Genomic occupancy of ZFHX3 in the SCN.
(A) left-Venn-diagram illustrating overlap of ZFHX3 peaks with histone marks, H3K4me3 and H3K27ac, right-table showing number of sites co-occupied by ZFHX3 and histone marks. (B,C,D and E) left-Genomic feature distribution of ZFHX3 peaks with histone marks (ChIPSeeker), right-UCSC genome browser tracks showing histone modifications H3K4me3(pink), H3K27ac (blue) and ZFHX3 (ZT3 = dark grey and ZT15 = light grey) normalized ChIP-seq read coverage at representative examples for each category. The chromosome location and scale (mm10 genome) indicated at the top.