cre-dependent expression of the reporter protein (tdTomato-CAAX) in elavl3+ starter PCs (sfGFP+/tdTomato+/mTagBFP2−) and input GCs (sfGFP−/tdTomato+/mTagBFP2−). The pan-neuronally-expressing H2B-mTagBFP2 in elavl3DoDioBR serves as the reference and bridge for the registration of reconstructed circuits. BCs, Bergmann glia; GCs, granule cells; PCs, Purkinje cells.
(C) Example of in situ complementation (11 dpi) in WT larvae (left) or elavl3DoDioBR reporter larvae (right) infected with CVSdG that was trans-complemented with CVS N2cG at 36°C, showing exclusive labeling of neurons in tdTomato+-only traced cells when using Cre-dependent elavl3DoDioBR reporter fish. Confocal images (top) and corresponding schematic illustrations (bottom) are shown. Dashed yellow circles, starter PCs; dashed lines, the cerebellar boundaries. Black arrows indicate the reconstructed neurons shown in (D).
(D) Dorsal 3D view of the reconstructed starter PC and two input GCs. Dashed line indicates the cerebellar boundary. The color scheme follows the same conventions as in (F).
(E) Left, single horizontal section view of Tg(2×en.cpce-E1B:tdTomato-CAAX) (red), Tg(cbln12:GAL4FF);Tg(5×UAS:EGFP) (green), and elavl3DoDioBR (blue) templates aligned in a common coordinate space. Right, volume rending of the cerebellar area (dashed white rectangle on the left) of the templates labeling PCs (red) and GCs (green) in outline of cerebellum region (gray).
(F) Dorsal (left) and lateral (right) 3D view of reconstructed starter PCs (n = 24) and input GCs (n = 58) in the cerebellum (gray). Different subcellular parts of PCs and GCs are color-coded. Data were collected from 13 larvae at 10 - 16 dpi (15 - 21 dpf).
(G and H) Ipsilateral vs contralateral proportions of GC inputs to PCs in the left and right cerebellum. Analysis were performed using the reconstructed data in (E) and the viral tracing data shown in Figures 2C and 2D for (G) and (H), respectively. Numbers in brackets indicate the number of larvae examined which only had starter PCs on one cerebellar hemisphere.
(I) Subtypes of reconstructed PCs and GCs. Two typical cells are shown for each subtype.
(J) Example showing three GCs traced from a single PC.
(K) Summed input proportion of two subtypes of GCs to two subtypes of PCs. Cases with only one subtype of PC and clearly identifiable GCs were included. The cell numbers are as follows: PC1, 12; PC2, 6; GC1, 19; GC2, 18.
(L) Schematic representation of subtype-specific connectivity patterns from GCs to PCs. High saturation of color indicates a higher input strength. CCe, corpus cerebelli; EG, eminentia granularis; LCa, lobus caudalis cerebelli; Va, valvula cerebelli.
Scale bars, 50 μm. A, anterior; C, caudal; L, lateral; R, rostral; V, ventral. Dashed vertical lines indicate the midline of the cerebellum.