Peer review process
Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.
Read more about eLife’s peer review process.Editors
- Reviewing EditorSidhartha GoyalUniversity of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
- Senior EditorAleksandra WalczakÉcole Normale Supérieure - PSL, Paris, France
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
This work performed Raman spectral microscopy at the single-cell level for 15 different culture conditions in E. coli. The Raman signature is systematically analyzed and compared with the proteome dataset of the same culture conditions. With a linear model, the authors revealed correspondence between Raman pattern and proteome expression stoichiometry indicating that spectrometry could be used for inferring proteome composition in the future. With both Raman spectra and proteome datasets, the authors categorized co-expressed genes and illustrated how proteome stoichiometry is regulated among different culture conditions. Co-expressed gene clusters were investigated and identified as homeostasis core, carbon-source dependent, and stationary phase-dependent genes. Overall, the authors demonstrate a strong and solid data analysis scheme for the joint analysis of Raman and proteome datasets.
Strengths and major contributions
(1) Experimentally, the authors contributed Raman datasets of E. coli with various growth conditions.
(2) In data analysis, the authors developed a scheme to compare proteome and Ramen datasets. Protein co-expression clusters were identified, and their biological meaning was investigated.
The experimental measurements of Ramen microscopy were conducted at the single-cell level; however, the analysis was performed by averaging across the cells. The author did not discuss if Ramen microscopy can used to detect cell-to-cell variability under the same condition.
Discussion and impact on the field
Ramen signature contains both proteomic and metabolomic information and is an orthogonal method to infer the composition of biomolecules. It has the advantage that single-cell level data could be acquired and both in vivo and in vitro data can be compared. This work is a strong initiative for introducing the powerful technique to systems biology and providing a rigorous pipeline for future data analysis.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
Summary and strengths:
Kamei et al. observe the Raman spectra of a population of single E.Coli cells in diverse growth conditions. Using LDA, Raman spectra for the different growth conditions are separated. Using previously available protein abundance data for these conditions, a linear mapping from Raman spectra in LDA space to protein abundance is derived. Notably, this linear map is condition-independent and is consequently shown to be predictive for held-out growth conditions. This is a significant result and in my understanding extends the earlier Raman to RNA connection that has been reported earlier.
They further show that this linear map reveals something akin to bacterial growth laws (ala Scott/Hwa) that the certain collection of proteins shows stoichiometric conservation, i.e. the group (called SCG - stoichiometrically conserved group) maintains their stoichiometry across conditions while the overall scale depends on the conditions. Analyzing the changes in protein mass and Raman spectra under these conditions, the abundance ratios of information processing proteins (one of the large groups where many proteins belong to "information and storage" - ISP that is also identified as a cluster of orthologous proteins) remain constant. The mass of these proteins deemed, the homeostatic core, increases linearly with growth rate. Other SCGs and other proteins are condition-specific.
Notably, beyond the ISP COG the other SCGs were identified directly using the proteome data. Taking the analysis beyond they then how the centrality of a protein - roughly measured as how many proteins it is stoichiometric with - relates to function and evolutionary conservation. Again significant results, but I am not sure if these ideas have been reported earlier, for example from the community that built protein-protein interaction maps.
Finally, the paper built a lot of "machinery" to connect \Omega_LE, built directly from proteome, and \Omega_B, built from Raman, spaces. I am unsure how that helps and have not been able to digest the 50 or so pages devoted to this.
The rigorous analysis of the data is the real strength of the paper. Alongside this, the discovery of SCGs that are condition-independent and that are condition-dependent provides a great framework.
Overall, I think it is an exciting advance but some work is needed to present the work in a more accessible way.