Overview of structural domains in sTREM2.

(A) Pre-MD structure of sTREM2WT and (B) Full sequence of TREM2, indicating significant structural domains

The stalk of sTREM2WT stabilizes the Ig-like domain via binding to Surface 1.

(A) Distance between CDR2 loop residues 45 and 70 vs. time for WT and R47H models of sTREM2 and TREM2 (Ig). (B) Temporally-averaged Cα-RMSF of the isolated Ig-like domain of WT sTREM2 (sTREM2WT-Ig) vs. the Ig-like domain of TREM2 across six simulations (three trials each with two different protonation states for H43 (see main text for details)). (C-D) Cα-RMSD of (C) WT and (D) R47H models of sTREM2 and TREM2 vs. time, with corresponding snapshots shown for the initial and equilibrated structures in each case. The stalk domain of sTREM2 is shown in dark purple, while the CDR2 loop of TREM2 is shown in light purple. (E-F) Normalized fractional occupancy of residues in the Ig-like domain of (E) sTREM2WT and (F) sTREM2R47H by the stalk.

The stalk of sTREM2WT modulates phospholipid binding.

(A-D) Normalized fractional occupancy of residues in (A) IgWT by SOPS, (B) sTREM2WT by SOPS, (C) IgWT by SOPC, and (D) sTREM2WT by SOPC, averaged across seven, five, five, and six 150 ns simulations, respectively. (E-H) VMD snapshots of representative structures from the PL/(s)TREM2WT simulations, with PLs and corresponding complex binding free energies shown in matching colors.

R47H mutation decreases ligand discrimination but increases binding to the flexible stalk.

(A-D) Normalized fractional occupancy of residues in (A) IgR47H by SOPS, (B) sTREM2R47H by SOPS, (C) IgR47H by SOPC, and (D) sTREM2R47H by SOPC, averaged across four, seven, six, and eight 150 ns simulations, respectively. (E-H) VMD snapshots of representative structures from the PL/(s)TREM2R47H simulations, with PLs and corresponding complex binding free energies shown in matching colors. (I) Comparison of the binding free energies averaged across all WT and R47H models for each PL/protein system. Errors bars represent the standard error of the mean.