Correlated Spontaneous Excitatory Inputs to Labeled Pairs.
A) Representative confocal image of eYFP labeled and biocytin stained neurons in a TRAP-ChR2-eYFP mouse. B) Schematic for Labeled-Labeled (L-L) dual recordings with representative example of spontaneous EPSCs (sEPSCs) in an L-L pair below. C) Schematic for Labeled-Unlabeled (L-U) dual recordings with representative example of sEPSCs in an L-U pair below. D) Schematic for session-wise cross correlation profiles (CCPs) defined by correlations exceeding a 2 standard deviation (SD) threshold above the total mean correlation: EPSC peri-occurrence was tested as event time CCP exceeding threshold within full detection window; cooccurrence was defined as event time CCP exceeding threshold within center bin of detection window. E) CCP from recordings from L-L pairs analyzed with ±100 ms detection window (bright blue, n=7). Overlaid jittered data (black) was developed by appending the event timing of one cell with a randomized lead/lag of +/− 0.5 s for 100 iterations (Top panel). Inset: Plot of maximum correlations (Rmax) in relation to the dashed line representing 2xSD = 0.15. CCP in recordings from L-U pairs analyzed with ±100 ms detection window (dark blue, n=8). Corresponding jittered data, developed as detailed above, is overlaid in black (Bottom panel). Inset: Plot of Rmax in relation to the dashed line representing 2xSD = 0.15. F) CCP from sessions with recordings from L-L pairs analyzed with ±50 ms detection window from L-L pairs (bright purple, n=7) with jittered data developed as detailed above is overlaid in black (Top panel). Inset: Plot of Rmax in relation to the dashed line representing 2xSD = 0.10). CCP from recordings in L-U pairs analyzed with ±50 ms detection window (dark purple, n=8) with corresponding jittered data overlaid in black (Bottom panel). Inset: Rmax in relation to the dashed line representing 2xSD = 0.10. G) Comparison of center bin correlation between L-L versus L-U pairs in aligned (Align-recorded) versus jittered (Jitter-simulated) data, analyzed using ±100 ms detection window (left, colors as in E) and using ±50 ms detection window (right, colors as in F). H) Center bin classifier performance (solid line) compared to chance performance (dashed line, colors as in E and F respectively) plotted as area under the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUROC) between L-L (true positive rate) and L-U (false positive rate) for analysis using ±100 ms detection window (left panel) and for analysis using ±50 ms detection window (right panel). Data presented as mean±SEM (dual recording sessions), * indicate p<0.05; ** indicates p<0.01 *** indicates p<0.001, **** indicates p<0.0001; TW-ANOVA with Šídák’s multiple comparisons post hoc tests.