Whole-brain activity and morphology phenotypes of zebrafish with microexons removed.
(A) Summary of pErk comparisons between homozygous mutants and wild-type control siblings, where magenta represents decreased activity and green represents increased. The signal in each region was summed and divided by the region size. The N for all experiments is available in Table S2. (B) Summary of structure comparisons between homozygous mutants and wild-type control siblings, where magenta represents decreased size and green represents increased. (C) Location of major regions in the zebrafish brain based on masks from the Z-Brain atlas (Randlett et al., 2015). (D) Brain imaging for microexon mutants with repeatable brain activity phenotypes. The brain images represent the significant signal difference between homozygous and wild-type control siblings. They are shown as sum-of-slices projections (Z- and X-axes) with the white outline representing the zebrafish brain. (E) Structural phenotype of the ppp6r3 mutant, with replicates shown side-by-side. The magenta indicates decreased size. (F) Brain imaging for two microexon mutants with brain activity phenotypes that are similar for both the heterozygous and homozygous mutants.