The virtual thymus model enables spatiotemporally resolved clonal analysis.
(A) Schematic overview highlighting 6 key steps during T-cell development, which are integrated into the virtual thymus model: (1) ETPs enter the thymus niche; (2) they receive Dll4 and IL-7 signals from the TECs. Triggered by these signals, (3) thymocytes undergo proliferation and (4) differentiation into two distinct T-cell sublineages (5). Finally, thymocytes undergo selection, either leaving the organ or undergoing cell death (6). (B-C) Experimentally measured (“Medaka”) and computationally modeled (“Virtual”) cell speed (B) and cell directionality (C) for ETPs and thymocytes. Bars are mean values, and error bars standard deviation. (D) Timeline of medaka embryonic development (top) compared to simulated time (bottom). As indicated by the cartoon at the bottom, the first ETP enters the thymus roughly at 2.5 dpf (t = 0 h in the simulation). At roughly 60 h (roughly 5 dpf), the thymus reaches its homeostatic cell population, with both cell entry and exit. (E) Representative snapshots of the simulation at homeostasis showing spatial expression patterns and signaling activity of components of IL7R and Notch1 signaling pathways in TECs (top two panels) and thymocytes (bottom 4 panels). Data are shown in arbitrary units normalized to a scale from 0 to 1. (F) Left: Cartoon explaining the asynchronous arrival (homing) of new cells into the organ, their clonal expansion, and asynchronous cell death or exit. Right: Visualization of clonal diversity in a typical simulation; each color shade uniquely indicates a clonal lineage. The height of each colored patch indicates the number of cells in that clone, the length indicates simulation time. For illustrative purposes, a black arrow indicates the homing of a sample of lineages. (G) Data from the right panel in (F) was normalized to time of homing. This visualization highlights developmental phases of thymocyte lineages. Gray arrowheads indicate rounds of cell division. Scale bar 50 cells. Abbreviations: ETP = early thymic progenitor, T = Thymocyte, N = number of replicates (biological or computational).